Showing posts with label stop-sharia-law. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stop-sharia-law. Show all posts

Sunday, March 24, 2013

MORT’s meanderings

Coincidence?    I dun think so.

BRIBERY &  INTIMIDATION are the tactics-of-choice favored by both the agents of Islam Shariah and  President Barack Hussein Obama.  Coincidence?  I dun think so.

BRIBERY:  Money, property, favors (i.e.,sex or political advancement) offered or given to someone in a position of trust to corrupt or induce him or her to act dishonestly; to influence or persuade.

INTIMIDATION: To frighten, to make fearful; to cower or to make timid in order to exact a demand for accommodation and compliance.

Sound familiar?  This is the M.O. (Modus Operandi) of this President, his Czars, his appointees and his enablers.  Barack Obama uses these Chicago street thug tactics openly and frequently.

It is also, precisely the M.O. used by agents of the vicious Muslim Brotherhood and its many spin-off groups (all with benign-sounding names, of course)  that have insinuated themselves into so many venues in our society.  The Muslim Brotherhood is now bribing and intimidating with hardly any opposition in such places as:   college and university campuses, municipal governments, city and county commissions, school boards, Mayors, community service organizations and commercial enterprises of every description.  

Influential individuals in each of these venues are targeted for bribery - - if that doesn’t work, then serious intimidation becomes the tactic of choice.  

Intimidation takes  whatever form is deemed will be most effective.  They don’t hesitate to threaten their targets with physical violence.  Often, they will threaten physical harm and worse, to the family and loved ones of their targets. Even people with personal courage will waver when their children and families are threatened.  Threats of maiming, dismembering, disfigurement and murder are the every day tactic favored by the Muslim Brotherhood, individual Imams and other agents of terrorism.

Vandalism committed on the property of the targeted person is common – and it works.  Residences, business establishments, autos, RVs, boats – anything that can be slashed, burned, blown up or destroyed is fair game to these miscreants.  They will do whatever it takes to intimidate the targeted person into submission and induce him to comply against his will, with the demands made upon him..   

A Coincidence that both Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood employ these tactics?  
I dun think so.

MORT KUFF  © 3-13-2013

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Masturbation by Pontification

It should come as a surprise to no one that Obama (okay, President Barack Hussein Obama) is totally mesmerized by the sound of his own voice. He is his own Pied Piper.

He would far rather listen to himself pontificate in front of a hand-selected audience of psicko-fants than do almost anything else. Running a very close second to listening to his own voice, would be – mincing down the stairs of Air Force One as he arrives at an exotic destination, saluting the Marine guards like a girly-man and racing off toward his caravan of SUVs, accompanied by a widely-smiling, highly-animated Air Force officer chosen for the job because of his (or her) ability to make sucking sounds while on the run.

Don’t get me wrong, I have the highest respect for the Office of the President. But, I do genuinely long for the good ‘ol days when I felt the same degree of respect for the person holding that office. When the gawky Charmer-in-Chief bounds onto a stage in front of one of the aforementioned, hand-picked audiences that have been pre-qualified and indoctrinated under threat of ‘consequences’ for not emoting according to the ‘Code of Prescribed Response to the Utterings of The One’ – he is a sight to behold. His affected, ‘Hard-working-Everyman’ appearance as evidenced by his rolled-up shirtsleeves and missing necktie, is calculated in his mind at least, to give the impression that he is, ‘one of us’. Just a regular Joe Biden, kinda guy.

Well, we all know the truth, don’t we? Obama is the top-of-the-line prime example of Narcissism Gone Wild, on steroids. He is nonpareil. He has no equal in the self-love department. He lives and breathes to hear the sound of his own voice. It is food and drink to him. The subject matter of his spewing forth, the content of the message – - none of that matters a whit. He exists only to pontificate. Ergo, masturbation by pontification.

Hey, everybody is entitled to enjoy a hobby. But in November, let’s hire a guy with a work ethic whose hobby is creation, not destruction. Someone who understands the bottom line as opposed to someone who only understands how to flap his gums while working a ‘rope line’.



Read more MORT's Meanderings at #COTRS

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

MORT’s Meanderings

Obama’s back-door diplomacy

When it comes to diplomacy, this president has displayed all the charm and finesse of a Chicago street thug Community Organizer gone wild, on steroids.

No president in the history of the United States has ever intentionally alienated our traditional allies and actively sought to curry favor with our sworn enemies in advance of challenges to our sovereignty. That is, until Barack Hussein Obama came onto the scene. He is different .

We’ve had our share of bunglers in the White House. We’ve had ‘Progressives’. We’ve had a couple of dim bulbs. We’ve had a few that were less than ‘ept’ (that would be, inept). But, until Obama, we’ve never had a president who hates this nation and the Constitution upon which it was founded – that document that guarantees our liberty and those enumerated individual freedoms that makes our system of government different from all others. One cannot trust anything he says but on the other hand, one cannot deny the intent of his actions. His actions speak disgustingly, for themselves.

Beginning with his unbelievably outrageous, openly disrespectful treatment on the occasion of the first visit by the Prime Minister of Great Britain, including the insult of returning that nation’s gift of the bust of Winston Churchill – this president has appeared to relish, indeed to wallow in his power to alienate our allies.

