It was another beautiful day here in the mid-west, 70 degrees and Sunny! :)
We are in for some rain over the next few days so I made sure to get some Vitamin D (sunshine) during my 1 hr. power walk today. Today was also a work day for me, four hours of non-stop vigorous housecleaning. I intentionally do not take a break when cleaning so as to make the most out of it. Here is a link on, "How to Get Fit Cleaning House" For many out there this may not be challenging , but there may be some of you that would benefit from these suggestions.
This listing of Calories burned comes from Nutrastrategy
*I am not recommending everything you find on this site, but there is a good listing of other activities/calories burned.
Activity (1hour)
If you weigh.......................130lbs....155lbs.....190lbs
Cleaning, heavy, vigorous effort...266........317........388
Cleaning, house, general...........207........246........302
Cleaning, light, moderate effort...148........176........216
After looking at this chart I see now why my energy levels were dropping ....all raw with little carbs..I was mostly drinking juice during my working hours...celery juice has very few calories.
Prior to beginning my cleaning business I only exercised in spurts for the last year because of injury and the busyness of life.
It is essential that we fuel our bodies according to our activity levels and goals we are trying to achieve.
Intentional eating for today~
7 a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, maca, lucuma, mesquite, chia seeds, hemp seeds, cacao nibs
9 a.m.Green Juice~celery, lime, ginger, stevia
strawberries and kiwi
12 noon~snack while working~
brown rice cake and raw almond butter
1 whole red bell pepper
2 p.m. Just before my power walk
Veggie sandwich~loaded with veggies and sprinkled with oregano/olive oil and balsamic vinegar
4 p.m.smoothie~raw almond milk, 1/2 frozen banana, mesquite, Amazing Grass Superfood~chocolate (heaping T.), ice
6:30 p.m.Dinner~
1 small zuchinni peeled with a veggie peeler to make into strips
topped with~
Marinara~made it up on the spot
In vita-mix~blend
3 soaked sun dried tomatoes~organic, sulfur free (plus soak water)
1/2 large tomato
1 clove of garlic
drizzle of olive oil
italian herb blend
dash of salt
Sprinkled with some Raw Walnut Parmesan~~~
walnuts & nutritional yeast & italian herbs
This last meal was delicious and I'll be doing it again.
9pm~while typing this~kefir water & a few of Brad's Raw Chips
1 hr. power walk today and knee seems to be improving. It did not bother me as much today at the end of my walk.
Now off for some time with the kids before retiring~