Showing posts with label magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magazine. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Modern Patchwork Spring 2015 and Australian Homespun April 2015

On Saturday we  move. Finally. Last weeks were really exhausting - all this packing, cleaning, searching for new furniture, driving around, planning, and more packing and cleaning... and on top of this - work, home, cats and normal life. Sometimes I wish that day has more than 24 hours...
But it slowly comes to an end. Then will be just unpacking, cleaning, buying the rest which we didn't yet have time to buy and probably more cleaning and unpacking on top of everything. I look forward for the end of April... I hope till then life will be back to normal.
Although I almost forgot how a sewing machine looks like ;) (I didn't sew anything for at least 2 months), it's now time for two of my earlier projects to be published in:
Ach... gdyby tak mozna bylo wydluzyc dzien. Chocby o te kilka godzin. Moze wtedy udaloby mi sie zrobic wiecej. W sobote sie wreszcie przeprowadzamy. Mam juz powoli dosc tego calego sprzatania, pakowania, jezdzenia po sklepach w kazdej wolnej chwili bo tyle jest rzeczy do kupienia, znowu pakowania, bo pomimo, ze liczba wypelnionych kartonow rosnie, to ilosc rzeczy lezacych w szafach wcale nie chce zmalec, planowania wszystkiego, a dodatkowo normalne, codzienne obowiazki wcale nie chca poczekac az skonczymy z przeprowadza ;)
Po sobocie mam nadzieje bedzie juz z gorki i licze na to, ze do konca kwietnia nasze zycie wroci do jako takiego porzadku.
Do maszyny nie usiadlam od prawie 2 miesiecy (choc nie pakowalam jej do ostatniej chwili, liczac, ze moze jednak uda mi sie cos uszyc...), ale przyszedl wlasnie czas, ze dwa z moich wczesniejszych projektow zostaly opublikowane w magazynach patchworkowych:

(That's my pillow on the front cover!)
and Australian Homespun April 2015
(wall hanging with PP scarecrow)
I will write more details about both projects a bit later.
I hope you still bear with me and my absence. I have sewing plans. I just have to deal with moving first :)

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Modern Quilting Magazine issue 4

Two of my projects are featured in the current Issue 4 of Modern Quilting magazine!
My 'Weaving the strands' quilt is on the cover :) (I made that photo in my friend's garden). Love the colours of the cover matching the colours of the quilt:

Dwa moje projekty zostaly opublikowane w aktualnym numerze (#4) czasopisma Modern Quilting! Zdjecie mojego quiltu znalazlo sie tez na okladce (zdjecie bylo robione w ogrodku mojego kolegi). Bardzo podoba mi sie kolorystyka okladki pasujaca do kolorow quiltu:

The second is the sewing machine cover:

Drugim z projektow jest pokrowiec na maszyne do szycia:

And in the next issue another of my quilts is comming ;) Yay!

A w numerze #5 Modern Quilting bedzie moja kolejna narzuta :)

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Patchwork Special

Already quite a time passed since I posted anything... work goes slowly, no good light for photos, days get shorter and I updated my Dawanda shop recently. Not many changes :) Why I'm here toay... 2 days ago I bought myself a pachwork magazine. I do not do it regularly, just sometimes, when I see interesting ideas. This one is full of ideas for Christmas. See for yourself:

 this one is my favourite ^.^

And? What do you think? It's worth to spend some time to create one (all ;) ) of them for Christmas...

Next time I will post a tutorial... how to do pear cup coasters and sew bias tape. Two in one :)


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