Showing posts with label Green soup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green soup. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Collard Wraps and Mango Cilantro Soup, Strawberry/Cashew Green Smoothie

This was our centerpiece for today's munchies.
What's on your table? 
 If you stay home and have children I encourage you to make a veg/fruit tray and have it on the table.  Better yet, have your young ones help make it. 
Children love to be involved in what you are doing....make it fun and don't get fussy when they make a mess.  You and your children will grow together and cherish the memories always.
Whenever I spill something on the floor, I laugh and say....I guess it was time to mop the floor!
Always remember...Relationships are more important than things....whether it be broken items or messy kitchens...

collard greens
lime juice

I used Annie's Goddess Dressing as the dip

2 roma tomatos
4 stalks of celery
2 handfuls of spinach
small handful of cilantro
1/2" jalapeno
lime juice
handful of frozen mango
water to help blend
Blend in Vita-mix on #3 until soup-y

My son and I gobbled this down after running errands this afternoon.

1 c. fresh almond milk
1 banana
large handful of spinach
large handful of frozen strawberries
1 heaping t. beet root powder
about heaping 1/4 c. of raw cashews
blend well...this will hold you for a few hours....

Today was my major produce pick up for the month...I miss my van on this day each month.  I am part of a co-op where we buy organic produce from our local distributor.  We get great prices purchasing this way.  We have several families that participate with us.  We have to purchase produce by the case, so we share cases or purchase them whole.  When you buy this way it is imperative that you have the necessary refrigeration space.  I find that if I carefully bag most of my items they stay good for some time.  Most fruits keep well in cold storage.
Although it is best to get your produce as fresh as possible...this works for our family. I still  buy other items during the month, but this is the bulk of what we use.
We live outside of the city in a rural area so frequent trips to the grocer is not feasible for our family.
Some of the items we received today were:
Granny Smith Apples
Blood Oranges
Red Beets
Gourmet Lettuce
Roma Tomatoes

What's in your fridge?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Raw Lasagna and Green Soup

Last night while checking out some new blogs I got inspired to make a raw I used what I had on hand.  We are snowbound today.  On top of all the ice we received 5-6" of snow is piling up, so I thought it best to stay home.


1 small zuchinni -thinly sliced
1 small butternut squash-thinly sliced
1 1/2- 2 c of frozen artichoke-thawed
raw sun-dried tomato marinara
Italian raw cheese
olive oil
balsamic vinegar
Himalyan Salt

Sundried Tomato Marinara
1 large tomato
handful of sun-dried tomatoes
1 date
black pepper
olive oil (optional) just a drizzle
Himalyan salt
blend in Vita-mix...if you don't have one make sure you soak the sun-dried tomatoes first

Italian Raw Cheese
1 c. macadamia nuts (soaked and drained)
1 c. sunflower seeds (soaked and drained)
1-2 garlic cloves
1/2 t. Himalyan Salt
1/4 c. lemon juice
1/4 c. water
oregano, basil, thyme

blend in Vita-mix until smooth...add water as necessary to get right consistency
you will have more than you need with the can use it on raw pizza's or as a dip for veggies
1. prepare cheese and marinara and sit in fridge
2. marinate artichokes in olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic, oregano, basil, thyme
3. prepared zuchinni and butternut squash~peel and slice on a mandoline
4.lightly salt squash
5. Assemble your lasagna 
a. place a very thin layer of marinara on the bottom of dish so noodles will stick
b. arrange one type of noodle
c. spread cheese on noodles
d. place spinach on top of cheese
e. chop up artichokes and place on cheese
f. top with marinara
g.noodles/cheese/spinach/artichokes/marinara~until gone

I chopped up my leftover butternut squash and let it sit in leftover marinate and then squeezed it out and spread over the top. 

note that my cheese is yellow...I had made a cheddar cheese with the entire batch by adding tumeric for color before dividing...if you are only making the lasagna half your cheese recipe and leave out the tumeric


1 cucumber
1/2 large tomato
5-6 baby carrots
small handful of cilantro
1-2 c. baby spring mix
spicy guacamole
lime juice

blend until desired consisteny and I topped it with dulse granules and cheezy kale chips

Remember to keep a fruit/veggie/nuts/seeds available for your kids to munch could also keep a stash of green smoothies or green juices in the fridge (my kiddo's like the green lemonade)

or what was on your table?
today's a.m tray was a fruit tray~
blood oranges, kiwi, pineapple spears and grapes
sorry no picture....they gobbled it down before I got the chance :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Inspire you Children to Eat Healthy!!

My daughter just made this meal for her dinner tonight....Spring Roll,
Miso Soup and a Baby Romaine Salad with Paul Newman's Poppy Seed Dressing
Spring Roll
rice paper~drizzled with lime juice
red onion
shredded carrots
banana pepper

Miso Soup
1 c. Miso white mellow
6 c. water
1/2 pureed onion
small handful shredded cabbage
1 strip wakame
shot of Bragg's Liquid Amino's
sprinkled with dulse