His treatment of Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu stands as the absolute lowest point in the diplomatic history of this nation. Obama’s overt disrespect was planned. He had Israel’s top diplomat brought into the White House by the back door. He not only didn’t treat this nation’s guest in the manner reserved for heads-of-state, that would include a State Dinner – he intentionally let Netanyahu cool his heels, making him wait until it became obvious that this was an intended slight, Then, he met only briefly with our nation’s guest before leaving unceremoniously, to go upstairs to the President’s residence to have a private dinner with his family. This brand of rudeness and purposeful snubbery has never seen its like in any records of presidential behavior that I’ve ever read..

Now, here’s my question – to which of course, I already know the answer:

Will Egypt’s newly-‘elected’ head-of-state, Mohammed Morsi, of the ‘peace-loving’ Muslim Brotherhood, who is a renowned Islamo-terrorist, receive the same treatment as did Israel’s top diplomat, Netanyahu? Who are we kidding?

Of course not. What we’ll see is this blood-thirsty, hate-filled sworn enemy of both Israel and the United States, treated as if he were the return of the 15th Imam, with all the bells and whistles that Obama’s White House and Hillary’s State Department can provide.’ The President’s Own’ (The USMC Military Band) is probably deep into rehearsal, learning the ‘Tunes of Glory’ that hark back to the seventh century and the glory days at the inception of this lunacy that is touted as the religion of peace . This current mob calling itself the Muslim Brotherhood, is in reality, just the most recent advent of this extremely dangerous cult of cut-throats who pride themselves in their pursuance of the blood-thirsty practices of Shariah, a tightly-controlled way of life that glorifies violence and murder in the name of its founder.

There are dozens of similar Islamist hate-groups, all sharing the same errant mentality and all employing similar tactics of mayhem. They organize themselves into a multitude of hateful terrorist bands using different names so they can all enjoy playing the perverse game of, ‘Catch me if you can’. They are devious, deceptive and diabolical.

And now, the top cut-throat ‘President’ of Egypt, is being welcomed into the most sacrosanct symbol of the President’s seat of power, our own People’s House – The White House – by our Apologist-in-chief, our Kow-Tow er-in-Chief, our Muslim-in-Chief, our Coward-in-Chief , Barack Hussein Obama.

“Come in, Mohammed Morsi, we’ve been waiting for you”.

Way to go, Obama. One can only surmise that your diplomatic prowess derives directly from the careful tutelage you received at hands of your mentors at the Chicago School of Street Thuggery, where you majored in ‘Diplomacy 101’ . And obviously, that is where you learned to keep your friends close, and our enemies closer.

In November, the legitimate citizens of the United States plus, a few million illegals, will have the opportunity to vote on four more years of your unique style of patriotism and your very special brand of diplomacy, Mr. President.

In January 2013 after the Inauguration of Mitt Romney, when you leave the White House for the last time hopefully, please use the back door And, don’t forget to close it behind you.

On second thought, don’t bother to close it – just leave.


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Friday, July 6, 2012

Dutch to Abandon Multiculturalism

Go Dutch - but why wait until 2013?

The Netherlands, where six per cent of the population is now Muslim, is scrapping multiculturalism: The Dutch government says it will abandon the long-standing model of multiculturalism that has encouraged Muslim immigrants to create a parallel society within the Netherlands.

A new integration bill, which Dutch Interior Minister Piet Hein Donner presented to parliament on June 16, reads: "The government shares the social dissatisfaction over the multicultural society model, and plans to shift priority to the values of the Dutch people. In the new integration system, the values of the Dutch society play a central role. With this change, the government steps away from the model of a multicultural society.

The letter continues: "A more obligatory integration is justified because the government also demands that from its own citizens. It is necessary because otherwise the society gradually grows apart and eventually no one feels at home anymore in the Netherlands.

The new integration policy will place more demands on immigrants. For example, immigrants will be required to learn the Dutch language, and the government will take a tougher approach to immigrants who ignore Dutch values or disobey Dutch law.

The government will also stop offering special subsidies for Muslim immigrants because, according to Donner; "It is not the government's job to integrate immigrants." (How bloody true).

The government will introduce new legislation that outlaws forced marriages and will also impose tougher measures against Muslim immigrants who lower their chances of employment by the way they dress. More specifically, the government will impose a ban on face-covering, Islamic burqas as of January 1, 2013. Holland has done that whole liberal thing, and realized - maybe too late - that creating a nation of tribes will kill the nation itself.

The future of Australia, the UK and Canada may well be read here. READERS NOTE: Muslim immigrants leave their countries of birth because of civil and political unrest "CREATED BY THE VERY NATURE OF THEIR CULTURE."

Countries like Holland, Canada, the UK and Australia have an established way of life that actually works, so why embrace the unworkable? If Muslims do not wish to accept another culture, the answer is simple; "STAY WHERE YOU ARE!!"

This gives a whole new meaning to the term; 'Dutch Courage' - Unfortunately Australian, UK and Canadian politicians don't have the ... guts to do the same. There's a whole lot of truth here!!!!


A Nation of Sheep, Breeds a Government of Wolves!
Let's Take a Stand!!!
Borders: Closed!
Language: English
Culture: The British Constitution, is the Bill of Rights!
Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare! NO freebies to: Non-Citizens!
We the people are coming!!!

