Beberapa waktu dulu hubby bundo tanya, apekebendanya tag tag ni. Tag team ke. Nametag ke.
Dia tanya sambil gelak-gelak. Bundo jawab pun sambil gelak-gelak jugak. Anak-anak bundo lagilah gelak-gelak sebab bundo jawab ntah apa-apa.
Harini bundo nak ambil award yang nurul , cheq sue , amie , bagi. Ini dah kira main tag tag lah ni sebab award ni dah bercambah di serata alam maya. InsyaAllah, bundo akan letakkan award tu dan buat sedikit asignment yang diminta.
1. Thank & link back the person who gave you this award
(Ucapkan terima kasih dan link balik kepada orang yang beri award ini)
2. Share 7 things about yourself on the post
(Kongsi 7 perkara mengenai anda)
1. I am really a 'bundo' at age and at heart. I love being surrounded by children and have 8 of my own. The eldest is already 31 years old and the youngest is 17. Those who paid once-in-a-life time-visit to my house many years ago used to ask this question: you buat taska kat rumah ni ke. Actually they were all my children who were just like 'susun mata tangga'.
2. I have 2 adorable grandchildren age 8 months and 2 1/2 yrs old.
3. I am kak pah to many. You can also meet me at my anjung and drink secawan kopi panas.
4. I used to be a secondary school teacher but opted to leave that field due to some circumstances. I am still a teacher but to pre-school children. I own a pre-school centre, Tadika Aulad. Those who stay in Bandar Baru Bangi or kajang area and are still searching for a pre-school centre for you loved ones, are welcome to pay me a visit or give us a call.
5. I love photoshooting, crafting, decorating, gardening, cooking errr.. you name them all.
6. I have this aerophobia but this fear doesnt stop me from flying. I love to see the world and always dream to have tons of money so that I can have a round the world trip with my family.
7. My age? I think everybody can have a very good guess.
3. Pass the award to fifteen bloggers that you think deserve it.
(Berikan kepada 15 bloggers yang anda rasa layak)
I am not really good at this. So I pass this award to everybody who drop by at my dapur.
4. Lastly contact all the bloggers that you've picked for the award.
(Hubungi semua yang menerima)