Showing posts with label juice cleanse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label juice cleanse. Show all posts

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Juice Feasting Day 2 & 3

Day 3..... fifth juice of the day from rasa juicery

Yesterday was day 2 of my juice feast.  It was a good day.  I had to work in the morning and my job requires a lot of physical movement/energy, so I sipped on juices while working.  I did not have any cravings or detox symptoms.  My energy levels were stayed level and very good.
I attribute this to my high raw nutrient dense diet.  
Many people will have detox symptoms, such as headache, or fatigue, etc.

Today (day 3) has been good.   I stayed home and worked around my house.  I walked 3 miles with no problems...(I also walked 3 miles on day 1) with the exception of needing a bathroom, because of all the liquids I am consuming.
This cleanse has been so easy this time, that I thought I'd continue the juice feasting for an undetermined period of time....I will modify whenever I feel the need to begin eating again.

 I made some green juice for tomorrow.  
Kale/beet greens/parsley/celery/cucumber/zucchini/lemon/ginger.  
I also made some watermelon/mint juice.  
I froze most of the watermelon juice because I had so much!  
I only like to drink one watermelon juice per day, so freezing it will keep it good for a longer period of time.

My juices from rasa still taste as good today, as they did the day I picked them up.  
For convenience I will definitely purchase from rasa again.  They use high quality organic produce and they are cold pressed juices, which allows them to stay fresh for up to three days.
You can find rasa juices at Georgetown Market.

Juice for Health....
follow the links below and educate yourself about juicing

 Be Well~

Thursday, October 3, 2013

3 Day Juice Cleanse with rasa juices

Today I began a 3-day juice cleanse.

 I am doing this for several reasons......rejuvenation, reset, eliminate toxins, restore my adrenals after a very stressful period of time, I also have a rotator cuff injury that needs healing, so I really wanted to alkalize my body to relief some of the pain and discomfort and aid in healing.  As you can imagine, it is difficult to prepare veggies and then push them through the juicer if your rotator cuff is not cooperative...  :)

Thanks to Georgetown Market I did not have to make my own juice.
rasa  had my juices fresh pressed this morning and ready for pick up bright and early.

24 bottles bagged and ready to go, with instructions. Each bottle was numbered in the ordered to drink.
They also included instructions for those who are new to juicing.

I received 5 fresh pressed juices, a nut milk and 2 alkaline waters per day.

As you can see...this one was already gone..........

rasa juices and nut milks are absolutely fantastic!!  Delicious, Smooth and Juicy!  If you are out on the West Side and need a pick me up....try one of their juices!!

On my way to pick up my juices this morning I drank 1 bottle of my homemade mineral broth (pictured in the kombucha bottle) and a bottle of Fire Water (AVC, lemon juice, cayenne and water, pictured in the pitcher)

I also supplemented with an additional bottle of mineral broth in the afternoon.

I only had a few moments when I wanted to far not too bad...

Day One over and out!!!


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