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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Help Allen West Stand up to the Liberal Policies of the Obama Regime

Prevent Washington's $494 Billion Tax Increase

Dear Patriot,

Help Allen West Stop government officials who have shown a blatant disregard for the Constitution.

Next January, if Congress fails to act, a $494 Billion dollar tax increase will crush the American economy.

The Washington Post calls it Taxmageddon. The Congressional Budget Office says it will lead us into recession. It would be an increase of unprecedented proportions and I need your help to stop it.

Out of state, extreme left special interests have come into our district with the goal of defeating us at any cost to ensure these massive tax increases and other extreme left-wing policies continue. We've set a goal of raising 494 more contributions before the end of month to stop this $494 billion tax increase. Will you contribute here before midnight?

Taxmageddon poses a very serious threat to the future of our children and grandchildren. If we fail to act, America risks becoming a nation of dependency and decline.

Allen West is working to stop these devastating tax increases, and he is committed to creating a flat and broad-based tax structure that encourages investment and innovation, and rewards hard work.

Please stand with Allen West me by making any contribution which you can.

Allen West, one of the few Members of Congress who supports America and is fighting Sharia Law advocates. He needs your help to stop Washington's pending $494 billion tax increase.

Please help Allen West HERE to meet the May fundraising goal.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

MORT’s Meanderings

‘Islamophobia’ – Decrying The Lie

Floridians are being bombarded increasingly, with ‘outreach’ programs sponsored by hate mongers parading as religious representatives of moderate, peace-loving Muslim communities.

Their hue & cry is that these so-called moderate Muslims are woefully misunderstood. Those who are crying, ‘Islamophobia’ and purport to be simply seeking to educate us as to the niceties of the ‘religion of peace’, are quite the opposite of how they present themselves. They are engaging in the practice of, ‘Taqiyya’, a tenet of Shariah as defined in the Quran, that permits and even condones lying especially to non-Muslims, if it protects Islam or deceives ‘infidels’ in the effort to advance Shariah compliance.

Frankly, I’ve had it ‘up to here’ with community outreach, community organizers, community educators, community kumbaya-singers and community anything-else that is nothing but Muslim/Islamist horseshit-in-disguise.

Wake up Floridians. The two-faced ‘educators’ wrapped in sheets are not Americans who want to assimilate – they are blatantly ANTI-Semitic, ANTI-Americans who are intentionally aiming to subdue, subordinate, subjugate and dominate freedom-loving Americans. And then, it is their intent to establish a Shariah-compliant caliphate. Make no mistake about this. You ignore what’s happening at your own peril and at the risk of our nation’s survival. That is not an understatement. It is a cold, hard fact.

Are you willing to sit around, giving the so-called ‘religion of peace’ a chance to slather you with phony guilt and then, either conquer you or cut off your head? Are you really so blind, so naïve or so stupid that you can’t see or are unwilling to see what is happening right down the street from you – right in your own neighborhood? What do you think a Mosque-on-every-block is all about? Do you think the Imams are really preaching peace and love of their fellow-man? Right!

Good ‘ol Reverend Wright, long-time mentor to Obama, and that most articulate garbage-mouth Louis Farrakhan, stay busy spewing forth their hate-speech and racist anti-white ideology. It is their clear intent, similar to the radical Islamists, to incite chaos in the streets, employing their same tactics of choice – intimidation, threats and ultimately but inevitably, indiscriminate violence against anyone who ‘isn’t just like us’. Did I hear someone say, “Birds of a feather”?

I ask that you look beyond the end of your nose. Those who feign being offended and who cry, ‘Islamophobia’ – are focusing their aim directly at those who are well-meaning, peace-loving but clueless, innocent people. People who are vulnerable to being made to feel guilty by that charge. It is good-time, rock & roll propaganda baloney. You have nothing to feel guilty about except, not paying attention to the stealthy encroachment of the radical elements that dominate the followers of the Muslim religion. They are all about imposing Islam-Shariah. That is not simply another religion like being Catholic or Jewish. It is rather, a strictly-prescribed ‘way of life’ that cannot tolerate any opposing way of life. It is truly, their way or the highway. And, they’ve been trying to impose this ‘order’ on the rest of the world since the seventh century. Sadly, they are probably closer to achieving their objective today, than at any time in the 1,300+ years they’ve been working at imposing this cruelly, inhumane horror they refer to as a Caliphate.

What can be done to stop them? We can and should assertively reject their attempts to propagandize us by their phony protestations of being ‘offended’. Offended, my ass. WE are the ones who should be offended by their audacity in presuming that they can ‘educate’ US. WE are the ones who should be offended at their colossal chutzpa in presuming that we are all stupid push-overs.

We must educate ourselves in the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States. We must educate ourselves in the reality of ‘Shariah’ - and spread the truth about who these radical Islamists really are and what they are all about. It is up to us – each and every one of us who love Liberty, to stand up and reject the encroachment of the Muslim miscreants as they try to insinuate their lunatic philosophy into every aspect of American life.

We cannot and must not let them roll over us with their aggressive tactics of bribery, intimidation and threats of violence. We must realize that they are sufficiently clever in using the very freedoms granted us by the Constitution, to lull us into a state of somnolence that will make it easy to pick us off in tiny, unnoticeable increments.

