Showing posts with label FNWF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FNWF. Show all posts

Sunday, 9 February 2025

FNWF Wrap, Hearts and Red Play

Fellow Bloggers and Facebook are giving me so many ideas to use my Quilt Candy but not how to fit more hours into the day.

My Friday night began with Hearts...some of you may have seen on FB, Mater Mothers put a call out for volunteers to sew 'Cuddle Hearts' for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. I found a sweet piece of flannelette, printed the template and just need to tie off some top stitch threads (photo when they're finished).

A little bit of cross stitching to finish off the evening and I have a branch ready for some February leaves.

One of the ideas floating around in my head was 6.5" log cabin blocks using my candy strips ... some sewing yesterday and today ... I have 9 completed red blocks and strips for 4 purple picked out ready to sew.

Sticking to one colour was the tricky party. I have so many strips in various sizes but it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be to find enough of one colour. I foresee some very 'scrappy' blocks in my future.

Friday, 7 February 2025

FNWF and Another UFO

 Tonight's the Night ... joining in with Cheryll and Friends for .... I think I see some cross stitch happening ...

Another UFO becomes a completed top and another container leaves the stash (I've actually repurposed it for one of the Mystery projects)

This one goes back to Feb 2012 ... "Seasons Of BOM" designed by Wendy of 'Sugarlane Quilts' and Dawn of 'Sweet as Cinnamon'. I had completed 6 of the 12 stitcheries and sashed with 2.5" squares so after a dive in the stash I found the blue and hey presto!

The blue is looking darker than it really is.
Another wall hanger top to quilt.

Saturday, 7 May 2022

FNWF and a ZOOM Finish

Ms Kitty on the left was already finished and waiting for her friend to join so Ms Kitty on the right had her stitching finished Friday night. Thank you Cheryll for bringing us together once again.

I did have intentions of cutting fabric for my next project ... these 8 were laid out ready.

But I wasn't completely happy with my colour choice so instead I thumbed through some magazines. You know the ones you put aside to make a project and the pile grows but you never find the time to make said project. Then when I revisit the magazine I've changed my mind.

This morning I auditioned a differed colourway using only 4 fabrics ... much happier now :)

ZOOM .... last Sunday Chookyblue held a gathering over zoom and I was able to join in for the afternoon/evening. Always a lovely time sewing and chatting although this time was somewhat quieter as everyone was extra industrious. I was happy to finish hand stitching the binding on one of these table runners and then finished the 2nd one the next day at our little patchwork group.

Cuppa Time!


Friday, 6 May 2022



Cheryll has opened her virtual door for another Friday night with Friends ... I'll be hand embroidering and perhaps cutting fabric ... but not until after I go feed the family ... four legs and two legs  :)

Sunday, 3 April 2022

FNWF Results, OPAM and More

Thread and hoop in hand, I started stitching this fellow Friday night. Slow and steady ... I need better lighting.  Thank you to Cheryll for hosting and friends for keeping company.


I've spent some time lately in my sewing room (should read - spare bedroom), going through piles of stuff and trying to sort out some things. I decided it was time to use some fabrics that I'd purchased ??? with certain projects in mind. First up were some pillow cases for the grandsons and niece. Next some sock savers for DDIL with more cut out ready to sew.


A UFO runner is next on the list followed by a bag that's been in the waiting for ??? a few years.

I also have 2 .... yes 2! ... finished quilt tops to share.  The first is the Murder Mystery Quilt 2021.

My 2nd top is a very belated quilt for my DD ... pattern and fabrics chosen by her. Now for the quilting.

Mum is coming to visit for a few days and we're off to my local patchwork group tomorrow. Looking forward to catching up with the ladies as I haven't made it in this year.

I'm off for a quick visit myself around some blogs to see what others were doing Friday night.

Friday, 1 April 2022


 Finally made it!  Not only did I remember but I have the time and the project ... I think :)

Just have to make a cuppa, grab a snack and find an embroidery thread.  I think I know what I'm going to work on tonight along with all the Friday Night Friends.  Then I'm going to have to come back tomorrow with a big catch up on what I achieved for March.

Happy stitching xx

Sunday, 8 August 2021


Still knitting ... almost there. I've just about finished the 14th and final colour set of rows. Next is 4 rows to edge the rug ... currently 204 stitches across.

Thank you Cheryll for hosting everyone at your place for an enjoyable evening.

Closing Ceremony and casting off this first half of circular knee rug ... tonight's the night.

Friday, 2 July 2021


 I'm looking forward to some knitting or crochet tonight and being in good company with everyone in blogland ...

It's not to late to sign up ... just visit Cheryll.

Sunday, 9 May 2021

At Last It Grows and FNWF

 I'm not daring to look back at the year of starting this crochet rug, I'll just concentrate on the finish as I'm really glad I could pick up (and remember how!) where I had left off. Friday night I managed to full rows of colour, each colour is 2 rows. A total of 6.75 rows since picking it up again last Monday.


