Upon rising I drank
32 oz of Green lemonade
Mid morning I had fresh pineapple & blueberries sprinkled with Hemp seeds~Thanks to Matt Monarch
Mid afternoon~ Salad bowl filled with mixed greens(collards,leaf lettuce,celery leaves, fennel),grated carrots & cabbage, 1 yellow heirloom tomato thanks to my CSA(community supported agriculture)friends 1 red bullhorn pepper (from the farmers market, 1 crushed garlic clove, organic extra virgin olive oil, 1/2 lemon squeezed.,sprinkled with hemp seeds and a little raw milk gouda cheese..from my Amish friends.....now I'm thinking of a bit of Cacao Bliss..1 teaspoon...yummy
I visited the farmer's market this evening and here is what I picked up..
6 watermelons...my hubby is devouring almost one a day and my kiddo's try to get what they can
red bell peppers/bullhorn peppers/green peppers/sweet banana peppers
2 quarts of raw honey
some lettuces
cherry tomatoes~which I munched on in my car
I have to confess to a very human thing I did on my way home...one of my struggles that I am trying to give up completely... a tall coffee frappuchino :( I have really cut way back on these in fact I have gone a few weeks at a time without one...someday I hope that the desire is all gone...
I did give up my chai tea soymilk latte's in the morning quite some time ago...Yippee!
late supper~ 1 bullhorn pepper split down the middle with very thinly sliced raw gouda and one crushed garlic clove...kinda like a cheese quesadilla :)
This afternoon before my errand run I jumped on my trampoline for 33 mins and after my human thing I went to the park and walked/ran for 3 1/2 miles...