They are all wrong, all the time. There is no validity to their assertion. There is no justification to their feigned offense. Do not give them an inch. Fight every attempt to impose their ‘Shariah-compliance’ onto our justice system. Reject every claim of prejudice, racism or injustice. We should be prejudiced against their intolerance. We should be profiling these anti-Americans – whether they are U.S. citizens or illegal aliens. We should be spotlighting their racism. We should be concerned with duly- dispensed justice. That means justice as prescribed by the principles and laws we’ve lived under since our Founding Fathers gave us The Constitution.

If our laws and our freedoms offend Muslims or Islamists, then I urge them to leave our haven of freedom and go elsewhere, post haste. That means, like NOW!

Keep in mind this thought: “AMERICA – LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT”.


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Saturday, April 21, 2012

MORT’s Meanderings

Inheritance ‘101’.

Well, here we are in April, looking toward the Presidential election in November 2012.

At this juncture, there is a bit of certainty and a whole lot of uncertainty. First, it is a fairly safe bet that the two candidates are set. Romney on the Republican side; Obama on the Dem side.

Oh, and there is one other certainty - - are you ready for this…?

Whichever of these two men becomes the President of the United States of America, he will inherit the most horrendous national debt ever in the history of this nation, along with the absolute worst economy we’ve known since this nation’s founding.

That is the unprecedented, undeniable heritage of Obama’s first and hopefully, his only term as president.

With all his caterwauling about the mess he inherited from his predecessor, George W. Bush, Obama has exponentially increased our national debt to an unbelievably dangerous level with his outrageously reckless spending and lunatic economic and social-engineering. He has crippled our free-enterprise system with his egregious, tyrannical regulatory policies that reach far beyond anything ever imagined. That is, until the electrifying culture shock we’ve experienced since his illegal or at the very least in my assessment, questionably legal occupation of the Oval Office.

And so, while Obama can claim the dubious distinction of having proven beyond question that he is the most articulate liar ever to have held this nation spellbound, he is also, the worst disaster ever to hold this nation’s highest office. He eclipses Carter and Clinton by a quantum leap.

What the next president will inherit is a nation that has lost its position of leadership in the world, in every sense of the word – and its momentum in terms of the steady progress in science and industry since the Founding Fathers set us on the right path by birthing this nation with the Constitution.

Plus, the next president will inherit a nation that has been purposely divided into opposing forces by a constant barrage of racist and class-warfare claptrap from this current president. So much so, that there is a cloud of pessimism and gloom looming over our population – a pall of hopelessness at the changes that have been foisted upon us resulting from the ‘middle-of-the-night’ legislating by Obama and his Democrat enablers in the Congress. The next president will face a nation that is dispirited, depressed and is in an extremely precarious state. I can understand why Obama is doing a full-court press to keep his ill-gotten perks but, wonder why in hell Romney would want the job? Whatever his reasons, I’ll do my best to see that he gets the job.

Now, I am not known for withholding my strongly-held opinions about Obama. And, though I do not normally employ the tactic of ‘name-calling’ (not much), here is my concluding statement:

Barack Hussein Obama, will have the dubious distinction of being the former president who will have passed on a disastrous legacy that is directly attributable to his inept handling of this nation’s affairs and his failed Marxist policies. The synthesis of BHO has been his purposeful alienation of our traditional allies and his blatantly submissive embracing of our most dangerous enemies – the tyrannical despots and radical Islamist regimes around the globe.

This man who calls himself a Christian, while admitting to his mixed family heritage and his upbringing and education as a Muslim, is a hypocrite of the first order. He is a committed anti-Christian, anti-Semite, anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-business, anti-free enterprise, anti-American exceptionalism, anti-Military, anti-American history and anti-Founding Fathers. He is anti-anything and everything that is in our tradition of personal freedoms and the American spirit that has made us what we are as a nation. That is what he meant by, ‘fundamentally changing our nation’.

No matter the outcome of the upcoming election, it is certain that Obama will continue to blame George Bush for “leaving us in such a mess” – and begin anew, a non-stop diatribe of blasphemy, lies, deceit, blame and finger-pointing toward Republicans. And, if Mitt Romney is elected, Obama will aim 99.5% of his vitriol at the new occupant of the Oval Office. That’s who Obama is; that’s what he does.

One thing that will never change is the hopelessness, racism and divisiveness that spews forth from the smooth-talking Muslim miscreant, Barack Hussein Obama.

Remember folks,


Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF © 2012
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Monday, April 16, 2012

Judge Napolitano On Obama Taking Free Speech

Judge Napolitano - Obama Makes Free Speech A Felony!!! BILL H.R. 347

This is one more reason we have to get rid of this Barry Soetoro in November!! We must Wake up AMERICA! Stop Marxism or bend down to Dictators like Barry does.

This is a Slow, Creeping Destruction that is gaining momentum. The Marxist Regime is
stripping your freedom and continuing the undermining of the Constitution.

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Friday, March 23, 2012

FIGHT The Muslim Brotherhood

Tom Trento is exposing the Muslim Brotherhood's "Offensive Jihad" against America and Israel that was not reported by the vile MSM Cowards.

Obama Administration Will Give Muslim Brotherhood $1.5 Billion in US Aid

This Video should awaken some of the slow, incoherent Liberals. Yet their Messiah hears Jewish Children getting gunned down in France, and he Funds the Muslim Brotherhood. Barry Soetoro says to send foreign military aid for the Muslim Brotherhood, who now hold the reigns in Egypt.

