Showing posts with label Dyeing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dyeing. Show all posts

Saturday, 1 October 2011

A Week In A Blurrr!

How can one week go so fast?  Bright and early Tuesday morning hubby drove me a half hour up to the main road to meet my friend Margaret and we proceeded another half hour to meet up with another friend Di. Then after another hours drive we arrived at our destination for a Dye Painting Workshop.

While we waited for the kettle to boil I ducked up to the Post Office and sent these golden pretties on their way to Meg in WA for our FRIENDS Swap.

Under the instructions of  our tutor Ruth we drew our design, chose our colours and started painting. Leaf by leaf my design grew until .........

it was ready to fill in the background. We had to keep placing pieces of plastic over the painted areas to keep the dye moist.

Waiting ... waiting ... until Thursday when I could wash it out and hey presto!

Next step is lots and lots of quilting with different coloured threads to enhance and embelish .... hmmm .... where do I start?

Thankyou Ruth. It was a very enjoyable workshop!

Saturday, 7 November 2009

To Dye For

Further to my lovely weekend away ... here are the skinny 1/4's getting ready for a rinse.

Ta da ... the end result. I'm totally thrilled with the colours.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

WOW! What a Weekend

Firstly I had to rest yesterday to get over my wonderful weekend.
Our patchwork group had a little weekend retreat with some neighbouring girls, with the intention of learning to strip and curve. Here is my first set of strata with the second in progress. My pillow came in handy as an extra table.

Some of us also managed to throw in a little dyeing on the Saturday. There is my 24 colour wheel on the left. Yesterday I rinsed and washed and today is ironing day.

Day one I managed to dye and get all my strips stitched together ... day two I carefully began sewing some curves.

Seven blocks in all ... I have to admit I was beginning to slacken off by the afternoon.

9 more blocks and I shall have my very own strips and curves quilt top.
Thankyou Ruth and girls for a lovely weekend of sewing and chatting. Hope to see how you are all coming along at next patchwork day.