It's sets of 3 treble crochet with 1 chain between each ... in the 1st row of a colour, the middle one of each set hooks down to the previous row. I was given the  pattern from mum and she called it 'Cat's Tail' ... it may have other names like 'Houndstooth'.

This coming week will reveal the next block of my Murder Mystery Quilt. So far this year I've been completing the blocks before the end of each month ... last year I'd be rushing to get them done as the next one was being released ... so here is April's block (2 blocks of applique).

This quilt will be my 3rd mystery quilt and my favourite.

Thank you Cheryll for another lovely Friday Night.

Friday, 7 May 2021

Friday Night with Friends and Wool


Finally a little mojo has returned .... from where I do not know.  So along with Cheryll and friends, I will be joining in tonight with an old UFO and my crochet hook.

See you all soon x

Saturday, 6 February 2021

Missing Thread

 With the best intentions to start an embroidery, the thread I had in mind was nowhere to be seen ... so I headed off to the Caribbean instead. 

Happy with my start on the January block for the 2021 Murder Mystery Quilt ... more sewing today and ready to set sail.

Thank you Cheryll and friends for a relaxing evening.

Sunday, 10 January 2021

FNWF Knitted Up

 Not much to show for my Friday night due to pattern error. I'm in great need of some new knitted washclothes so decided Friday nights will be the perfect time to knit 1 purl 1. Except after several rows I came to the conclusion that a mistake at the start of the pattern was throwing the pattern out ... nothing for it but to pull it all out.

Bring on Saturday night afted a day in town and a new ball of wool ...

My knitting's a bit rusty but it's a start. Thanks Cheryll for kicking the year off with some Friday night fun.

Saturday, 3 October 2020

FNWF Early Start

My Friday night began as a Fri-Day With Friends when 2 lovely friends came to visit me in the craftavan. A lot of chatting including grandson P who wasn't shy for long, and some hand sewing, I worked on block 6 of A Merry Christmas Garden.

Then I spent the rest of the evening reading the latest Elm Creek Quilt novel, "The Christmas Boutique".  Can't get enough of this series.

Thank you Cheryll for bringing us altogether each month ... happy sewing.

Saturday, 6 June 2020

FNWF Results and a Party!

In my previous pic last night, everything in the centre piece was only placed. Now all the pieces are trimmed and pinned ready for hand applique with needle turn. 

I've also joined the outer blocks ready to join to the centre. Thank you Cheryll and friends for a lovely evening.

Today my sewing machine has been working out ... putting together the May block of Murder Mystery Quilt.

This afternoon I'm planning on a date with Humpty Dumpty and some machine applique. Chookyblue is having a party ... want to know more ... head to HERE to find out more.

Friday, 5 June 2020

FNWF .. Tonight!

It dawned on me today that it's the first Friday of the month so ....

Time to click over to Cheryll's and sign up ... I've already started with a little bit of prepping.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Friday Night Sew In With Friends

I've been slack and not made it back here after our 2nd FNWF to share my big finish.  So to use "2 for the price of 1" ... after last Friday Night ... and Saturday ... and Sunday ... I put the final stitch to 'Little Maccas Farm'  aka  'Little Flynn's Farm'

Thank you Cheryll for hosting our 2nd night with friends, was just the motivation I needed.

Now it's time to get ready for a FNSI with Wendy and I've been busy prepping on block 4 of  'A Merry Christmas Garden' ... which just also happens to tie in with WOOFA and 1XMAS.

Staying home ... staying safe ... and enjoying sewing with wonderful friends.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Friday Night Feline

This little kitty is showing off his brand new whiskers with a proud 'meow'.

With all his new friends, my little farm is growing, but now I have to wait for the mail lady to bring a parcel of cottons in order to finish the stitching.

If you missed this Friday night as I almost did, head over HERE and be ready for an extra Friday Night With Friends ... thank you Cheryll.

Friday, 3 April 2020


What better way to spend a Friday night than with friends...even when I almost forgot.

Life on the "FARM" is stitching along and Kitty is next in line for the hoop.

A purr-fect evening ahead.

Saturday, 7 March 2020

FNWF Reporting

My plans changed a little and some prep and stitching happened on A Merry Christmas Garden...

Before that I finished my February block for a Murder Mystery Quilt ...

The evening was rounded off with a little knitting to finish a much needed dishcloth.

Thank you Cheryll and friends for a lovely evening.

Friday, 6 March 2020

I Missed February??!!

I know it's a short month and all but ... really??  A lot of "stuff" has been happening and if I start now I won't get any sewing done this afternoon to get a start on Friday Night With Friends.

This year I'm taking part in a Murder Mystery Quilt and the Feb block is due so that's a must to finish. Then onto another animal for 'Little Flynn's Farm' (my take on Little Maccas Farm).  I've increased hours at my town job this year to help the budget but it's eating away at my sewing time.

We have been fortunate to receive some rain and are now in a "green" drought ... lots of weeds, not much feed, some dams need a lot more and it's still going to be a long haul through this but we'll keep on keeping on.

Ok ... I'm off to sew, trace, iron, trim, iron some more ... woohoo ... see you tonight.