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Conservative Artwork


Feel free to click on the picture for additional artwork by MORT KUFF.

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Monday, March 12, 2012

MORT’s Meanderings


He doesn’t know what he doesn’t know – and he doesn’t care.

What we know is that he has total contempt for The Constitution of the United States. Further, that he is in a full-court press to grab total control over the lives and fortunes of each and every individual in the nation, legal or illegal. Let there be no doubt about it.

We know that his ambition and his arrogance grows daily, in quantum leaps.

He does his best to project the image that, ‘His word is his bond’. However, we know from sad experience over the last three years that these bonds are junk bonds; they are as worthless. He is not to be trusted with our precious freedoms.

We’ve come to realize that his slavish adherence to Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ is his raison d’etre – his reason for being. Only when he speaks in the context of these writings can he be taken at his word.

We know he despises the military. How else to explain his attempt to charge wounded veterans for health care & treatment at VA hospitals. Is anything more contemptible?

We know that his default response to any criticism of his failed policies and his totally unconstitutional mandates, is to point the finger of blame at some else. His arguments, so replete with ‘government agency figures and statistics’ are transparently, blatantly disingenuous. To be quite candid, he is a bald-faced liar.

Again, regarding his tactic of choice – ‘finger pointing’ – it is so narcissistic. A true leader points his finger in the direction he intends to lead his followers. Obama points his finger – always the finger of blame – to fend off and avoid any acceptance of responsibility for his actions or his calculated inaction.

This ignorant, unaccomplished smooth-talking Chicago political hack was elected by a combination of special-interest groups with a toxic mix of motivations including - -

white guilt, racist bias, welfare queens, unprincipled seekers of unearned government benefits, life-long professional students, Communists, Marxists, Socialists, truly anti-American groups (i.e., George Soros & Co.), corrupt Unionm bosses, radical Islamists both foreign and home-grown plus, a myriad of wicked, evil and vicious deviants bent on the destruction of our nation and all it stands for. Did I miss anyone?

Barack Hussein Obama is an amalgam of all that can go wrong in a human being. He is a morally corrupt political street thug who is physiologically incapable of a single thought that is not self-serving to his narcissistic ambition.

If there are enough misguided, clueless, careless, unprincipled, bribed or intimidated voters that are influenced by the Democrat spin-meisters and propagandists, to cast their votes to re-elect this miscreant - - they will bear the full burden of blame for a second term of Obama tyranny that will eclipse the first with unbearable taxation, reckless spending and a complete subversion of our national security; a complete destruction of our economy and a total dissolution of the entirety of our religious and personal freedoms.

There will be no turning back. There will be no savior, no redemption. We will be turned into an impotent shell of the exceptional nation we once were. We will be under the total control of the most tyrannical, diabolical, violent band of oppressers this world has so far seen.

Think your vote doesn’t count? Think again. This time, use your brain.

MORT KUFF © 3-9-2012

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United States Constitution Forever


Stop Sharia Law!

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Friday, March 9, 2012

Conservative Art



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US Troops Face Reprimand Over Koran Burnings

The Liberals have now screwed up our Military? These 5 Brave Troops who burned Korans. which were already ruined by Terrorists. The cowards in the MSM will not talk about the Korans being used and abused like a Fluke. These vile Radical Islamic terrorists destroyed their own Qurans (Koran).

Now because of Barry Soetoro and the Regime, ameriKa is going to bust five of our Brave Troops. They and their families will be permanently impacted by this, to say nothing of the six American troops murdered over the course of the riots. Yet Barry Soetoro and his racist Regime apologize to the Terrorists. It is no wonder that we have great People like Marine Sgt. Gary Stein start a Facebook page called Armed Forces Tea Party Patriots. These Brave Soldiers and Troops are being thrown under the Bus by the Saul Alinsky radicals.

U.S. military officials said that although the five service members will be reprimanded, it is unlikely that their names will be released or that their punishment will approach the severity of what some Afghans are demanding, including trial in an Islamic court. While U.S. military and civilian leaders have apologized for the act, the desecration triggered a wave of demonstrations that left about 30 Afghans dead. It also led to the deaths of six U.S. service members stationed in Afghanistan, including two officers working in the Afghan Interior Ministry.

“For the soldiers, it will be serious — they could lose rank. But you’re not going to see the kind of public trial that some here seem to want,” said one U.S. military official.

Another military official said: “What they did was careless, but there was no ill will.”

The lack of ill will does not matter. The obvious ill will of the Afghan troops who murdered ours doesn’t matter either, though it should. Some Afghan clerics need to be told to go pound sand.

Senior Afghan clerics, in a statement issued after a meeting with President Hamid Karzai, said: “This evil action cannot be forgiven by apologizing. The perpetrators of the mentioned crime should be put on a public trial as soon as possible.”

That isn’t going to happen, nor should it. The Afghan street may find our unwillingness to behead our own troops because they committed an accidental act that is not illegal under the UCMJ (UNIFORM CODE OF MILITARY JUSTICE) yet another excuse to riot and kill again.

They’re now demanding control of the very prison where terrorists were using the Korans to pass messages around. Let them have it, along with the rest of their country.

Many People know that Afghanistan isn’t fixable. Things may calm down temporarily, and then there will be another inadvertent incident, which will provide more excuses for our so-called allies to turn on us and kill our troops. This experiment with the Politically Correct, Affirmative Action Hero is a huge failure. Why would anyone want to join our Military with this Appeaser In Chief ruining the Country.

