Showing posts with label Pasta Marinara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pasta Marinara. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pasta Marinara and Banana Pudding

Raw Pasta and Marinara Sauce

spiralize 1 1/2 small zuchinni

1/2-3/4 c. sundried tomatoes (soaked)
1 medium sized vine ripe tomato
1/2 c. roasted and  marinated red bell peppers (in olive oil)
3 garlic cloves
blend until desired consistency

pour sauce over zuchinni noodles and top with pine nuts
I added some granulated dulse and nutritional yeast after I took the picture

This dish was absolutely delicious and very filling.  I can hardly wait for the abundance of zuchinni we ususally get with our CSA share.
Snack time!
banana and blackberries

The pictures below were taken by my young teenage daughter H'N'K
I walked into the kitchen while she was creating these yummy snacks for herself.
She was so proud of herself for coming up with these idea's and I am proud of her for striving to eat healthy and take care of her body.  After all, our bodies are the temple of God if we belong to Him and we are to honor Him by taking care of it.

H'N'K was spreading banana just like butter on her romaine and said she was having butter and bread..raw style.  She added cinnamon and raisin to top it off!
very yummy

Soon after her Raw Bread and Butter she came up with
1 banana
drop of vanilla extract
small handful of raisins
1 T. raw almond milk

smoosh together

Finished product~CHUNKY BANANA PUDDIN'

H'N'K also discovered this tomato with a nose.
I wanted to put eyes on him with raisins... daughter said this is where the idea of Veggie Tales must have begun.

Laugh and love deeply today...

Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others Ph. 2:4


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