Sunday, June 30, 2013

Never Enough Time

Well, last week proved to be a bust when it came to sewing.  Life intervened, and any REAL time in the sewing room just didn't happen.  Status of the jeans:  zipper is in, inseams have been sewn but not top stitched and they are draped over the ironing board.

Speaking of the ironing board, I'm in love with my "new" vintage iron.  It steams great.  When the steam button is set, it steams when you start pressing and the steam stops when you set it upright.  It stays hot since it doesn't know to tell itself to turn off.  I'm in love.  If you missed the iron post, it's just a few posts back if you want to read.  I'm thinking I may need to stalk Ebay for another "good deal" on a vintage iron just to "have on hand" if something happens with this one.

With no sewing going on, I have been able to crochet in spits and spirts.  It's a lacy pull over pattern top from Issue 5 of Crochet 1 2 3 magazine.  I've only started it at least 3 times; I had a terrible time wrapping my brain around some of the instructions.  I admit, it's been a while since I've crocheted, but I think I finally have it figured out.  In it's current state:

I try to complete a few rows each day.  I'm anxious to complete it even though I haven't been able to spend long periods of time with the hook.  Seems I have too many irons in the fire lately.  Seems to be story of my life.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Pattern and a Memory

I think we all know the feeling: a golden oldie comes on the radio and suddenly we're transported back to a memorable high school dance, or to that perfect afternoon on the beach with friends.  It happens to me.

Sometimes, patterns do the same for me.  

This jumpsuit pattern

was sewn with medium brown textured polyester double knit - the long sleeved version.  Those of  you around my age will likely remember the "birth of double knit."  I remember it as the late 60's.  What a fabric!  It didn't wrinkle, had some stretch and didn't ravel. A sewer's delight, yes?  For the time, yes.

What I remember:  It was November either 1970 or 71; how do I remember the time of year?  I made it to wear to Texas Stadium to the Cowboys' Thanksgiving Day game.  My high school sweetie had been given two tickets to the game.  He first offered to take his Dad (which was OK with me), but his Dad told him he needed to stay for their family dinner and that he should take me and have a wonderful day.

Much to my Mom's disappointment, I missed the family dinner at my Aunt's.  She understood, but was disappointed.  It was the early game, noonish.  Texas Stadium had the hole in the roof and our seats were in a cold spot - right where the wind would whip in and around the row of seats.  I had my "warm" coat.  Needless to say, a "warm" coat in Texas is not the same as a "warm" coat in Green Bay.  I had my boots on, but I.GOT.COLD!  And, I got hungry for turkey and dressing.

After the game, we went to Sweetie's house where his mom had prepared plates full of food for us.  She warmed  them, and we both chowed down.  I still remember sitting at their kitchen table, just the two of us, enjoying our "leftover" Thanksgiving dinner.  

I remember lots of details of that day, but I don't remember who won the game.  Weird........

A good time in my life! and a good memory.  The pattern?  Jumpsuits were not a favorite.  Don't remember making another one.   

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ebay and a Vintage Iron

Until very recently, I hadn't had to deal with one of the new irons that MUST turn itself off after what seems to be 60 seconds after I turn my back on it.

For at least 10 years, I used either a little Black and Decker (that probably cost all of $15 new) or my  EuroPro with the steam canister that I won from my Janome Sewing Dealer in a Christmas in July drawing.  THAT was a nice iron.  Well, it finally gave up the ghost; it would heat, but no longer steam.  It had been  subjected to couple of falls off the ironing board during it's lifetime which could have contributed to its demise.  I sure hated to see it go.

I couldn't decide what I wanted to buy.  I could still use my little Black and Decker, but I take it with me to sewing classes, etc., and I decided I needed something else for the home sewing room.  In the interim of deciding "what to buy," I bought a Shark from Walmart - I  think less than $30 (don't remember for sure).  Naturally, it is one of those irons that tries to keep us from hurting ourselves or burning the house down.

The steam is very good.  It heats quickly, but I hated having to "turn it back on" most times I needed to use it after sewing a few seams.  I've read reviews of irons on Stitchers Guild, and understood that there are one or two irons where the timed off can be by-passed.  I also read the woes of many who purchased (and paid high $$) for name brand irons that lasted "just until the short warranty ran out."  I simply couldn't decide (or didn't want to decide).

So, why not purchase a "vintage" iron that WILL NOT turn itself off.  I'm not sure what happened to Mom's iron.  Maybe my sister has it...........Anyhow, I logged on to E-bay.  There are lots of irons listed.  I bid on one iron that was vintage 1960's (either a GE or Sunbeam) that was still packaged in it's original packing, as if it had never been used.  I, of course didn't win that one.

Then I ran across this one.  The listing read, "Sunbeam Steam and Dry Iron. Belonged to a professional seamstress.  It was well cared for.  Signs of use, of course.  Perfect working order.  Original box and instructions included."  I bid (and at the end was the only bidder), and won this little jewel for $21 (+shipping).  Hopefully, she will last a while.  She arrived today, and I gave her a test drive.  She performed so very well.  Right now I'm very happy!  She stays on (and hot) until

Jeans are cut; color on my monitor is showing lighter shade than in real life.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Vogue 8691

I'm not feeling the love yet.  I started this top last week.  A royal blue rayon/poly jersey knit from Fabric Mart has been in the stash a while.  I had planned to finish and wear to lunch on Saturday with friends, BUT the sewing was taking longer than I had anticipated, and I didn't want to rush.  The fabric was a bit fidley, and rushing would have made it worse.  I didn't want to increase the chance of mistakes and frustration.