These Brave Troops did nothing wrong. This is a load of Politically Correct Garbage that Obama is shoving down our throats with His HOLY QURAN (Koran). Yes, his words, “Holy Quran”. When will self-loathing Liberals wake up and see Barry Soetoro hates them too! Barry will just appease the intolerant Radical Islamic terrorists.


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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Benjamin Netanyahu's Speech At AIPAC 2012

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Speech at the AIPAC 2012 in Washington DC. There is no surprise that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gets the most extended standing O at the conference. Something to take into account is that he did not have a teleprompter nor did he recite Saul Alinsky.


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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mark Levin Apologizes To Our Soldiers For Obama

This is a powerful Video as Mark Levin has had enough of the Apologist In Chief, Barry Soetoro. The Radical Islamic Terrorists will kill Americans for any reason and Soetoro adds fuel to their fire. This despicable Commander In Chief and his Wife have always hated our Great Military. Their religion of Black Liberation Theology was emphasized while they sat in Rev, Wright's Racist church.

Mark Levin also goes on about the truth regarding "the separation of Church and State" and what liberals want us to believe.

Below we have a few words that were expressed by Allen West.

Lastly, I want to extend my sincere condolences to the families of the Army Colonel and Major who were killed by Afghanistan security forces over this “burning Koran” episode. If we had resolute leadership, including in the White House, we would have explained that these Islamic terrorist enemy combatants being detained at the Parwan facility had used the Koran to write jihadist messages to pass to others. In doing so, they violated their own cultural practice and defiled the Koran. Furthermore, they turned the Koran into contraband. Therefore, Islamic cultural practice and Parwan detention facility procedures support burning the “contraband.”

Instead here we go again, offering apology after apology and promising to “hold those responsible accountable.” Responsible for what?

When tolerance becomes a one-way street it leads to cultural suicide. This time it immediately led to the deaths of two American Warriors. America is awaiting the apology from President Hamid Karzai.

We have found that since the time of Allen West's statement, more of our Brave Troops have been killed by THE TERRORISTS. We must Stop Sharia Law and Radical Islam!

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Liberal Hypocrisies and Racism

Top 10 Liberal Hypocrisies
by Brandon Vallorani

Have you ever wondered how Liberals can be pro-abortion and anti-capital punishment? I’ve identified ten such beliefs that liberals hold, which are self-contradictory. Afterwards, I will explain the underlying reason they fight tenaciously for these hypocritical beliefs.

Contradiction #1: Pro-Abortion vs. Anti-Capital Punishment
Liberals support the killing of unborn children in the name of convenience, choice, etc. These children have committed no crimes; however, if that child survives abortion and grows up to commit murder later in life, a Liberal will scream “injustice” if that person is sentenced to death.

Contradiction #2: Pro-Technology vs. Anti-Free Market
I love Apple products. I think Steve Jobs was a genius. I have a MacBook Pro, an iPad, and an iPhone 4s. Many liberals (especially Occupiers) love Apple products too. As a capitalist, I am consistent in purchasing Apple products. They are not. They build web sites to promote their socialist causes while using software and technology that is only made possible in a free market environment. Apple products would not (and could not) have been created in a socialist nation. There’s no way liberals could fight capitalism without the very tools capitalism provides!

Contradiction #3: Pro-Homosexual vs. Pro-Muslim
Muslims want to kill homosexuals. Yet, Liberals promote the Homosexual agenda and Shariah Law. If the Muslims take over the United States, they will start by expunging the land of Homosexuals and Liberals. (Please see my conclusion to explain why Liberals really hold to these two contradictory positions.)

Contradiction #4: Pro-Darwinian Evolution vs. Anti-Human Domination
Most liberals believe in Darwinian evolution, as opposed to special Creation by God. They believe that all species arose naturally through a concept known as “survival of the fittest.” The weak die out and the strong survive. Yet, Liberals spend so much time (and other people’s money) fighting to protect endangered species, rare ecosystems, wet lands, etc. Isn’t this incredibly inconsistent? After all, evolutionists believe many species died out over millions of years because of natural selection. As consistent evolutionists, shouldn’t they be happy that humans are now dominating the planet and all sub-species? Incidentally, as a Christian, I believe God requires us to be good stewards of the environment (not tree huggers). But I can hold my position consistently.
Read an article on Christians and the Environment by Dr. Carl Wieland.

Contradiction #5: Christianity vs. All Other Religions
Liberals want religious freedom for all religions except Christianity. “Take down that cross… No nativity scenes on public property… No prayer at high school graduation ceremonies!” The list goes on, all in the name of “tolerance.” Isn’t it ironic that Christianity is the only religion that tolerates others? Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us to love our enemies, not to kill them. The Koran, however, teaches Muslims to kill the infidels!
Obama’s Thanksgiving Address Fails to Mention God.

Contradiction #6: Pro-Education vs. Anti-School Choice
Liberals like to pride themselves on being intellectuals and supporters of education. They claim that conservatives and Republicans are against education. Laughable. If education is so important, why do liberals force everyone to pay taxes to support the failing public education system when private and home-schooling are so much more effective? The answer is easy. They can only brainwash our children to become atheists and socialists in the public schools.
You must watch the documentary, Indoctrination: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America.

