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Showing posts with label ONSLAUGHT MINIATURES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ONSLAUGHT MINIATURES. Show all posts

Monday, February 24, 2020

Undead Captain, Hordes Of 'Em....

Our story begins with...
The valiant town guard

I have more of them on the way, just as soon as I get around to cutting of their pikes and then sculpting them some halberts.

And they are up against...

some spooky specters

Three shadowy wraiths

two fierce wights (who apparently frequent the same hair salon as the bride of Frankenstein ๐Ÿ˜›)

and a whole passel of ghouls and ghasts

For those of you wondering.
The guards are from Ral Partha's Blighthaven/Demonworld line.
All the undead are from Splintered Light, exept for one ghoul who is from Alternative Armies.

Well, thats it for this episode.


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Powell's Rangers to the Rescue !!!

Howdy folks,

sorry it's been so long since my last post. 
What can I say, a busy time at work followed by me having trouble getting my hobby mojo back.
Rest assured though I'm back in full swing now (got tons of plans/projects) and regular postings should resume.

So what got me back in the saddle?
These guys from Onslaught Miniatures.

I present to you Powell's Rangers, shown here with their nano-flage set to parade colors.
They are an elite mercenary unit whose adventures will be the focus my next 6mm campaign.

As you can see all the figures were modified at least a little to make them fit my own universe some what better.
I started by removing the second rocket packs on the right shoulders of all the figures.
The pink rig got a weapons upgrade from the standard DEG gun to an autocannon as a squad support weapon.
The yellow rig got an electronic warfare suite added to her right shoulder.
And finaly the blue rig was fitted with a heavy missile pod and artillary cannon to provide long range fire support.

What will all this awesome firepower be use on you ask?

Well for starters...


Can you say Blue Gender

Also other enemy mecha both regular army and rival mercs for some roller scating VOTOMS action.
(Can never get enough of that๐Ÿ˜Ž)

And of course it wouldn't be scifi without some evil corporation with it's own private army now would it?

 I'll be using my usual mash-up of rules to allow for solo play, enoug grit to suit me and story developpement.

Considering my track record with doing AAR's ( ie. complete failure) I've decided I will aim low and settle for taking a few in game pictures and writing a short blurb on the overall action.
If I can manage to do a few of those I'll see about going more in depth.

Well that's it for now,


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Even More Space Hulk

Painted up some genestealer cultists

And I also finished the final two sister of battle figures, the captain and psycher (librarian analogue)

I ran into a little snag for the production of the tiles for the expantions.
Apparently I used up my last sheet of really fine needlework canvas to make the base set and the store where I bought it has gone belly up so I'll have to do some hunting around the internets for the correct size of granny grating.(any and all tips on this are welcome)


Saturday, December 24, 2016

More Space Hulk

It took me a while but thanks to HLS models 50% onslaught miniatures sale I finaly got my hands on some appropriate figures for this project.

I didn't manage to get all the figures I wanted but I'll be ordering the rest from Vanguard minis soon.

I decided to go with the sisterhood Athena power armored troops for my terminators

I converted one of the normal troopers to a chainfist armed one by adding the tip of an avian chainspear to her gauntled.
Still missing the captain and librarian analogue figures but I have found suitable figures in the sisterhood command pack which I'll be ordering soon.

The genestealers were a no brainer as onslaught has some exelent not-genestealers in their Legion prowlers.
The broodlord is a Legion Overseer. There are three variants of this figure, this one, one armed with two swords and one armed with some sort of bio cannon, I'll be painting these to and probably make up some extra rules for them to add a little variety.

I've also picked up some of their not-genestealer cult so yeah I'll probably end up doing the various space hulk expantions next.

Thats it for now and I'll leave you with a crappy picture of my new storage solution for this project


Oh ...     and...   ...  MERRY CHRISTMASS YALL !!!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Space Hulk Nano

Well I've finally done it!

I built myself a complete set off 6mm Space Hulk tiles and airlock doors.

And here they are...

Construction was fairly simple, just granny grating cut to size and glued onto magnetic paper so I can play on a metal surface and things won't slide around.
The little square inset tiles are also made of magnetic paper and as the minis will also be based on the same stuff the whole thing should be pretty stable on the go.

Here's a few pics of the first mission layout to give you an idea what a game would look like.

The minis are place holders untill I recieve my order from Onslaught Miniatures who were kind enough to put together a custom Space hulk pack for me from there awesome Sisterhood and Legion lines.

As these pictures are all a little dark I decided to pop a tile and some doors into my mini lightbox for a clearer look.

And just cause I couldn't resist playing around with them here's some of the airlock doors together with my spaceport terrain.

Now I still need to make some 3D flame tokens and find a nice way to make good looking magnetised blip counters that are easy to pick up and move around, any and all ideas are welcome.

Ok thats it for now, hopefully I'll have some pictures of the painted miniatures for you soon.


Monday, February 24, 2014

Something Wicked This Way Comes - Onslaught Miniatures Stygians

Onslaught Miniatures has some minis set for future release that have got me interested in playing Epic. The new faction they will be releasing are called the Stygians, and if you're familiar with the 40K universe, you know who these guys look like, one of my all time favorite evil races; the Dark Eldar. Since they are a future release, I should have time to save up to buy a bunch of these deliciously evil minis once they are released. You can see more preview photos on the Onslaught Miniatures site.