So, back to it today:  I have the ruffle basted on and began sewing with a twin needle.  I've had to take out some of the stitching as I was getting some "wavies."  It was almost time to stop for the day and begin deciding on something for dinner, so the tunic is on Saphroni (the dress form).    It may stay there a few days while I contemplate the "feeling the love thing."

The fit is nice.  It did take it in just under the arms to give it a bit more shaping.  I think I wasn't expecting it to be as long in the back as it is.  I had planned to wear it with some floral print "skinnier" jeans I found on sale.  Not sure I like the combo when I did a quick try on this afternoon.  Maybe it was just the mood of the day.  I feel a bit like I've been in a fog most of the day--probably allergy related as I did some mowing last evening.  

It may look better tomorrow................

Status of the purple jeans project:  the white denim has been dyed - twice.  Not the shade I had hoped for, but I'm going ahead with it.  Maybe they will get cut out tomorrow.

Friday, June 14, 2013

To answer a Question - Fabrics

BJ in TX left (in partial) the following comment:  "And speaking of Pursley's.....if I remember right, you are close to Dallas - have you been to Perth Street lately? Went there recently after a 2 year absence - was SO disappointed. Where are you buying your wonderful fabrics? "

I wanted to answer BJ's question, but it also me got me to thinking more about how fabric buying has changed for me over the years I have sewn.  Yep, I was on Perth Street just this week.  I visited C&C Fabrics, Dallas Spandex (fairly new place; they have some nice RPL for $7/yd) and Super Textiles.  Things have really changed over the 15 or so years I've been visiting the area.  Some places have closed, a couple have opened, and one has moved buildings.  

There is not the variety nor the amount of stock inventory there used to be.  It's a sign of the times, I'm afraid, and it makes me sad - sad for myself and other sewists who love(d) to shop there and lived the "thrill of the hunt" to find that special fabric OR find a special fabric at SUCH a bargain!  I smile as I think of the times:

*  I the bolt of raw silk (12 yards) that was marked "$1 per yard - MUST BUY THE WHOLE BOLT."  Grabbed that up so I didn't have to rip it out of someone else's arms.

*  I found a rayon/lycra knit in the same print I had seen (and admired) in the Coldwater Creek catalog, and it was $4/yd.  At least 3 yards came home with me.

*  Two bolts of coordinating linen/rayon (both on the $1/yd - must buy the bolt) table.  It washed up so soft. My sister got an outfit; I got a 3-piece outfit; gave some to a friend who made up a pants/top/jacket outfit, and I think there is some still in the stash.  

There are more of those fun experiences, but these are the ones that come to mind quickly.

My sewing buddy and I had a conversation with the owner of Super Textiles (Steve) last year.  He told us that he just can't find the fabrics.  So much is made abroad and the availability of overruns, overstocks, etc. that used to be in abundance here in the U.S. just isn't out there anymore.  Business  has been slow enough that he had to lay off one of the ladies who had been with him a very long time. When I go in now, I see lots of the same stock and some empty shelving.

I didn't stop at Golden D'Ore this time--not enough time.  I generally don't find as many "bargains" there as the other places.  BUT they almost always have a nice selection of silks and wools among other fabrics at "good prices."  They have a bargain room where I have found some nice pieces.  They have two big sales per year where the bargain room fabric is marked ridiculously low, but you have to be willing to stand in long lines at the cutting tables.  Several costumers take advantage of those sales to stock their production sewing rooms for the year.

When I began sewing in the late early 60's, fabric was available at the department stores such as J.C. Penny's and Sanger Harris.  The local Singer Sewing Center stocked fabric along with their sewing machines. Then, when I was in high school, Cloth World arrived in my area, and I discovered Hancocks.  Department stores began to phase out their fabric departments.  There were a few locally owned fabric shops that lasted a few years.  In the Dallas/Ft Worth metroplex, high end independent fabrics stores can still be found, but they are few a far between now.  (this paragraph was a trip down memory lane!)

So, to answer your question, BJ, now I purchase fabric "when I find something I like" at the Perth Street Shops. Some times I find something; many times now I come home empty handed.   If I'm looking for something specific, I surf the web looking on, sawyer brook, gorgeous fabrics, fashion fabrics club, fabric mart, etc., etc.  I have wanted some white linen/rayon.  I found linen/cotton at both C&C, but no white and limited colors of linen/rayon at Super Textiles this week, but no white.  Last night I received an e-mail from Sawyer Brook.  When I logged on, there was white linen/rayon and on sale to boot!  It's winging its way to me now.

Most everything I've sewn lately has come from the stash.  I have mixed emotions about sewing down the stash.  I can't find what I used to find to replenish the stash, but then again, maybe I don't need to be "replenishing" after all.  

Boy, that was a very l-o-n-g answer wasn't it, BJ?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Two Louise Cutting patterns:  the pants are "My Swing Set" which are slim leg with side seams and elastic waist; the top is "Hearts a Flutter" that I have made more times than I can remember.

The photo doesn't show it well, but there is the shade of green of the pants in the the top fabric.  The flower fabric is linen or linen mix and was one of my purchases from the "late" Pursley's Discount Fabrics.  The pants are a linen/rayon mix, and my memory fails me on where this was purchased.

This pose put some funny wrinkles in the pants, but this pair fits just as the original pair I made from this pattern.

I intended to have this outfit completed at least a week ago, but life activities interfered.  That happens often these days.

Sorry to be headless today.  I didn't leave the house today so it was a no make-up pulled back hair day.  The camera wasn't kind to my tired face today so it was "off with the head."