Contradiction #7: Hateful vs. Anti-Hate
Liberals claim that anyone who disagrees with their lifestyle is promoting “hate.” Do you want to see real hate? Just read for yourself the hate-filled comments on our first episode of PolitiChicks.TV, where we discussed homosexuality in America. Not one hateful word was said against homosexuals on this show. Not one. In fact, Victoria Jackson stated, “I love gays!” The only hate I found was from the thousands of liberals who were commenting. 99% of all hate is spewed from the Left.
Read Are You a Member of a Hate Group on

Contradiction #8: Pro-Women vs. Anti-Sarah Palin
The left says they’re for women’s rights. So why did they attempt to destroy Sarah Palin and her beautiful family in 2008 when she was chosen as John McCain’s running mate? The left says they’re pro-choice, but they are against educating a woman before she goes into an Abortion clinic. Liberals undermine the marriage, the very institution where women are honored by fidelity and womanhood is celebrated. And if a conservative women succeeds outside the home, they are told they should stay at home.

Contradiction #9: Racism
If Liberals aren’t racist, why do they evaluate and categorize everyone by the color of their skin? Why are they so angry when Blacks leave the Democrat plantation and achieve the American Dream? Why do they continue to promote abortion when far more blacks are killed by abortion than whites? Why do they continue to promote social programs that enslave blacks at poverty level?

Contradiction #10: Pro-Jew vs. Anti-Israel
Liberals say they are pro-Jew. So, why do they hate the nation of Israel? Why are so many Jews members and supporters of the Democrat Party? This is one of most mind-boggling of liberal contradictions.

Conclusion: There are many more liberal contradictions which could be listed. Why do liberals hold beliefs that appear to be self-contradictory? The answer is simple: All liberal positions are ultimately Anti-God to the core. Islam and homosexuality are not supported by the Bible. The Bible promotes personal responsibility, private property, and an ultimate standard for right and wrong.

Liberals hold positions that are counter to the Word of God or at best they twist the Word of God to support their positions. This is the only way one can explain the top ten Liberal contradictions.

by Brandon Vallorani

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Monday, February 27, 2012

The Trio of #1 Threats to our National Security

MORT's Meandering​s

I am very, very concerned about the number one threat to our national security – the encroachment of the deadly stealth enemy of the United States. That threat is violent ‘Shariah Islam’. Shariah is best defined in the book titled:

“Shariah – the threat to America” ( a report of Team B11 – Get it and read it):

“The enemy adheres to an all-encompassing Islamic political-military-legal doctrine known as shariah. Shariah obliges them to engage in jihad to achieve the triumph of Islam worldwide through the establishment of a global Islamic State governed exclusively by shariah, under a restored caliphate.”

This sworn enemy of all ‘infidels’ by which it means, anyone and everyone who has not succumbed and submitted to the totality of the shariah-compliant laws that govern every aspect of the Islamic way of life – is commanded by tenets of sharih law, to do violence including murder, to those whom they consider, ‘infidels’. This is the kind of off-charts insanity we are faced with when we confront this rapidly metastasizing cancer.

Islam uses outright lies, deception, bribery, intimidation and violence to achieve its objectives. These tactics have proved effective in enabling their progress toward infiltrating and therefore, influencing all aspects of America daily lives. Islam is quickly becoming an increasingly influential force in the control and conduct of all our governmental, military and civilian institutions. And seemingly, we are totally deaf, dumb and blind to what is happening around us. Are we all wearing blinders, or what?

Number two in this triumvirate of aberrant anomalies that comprise the #1 threat to our national security – is the current President, his entire administration and the Democrat majority leadership in the Senate and the Democrat minority leadership in the House of Representatives. Plus, the two most recent Jurists to sit on the Supreme Court. This conglomerate of corrupt ideologues centered in Washington, DC, believes that the major impediment to achieving their objective of affecting a total transformation of the basic structure of our Government, is the Constitution of the United States.

They openly acknowledge their disdain of this unique document that was created by the genius of the Founding Fathers of this nation. Despite the audacity of mounting such a challenge to the basic principles upon which this nation was founded, they continue a reckless, relentless pursuit of their nefarious objective. They choose to ignore, or circumvent or run roughshod over our Constitution, that most magnificent master plan that has served so well in governing this nation of free people, for more than two centuries since its founding.

The result is a tsunami of regulations, edicts, executive orders and an endless litany of what I believe to be unconstitutional mandates that are being jammed down the throats of our citizens. All, without the slightest regard for our traditional institutions, established legislative practices, historical precedent or the tyrannical trampling on our freedoms – freedoms that are guaranteed under The Constitution. We are being led toward a disastrous demise by this current President and his mindless minions and enablers.

Number three culprit in this trio of the #1 threats to our national security, is what is popularly referred to as, the Mainstream Media. This amalgam of TV & radio outlets plus, the mass print media (periodicals and newspapers) is slavishly beholden and embarrassingly subservient to Obama and this administration. And as such, they are complicit in enabling this president and his administration to achieve remarkable progress in the incremental destruction of our system of government. They do this by selectively reporting on significant events, by slanted coverage of the news, and by omitting or skewing vital facts that are integral to the news. This is by any measure, a dereliction of duty on behalf of the free press in the performance of their traditional role as monitors of elected government. That role calls for the ‘fourth estate’ (press/mass media) to delve into the actions of elected representatives, to seek out the truth and to report the entirety of their findings in a factual, unbiased manner.

