Showing posts with label Calendar Bears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Calendar Bears. Show all posts

Monday, 1 January 2018

Happy Sewing Year

I am starting 2018 the same way I finished 2017 ... happily sewing.  Yesterday when going through my stash for sashings,  I couldn't find a second purple fabric that I was happy with for May and November. Then this morning I remembered I still had some of my dyed fabrics from way back when. The winner was number 60.

Never when I closed the lid on my finished blocks did I ever imagine they would be spending New Years Day 2018 together.

I even have the perfect place for them on our loungeroom wall ... so considering their current size and I quite like them as is, I'm thinking of just quilting and binding without another border?

May 2018 be your year.

Sunday, 31 December 2017

A Quiet Farewell to 2017

Just me, my sewing machine and of course Millie.  Just 20 minutes to 2018 here in Queensland .... Jimmy Barnes singing on TV ...  Millie on my lap and 10 Calendar Bears sashed. The other 2 will have to wait until next year ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks Chooky for the push ๐Ÿค—

Clock is counting down ... only 14 minutes to go ...

Happy New Year ๐ŸŽ‰

Sunday, 24 December 2017

Miss December

Merry Christmas from sweet Miss December.  Sorry but I can't convince her to stand up ... too much eggnog?

I have really enjoyed stitching these Calendar Bears by Michelle of Rag Tag Stitchin' ... they've been a lovely little monthly project. Looking forward now to auditioning some fabrics for sashings.

Friday, 20 October 2017

FNSI After a Wet Week

Wow, what a deluge!  Here on the Queeensland coast our parched lands have been once again flooded...seems we just keep bouncing from floods to drought and back to floods. We received 8 inches of beautiful rain which has filled the dams and tanks as well as boosted the brown dry grasses back to a healthy looking green. Areas closer to the coast received over 20 inches.

Nothing like good rain to bring forth new growth.

Of course that much water has run the creeks and rivers and we're once again locked in by flooded roads ... good thing I have several projects on the go to keep me busy. In fact I have managed to finish my October list ...

So as it is FNSI time with Wendy and friends, I have dug out a ball of cotton and knitting needles ...

I'm in desperate need of a new dishcloth for myself.
Happy Friday

Monday, 2 October 2017

September Extension

September Calendar Bear is only 2 days late.

I have also made a small start on my Black/White "Ruths Quilt" stitching ... once the first 3 are done I can move on with October plans.

We've finally been able to enjoy a wet weather day with showers all day ... just over 2 inches in the rain gauge.

Back to hitting the road for work again tomorrow with school starting back. My stitching projects are prepped ready for evening relaxation. Not much crafting has happened over the last fortnight with kids and grandsons keeping me busy and entertained ... time goes too fast.

Find some time for YOU this week.

Friday, 15 September 2017

FNSI and Some Catch Up

Continuing on with getting back into the swing of sewing, I'm joining in with Wendy and friends over HERE for FNSI.

DD is visiting and brought her knitting, I'll be stitching on my August block for A Holly Jolly Christmas. I finished the machine applique for both August and September last weekend.

Leave a draw open for a moment and someone is quick to move in.

August Calendar Bear is tucked away with her friends, if only I needed my umbrella more often.

So, what do you do when sewing time becomes harder to find and you're trying to play catch up on current projects and sew-a-longs? ... Join another group of course. I couldn't help myself and when my best friend had this book sitting on her shelf

I  started thinking of some black/white fat quarters I have been collecting and asked to join with the No Fuss Stitch-a-long HERE.

Not sure if its the best colourway to go with but I'm keen to have a play and see.

Off to mop the floors and see to tonights dinner so I can stitch guilt free.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Block by Block

Seems my projects are all progressing block by block at the moment ... at least there is progress ... just no finished flimsy in sight for a while.

July Calendar Bear

A Holly Cottage Christmas - June Block

AHCC - July Block

Only half way through July ... what else can I work on I wonder?

Sunday, 9 July 2017

FNWF Results

This happy chap is right on the money ... Winter actually feels like it has finally arrived this weekend.

Friday night's movie had me so engrossed, my needle was often still, so I stitched some more last night as well. Thanks for your lovely company ๐Ÿ˜Š

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

A Stitch or Two

Seems sewing/stitching has taken a backseat to everytthing else. I did manage some prep work for a stitich-a-long and stitched this little tweetie last night.

I have also managed to keep up with June Calendar Bear by Michelle Ridgeway.

Cattle work has kept us super busy this past week and the new season babies are arriving ... so so cute at this size.

Late evenings come around quickly when the sun sets earlier for Winter.

Monday, 15 May 2017

A Beary Nice Day

Yesterday was a lovely relaxed day spent with this beary huggable mumma and her two cuddly cubs ...

Together with her Bear friends in Michelle's Calendar Bears.

Of course yesterday being Mother's Day, a chocolate mud treat was the order of the afternoon ... yummmm!

Hmmm, still half of May left. What shall I find to work on at night?

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Off the Hoop

Sliding backwards with my April finish ... better get a wriggle on with May Calendar Bear.

Monday, 27 March 2017

What a Difference!

What a difference some nice rain can make. From worrying about water for the livestock, to a beautiful reflection in the water's surface. Grass is starting to come through so the cattle can get a reasonable mouthful.

Now sitting here, torn between worry for those in the path of Cyclone Debbie and hoping she brings some good rain our way to run the creeks, fill the waterholes and top the dams. Stay safe xx

As March comes to the end, I have met 2 deadlines. First is my stitchery block

Calendar Bears by Michelle Ridgeway

Next is a placemat/coaster set for my 1 Xmas Item ... straight to the giftbox.

March has been filled with visits to and from loved ones, special moments and cuddles with our grandsons, and a welcome to a sweet baby girl (niece). Throw in a few birthdays and this month has flashed by.

Next on my to do list :-  bind Little P's Farm

Sunday, 19 February 2017

FNSI Report

Almost too hot and sticky to feel like anything much but this sweet little bear was calling out to be finished.

Together with her January friend.  Head over to Sugarlane-Designs (FNSI tab on sidebar) to see which other friends joined the night.

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

January Wrap

Just squeezing in with almost 2 hours to spare before the end of January ... January Calendar Bear by Michelle Ridgeway.