Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Answers to a couple of questions

Rose asked about the length of the Batik: it was a generous 2 yds.

Martha asked how the armhole depth worked for me on the Hearts a Flutter top: the armholes were just right for me. I used a size M pattern. The only alteration I made was to adjust the bus point a bit. I hope you get yours worked out. For me, this is a great, go to pattern.

The Market was Super

Martha Pullen's Sewing Market was so much fun. I purchased some fabric (of course), patterns (check) and a pair of Kai sissors, among a few other do-dads. Attended three Louise Cutting classes and one Kathy Ruddy class. Enjoyed them all and learned something in each.

Nothing like attending a sewing market to aid in the sewing mojo. I have made (sorry, no pics yet) one top since market and have traced off a couple of patterns that are waiting to be muslined.

My laptop lost it's wireless connection so another laptop is on its way to me. I miss my laptop--browsing blogs in the evening while trying to keep up with a TV program. It appears to be OK otherwise, so I haven't lost any files BUT I do have Carbonite so it won't be hard to get the files from the old laptop to the new one when it arrives. I LOVE Carbonite--great investment and no stress if the computer crashes.

My garden is beginning to bring vegetables: green peppers, banana peppers, squash and cucumbers. I'm still waiting for those wonderful tomatoes to turn red!

And, as I close, I'll share with you the latest "Tiger" pic. Stretched out on the driveway - not a care in the world!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

At Last, some sewing going on

A friend and I will be headed to the Martha Pullen Sewing Market Thursday of this week. I've been looking at the schedule of free classes and trying to decide what I want to attend. Friend asked me what I was going to wear and I replied, "oh, jeans and a T or some Louise Cutting one seams."

Well, I suppose thinking about the market gave me a spurt of sewing mojo (which has been lacking due to my increased yard/garden work).

I was in need of some new one seam slacks. I really wore the two pair in neutral colors and that I had made last year of the year before so a new pair was warranted. So, stash shopping I went. Found some linen blend in a beige/tan color. Those sewed up in no time yesterday. Then I went stash diving for something to match. I had a couple of fabric pieces that would have worked, but I wanted something bright-----thus, I pulled this cotton batik out that has been in the stash probably 10 years.

I purchased it at Thomas Sewing Center in Mesquite, Texas at one of their "Sewing in July" programs. I purchased 3 pieces at that time.

I decided on the Louise Cutting Heart's a Flutter pattern that I've sewn about 3 or 4 times already.

Here's how I used the pattern of the fabric:


This is a TNT for me now. I just cut and sew. Well, the one seam pattern is also a TNT for that matter. So quick and easy. Gotta love it!

Anyhow, here's the outfit. Sorry the photo is not so good. I had to lighten the photo and the colors of the top are pretty accurate, but the slacks are really more tan than the photo shows.

The garden is doing well. I'm beginning to get a few items of "produce." Some green, banana peppers and cucumbers. I'm so looking forward to the tomatoes turning red!

This iris was one of my favorites this year. Of course, by now it's long gone!