With an early start on my Fri-day-Night Sew-In and a close call with my beef stew (just caught it before it reached the point of 'too caramelized') ... I finished off the night with a browse through a couple of magazines ... sewing ones of course.
I began by finishing the last big block and giving my ladybugs some detail for NJ's June blocks. Then pressed and trimmed.
This centre piece is for block 2 of AMCG ... now finished, pressed and trimmed.
Lastly I cut and placed the fabric to piece together for the centre block background of NJ. The sewing happened this morning so now I'm ready to select scrap fabrics for the appliques.
Waaaayyy back at the beginning of June hubby and I traveled about 4 1/2 hours south where I planned to meet up with this lovely lady for our annual stroll around Farmfest and all it's agriculture displays... but really it's about catching up, enjoying a coffee and yummy treat ... thanks
Fiona, time went far too quickly.
An extra special treat this year with Lee Kernighan performing.
Homeward bound and then off again to help this gorgeous little man celebrate his first birthday. Every man needs a work vehicle.
As well as the usual driving to and from work, housework etc, we carried out a full muster and weaned any older calves. Millie might travel to and from the cattle yards in style, but when she's up there, she likes to hang out with the working dogs and watch the proceedings.
Just one more week and then school holidays ... can't wait!