Hello Blog family!
I haven't been blogging much lately because I've been hanging with my own family and working on some projects in my community. I encourage you to do the same.
Get out in your community and find ways to connect and be an encourager.
You've heard the saying it is better to give than to receive...check it out!
I've been getting my Green on, but I've put my juicer aside at the moment for the quick blender method of juicing in my Vita-Mix.
Green Juice
Below I have blended~
2 cucumbers
huge handful of celery
and then strained it through my nut milk bag and placed it back in my Vita-Mix container
and added:
beetroot powder
carrot powder
barley powder
squirt of stevia
and pulsed it quickly to mix
This is super hydrating and great for the skin!
no pic of the finished juice....but trust me it was delicious.
This is another Greenie I've been enjoying
(one day I used kiwi instead of banana)
4 oz of spinach
(one day I used 3 oz. spinach and one oz. of romaine)
a little water and a few ice cubes and blend until smooth
This lasted me most of the morning and then I had a
Banana Celery Smoothie
3 med banana's
2 1/2 oz of celery
ice and a little water
blend until smooth and sprinkle with cinnamon
Ear Candeling time for hubby!
Ear Candeling is a great way to remove wax from my husband's ears instead of going to a doctors office for wax removal and it is less expensive.
Ear Candeling may or may not be for you. This is a decision everyone must make for themselves.
The first time we did this a few years ago, some of the burnt paper fell onto his arm and he wasn't too thrilled about this method. Now I lay a towel around his shoulders and arms to keep this from happening.
Watch this video for simple instructions on Ear Candeling.
This video explains how the Ear Candle works.
God Bless your week!