My daughter is going full throttle vegan...she is a very young teen wanting to be healthy and finding her groove in life.
Yesterday while I was jumping on my trampoline and getting reading to hit the treadmill, my daughter was exercising with Tony Horton doing P90 and my son was waiting for the exercise floor to do his P90X.  It has been very rewarding to see the seeds that I have  planted growing in their lives.  First and foremost were seeds about God and His Son Jesus Christ....the most important seeds.... and the fruit that has followed as they have grown in wisdom, knowledge and relationship with Him.
And now,  as I watch them grow in taking care of their temple...becoming educated and growing in knowledge and applying this to thier lives....creating habits that will be ingrained within them....even if they get sidetracked, they will know the how and why to get back on track...... can we Inspire our children.....I believe we can, by being examples and feeding them information and good food....and not being critical or condemning.....and by sharing our knowledge and experience with others that are sick or dying or those who want to know about nutrition and health....
You WILL be able to share... and you don't have to shove it down people's throats....they will come, they will ask....and when they do, share this with your children...this will inspire and encourage them, when they see others changing or wanting to change their lifestyle and diet. 
My family has been very encouraged lately. We have a very young male friend with cancer and his chemo doctors hav given him only a 20% chance of survival......he elected to have no more chemo and decided to go the nutritional route.... juicing, green veggies, barley powder, no sugar, no dairy, no meat.......and about 10 days later after he started this routine he was re-scanned....the tumors in his lungs were gone and his major tumor was 40-50% reduced!!!!
Praise the LORD!!
God's food is what our bodies need to do the repair and give health ....He gets the glory.
He gives us free will to choose to believe in Him.....and also to choose what we put into the body He designed...I do not believe these choices are on the same level...but regardless, they both give life to the eternal.......CHOOSE LIFE.......and be an inspiration to others...

1/2 avocado
1/2 cuke
1 stalk of celery
1 tomato
1/4 chopped cilantro
handful of spinach
1 T. chopped jalapeno
8 cubes of frozen mango
1/2-1c. water to blend
blend to desired consistency...I like mine with some texture...then I topped mine with the leftover Nasty Hot Kale Chips from Brad's Raw Chips...and some dulse granules..
this made about 3 1/2 cups and I ate it all


1 bunch of red beets~shredded
6 whole carrots~shredded
5 cloves of garlic~minced
1/3 to 1/2 c. extra virgin olive oil
1/3 to 1/2 c. lemon or lime juice
sprinkle with ground cloves~optional
mix together and let marinate

Friday, December 4, 2009

Greens and Hummus~and the Benefits of Celery Juice

I normally have several quarts of juice in my fridge, but I am out and need to do some juicing today. My favorites always include lots of celery. Right now I have three heads of celery waiting on me to juice. I will probably add some beet greens, bok choi, lemon and apples this time
Follow this link for the benefits of celery juice.

I feel great as far as my digestion goes since my liquid feast...which is a huge blessing. My digestive process is usually a constant issue, as I am aware of what is going on and prehaps have a little discomfort. It is usually nothing big and painful but just a constant awareness. I believe this is because in the past I have eaten corn chips with my raw soups. It may seem like a little thing, but the discomfort it brings is not a constant that I think I want. Along with this discomfort I am always on the edge of another attack if I add anything else to my diet that I know causes me distress, too many nuts or nut butter, avocado, etc. The nuts and avocado are okay in very small amounts with no problems as long as I am not consuming the chips or other non raw items.
I was listening to Penni Shelton give her testimony on Discover Kingdom Health the other night and she also battled with IBS for many years. She said something that really encouraged me and kinda empowered me. She stated that through her experiences she know that if she reverts back to eating like she used to that all her symptoms would return. I believe Penni has discovered what I am now discovering with IBS. This condition requires diligent attention to what we put into our mouths. With every action there is a reaction. So study yourself and find out what your individual reactions are when you eat and make the appropriate changes that meet your unique needs. We are not all the same and will not all react the same as we follow a raw food diet or any diet for that matter.


Green Soup
1/2 english cucumber peeled
handful of organic cherry and grape tomatoes
2 oz organic cilantro
2-3 celery stalks
big handful of organic spinach
1/4 avocado
lemon juice
cayenne pepper
Blend and pour into a bowl
I put about 3/4 c. of Beet Salad in it

raw seed crackers with a little Macho Nacho Cheese

Peanut Butter Cup Smoothie (recipe below)

supplements~ I take nearly everyday, I just don't post them~
b-12 sublingual, D3, multi w/digestive enzymes and probiotics

Rejuvelac lemonade

2 c. romaine (organic) torn
2 celery stalks
Hummus (no beans~this is great if beans bother you~I call this the no gas version)

~ recipe from "How We All Went Raw," Nungesser ad Malachi (see link on sidebar) page 70
in a food processor using the S blade add:
2 garlic cloves
1 zucchini, peeled and chopped
2 c. sunflower seeds
1/2 c. raw tahini
1/4 c. lemon juice
1/3 c. water
1/3 c. extra virgin cold pressed olive oil
2 t. sea salt

Mix in the food processor on high until creamy.

3 heads of celery (organic)
1 bunch of beet leaves (organic)
3 c. Romaine (organic)
1 head of bok choi (organic)
3 gala apples (organic)
lemon juice fresh squeezed
ginger root (organic)
liquid stevia
1 1/2 c. water

this made about 3 1/2 quarts

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Green Soup~

Today's menu~
16 oz of green lemonade
3 strawberries & a few blueberries

Green Soup

in vita mix
mixed greens (I prefer romaine & celery, but I need to finish these off)
3 roma tomatoes
splash of my carrot/cuke/beet juice
1 garlic clove
cayenne powder (it was quite bitter so I added this to help mask it a bit)

Rawpuchinno ~thanks RawDawg Rory

3 c. water
6 T. Dandy blend
2 T. raw cacao powder
2 frozen bananas
3 c. ice
3 T. raw honey

blend in vita mix & share with someone

one sweet banana pepper
1/2 pint of raspberries

Dinner date with my hubby~ mexican~not raw

refried beans
guacamole salad (lettuce, tomato and guac)
cheese dip
digestive enzymes to the rescue!!!

my poor tummy...

30 min walk/run in the park


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