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Showing posts with label Crom's Anvil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crom's Anvil. Show all posts

Saturday, September 5, 2020

The Genie is Out of the Bottle.

More minis from the box of shame.
This time a trader with his camel train and somen beastmen to waylay him.

I also made some table funishings and a table and painted some large pots for my palace tiles.

And did a little conversion, a Crom's Anvil bodyguard became a Genie.

The lamp is a bit oversized, but I can reason that away due to the magical effects of the genie emerging from the lamp so that's O.K.😉

I ordered a whole bunch of beads over on Ali Express to make wall decorations and colums and maybe even some more small knicknacks for the palace tiles but they'll take a while to arrive so that project may have to wait a bit.

No worries, I have plenty of orther things to keep me busy.



Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Yasmina's Secret.

Surely such a mighty warrior as you need not fear a soft female such as me.
Why don't you join me on the pillows and perhaps we can find a more pleasurable way to settle our differences.

Then when our brave hero's back is turned...


When I first saw the Hatun Yasmina figure it immediately made me think of the 5e D&D artwork for the Lamia. I still had some lion miniatures sticking in the leadpile so I decided to order two Yasmina's and see if I couldn't make something happen.

The terrain was a test to see if I could make a set of tiles and scatter that better represents the kind of opulent palace that conan likes to sneak into in search of oppertunities😇

I had fun making them so you may expect to see more like these in the future.


Monday, August 17, 2020

Black Reavers.

Well, I just ordered a bunch of stuff from Croms Anvil, so I decided to open up the Box of Shame and see if I could maybe finish some minis I had already started before the new shinies arrived.

Here's the first group 

I'm thinking of using these as Conan (Crom's Anvil), Belit (Battle Valor) and her Black Reavers (Blue Moon).

More to come soon...          ...maybe😉


Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Holidays are Over... Back to Work!!!

Now that the summer holidays are nearing the end I've finally got some hobby time again.
So how did I spend these precious moments? 😎
Well, I painted some Crom's Anvil tribal warriors to serve as leaders for my Copplestone Picts.
I will be using these in stead of the Gnolls some of the missions call for.

I also wanted some treasure/clue markers like the Frostgrave ones  from Northstar.
I couldn't really find anything that hit the mark in 15mm so I decided to sculpt some myself.

And, as I seemed to be on a roll, I decided to tackle the spider cocoons for the second part of the first mission too.

Next I think I'm going to try my hand at sculpting some casualty markers and I have based and basecoated the zombies and survivors so they are ready for painting to.

Things are finally moving again, hopefully I'll have more things so share with you soon.


Thursday, May 2, 2019

Here Be Giants!

Well, I managed to paint 2 frost giants from Splintered Light Miniatures.
Shown here with some of my previously painted Demonworld elves for size reference.

And also some barbarian scouts who ran into a pict shaman raising some corpse worms.

The barbarians are also Demonworld, the big worm is Ral Partha, the larva are from Alternative Armies and the shaman from Crom's Anvil.

That's it for now, as for next time , we'll have to wait and see where the brush takes me...😎