Thanks to traditional TV networks plus satellite and cable technology, we now have the capability of viewing news broadcasts from around the globe, 24/7. The reality is that this massive flow of news is funneled through a relatively few news bureaus agencies, a large percentage of which are little more than propaganda outlets for governments or huge international conglomerates. Thus, much of the information (i.e.,news) that winds up on our TV tubes and in the print media, is highly filtered and dominated by strictly controlled, agenda-driven special-interest overlords.

A Johny-come-lately addition to the mélange of information is the burgeoning world of blogsites, a phenomenon that puts scant effort into vetting original sources or bothering to verify facts and figures. Thus, we have this flood of rumor, innuendo, inexpert opinion and quasi-information spewing onto our screens via the social networks and YouTube look alikes & sound alikes. Very little of this volume of Ethernet space junk is ever validated but, that doesn’t preclude it from being multi-plexed and booted along by insatiable e-mail forwarders. Of course this too, contributes to the overall chaos and adds a further threat to our national security.

And so, we come to the inevitable question used by so many people as an excuse for inaction: “What can I do about it?” The answer lies in an axiom taught by leaders in the military: “When you are caught in an ambush, DO SOMETHING!” Inaction in the face of the threats to our national security leads to certain defeat.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon each of us to become informed. We are obliged to do the uncomfortable. It is time to do the unthinkable.

This is the time to ‘educate ourselves’ to the #1 threat to our national security.

Get off your duff. Get involved and do something!

The very survival of our nation is at stake.

Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF © 2012

The "Stop Marxism" Staff has compiled many more articles from MORT KUFF, Click HERE.

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Muslims Boycott Jewish Medical Inventions

Why does Barry Soetoro bow to the Muslim Dictators while throwing Israel under the Bus?

Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urged Muslims to boycott everything that originates with the Jews.

In response, Meyer M. Treinkman, a pharmacist, out of the kindness of his heart,offered to assist them in their boycott as follows:

"Any Muslim who has Syphilis must not be cured by Salvarsan discovered by a Jew, Dr. Ehrlich. He should not even try to find out whether he has Syphilis, because the Wasserman Test is the discovery of a Jew. If a Muslim suspects that he has Gonorrhea, he must not seek diagnosis, because he will be using the method of a Jew named Neissner.

"A Muslim who has heart disease must not use Digitalis, a discovery by a Jew, Ludwig Traube.
Should he suffer with a toothache, he must not use Novocaine, a discovery of the Jews, Widal and Weil.

If a Muslim has Diabetes, he must not use Insulin, the result of research by Minkowsky, a Jew. If one has a headache, he must shun Pyramidon and Antypyrin, due to the Jews, Spiro and Ellege.
Muslims with convulsions must put up with them because it was a Jew, Oscar Leibreich, who proposed the use of Chloral Hydrate.

Arabs must do likewise with their psychic ailments because Freud, father of psychoanalysis, was a Jew.
Should a Muslim child get Diphtheria, he must refrain from the "Schick" reaction which was invented by the Jew, Bella Schick.

"Muslims should be ready to die in great numbers and must not permit treatment of ear and brain damage, work of Jewish Nobel Prize winner, Robert Baram.
They should continue to die or remain crippled by Infantile Paralysis because the discoverer of the anti-polio vaccine is a Jew, Jonas Salk.

"Muslims must refuse to use Streptomycin and continue to die of Tuberculosis because a Jew, Zalman Waxman, invented the wonder drug against this killing disease.

Muslim doctors must discard all discoveries and improvements by dermatologist Judas Sehn Benedict, or the lung specialist, Frawnkel, and of many other world renowned Jewish scientists and medical experts.

"In short, good and loyal Muslims properly and fittingly should remain afflicted with Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Heart Disease, Headaches, Typhus, Diabetes, Mental Disorders, Polio, Convulsions and Tuberculosis and be proud to obey the Islamic boycott."

Oh, and by the way, don't call for a doctor on your cell phone because the cell phone was invented in Israel by a Jewish engineer.

Meanwhile I ask, what medical contributions to the world have the Muslims made?

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Comment on MORT's Meandering​s

Stop Marxism.

Thanks for coming to my defense in response to the stupid racist who called me a stupid racist.

What‘Weasel One’ fails to understand is that I am not against all black people or even people who pretend to be black. I am however, unalterably opposed to and committed to the political demise of Barack Hussein Obama. This Marxist - communist -radical Muslim-Islamo-fruitcake is the target of my aversion. He is doing irreparable damage to my beloved nation. And, I vehemently take exception to his every utterance and his every action.

I am opposed to Obama and all he stands for. I am opposed to every single person by whom he has been influenced – and opposed to every single person whom he has chosen to enable him and support him in his nefarious schemes against The Constitution of the United States and the personal freedoms that it guarantees. Obama and his entire retinue of traitors are my targets and shall continue to be, until they are all eliminated or neutralized, politically. If that makes me a racist, tough shit.

We are in a battle for the heart, soul and survival of my country. I am not about to hand it over to Obama and his Marxist/Progressive/Liberal lunacy for another four years of ruination to my nation.

He goes; we stay.

MORT KUFF © 2012

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