Showing posts with label Support-Allen-West. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Support-Allen-West. Show all posts
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Allen West said it and I believe it
“. . . the one way we win is to become completely engaged and display a steel-like resolve.”
Lunatic Liberalism is carrying the day now that Obama has been given another four years to complete his ‘transformation’ of America. He announced his intention the first time he ran for the Presidency. He won and it soon became evident that the direction he would take this nation was diametrically opposed to the cause of individual freedom that moved the early American Colonists to rebel against the tyranny of King George III.
Obama’s blueprint for change is contained in the handbook, ‘Rules for Radicals’ by the most radical of radicals, Sol Alinsky. Barack Hussein Obama swallowed that entire revolutionary B.S., hook-line-and-sinker. Alinsky’s step-by-step plan was designed to undermine and destroy the Constitution of the United States, create chaos in the streets, destroy the unity and will of the American people – and have Socialists take over total control of the Government. That was Obama’s dream – to destroy our sovereignty and bring the lunacy of Socialist ideology to America.
His idea of ‘redistribution of wealth’ as idiotic and far-fetched as that is, found great appeal and so, strong support among a certain segment of our population. These are the people who for whatever the reasons, have less in their lives than some others. Obama’s plan of providing them with a whole litany of goodies paid for by ‘someone else’, was a winner. His tactic: Class Warfare, pitting one group – the ‘have nots’ – against the ‘undeserving rich’. It is as simple as that. Greed trumps ‘the hard work ethic’, every time.
There was no groundswell for the great ‘Hope & Change’ envisioned by Obama. He wasn’t responding to a demand for sweeping change. He was a snake-oil salesman appealing to the most base trait in the human character. That is, a greed that is always on the lookout for any kind of benefit that comes out of someone else’s pocket. If that ‘someone else’ is the ‘Government’, that’s okay. The thought of getting something- for-nothing that will be paid for by someone else’s hard-earned tax dollars isn’t of the slightest concern to people of low moral character – many of whom never pay taxes in the first place.
What is so unfortunate, so sad and so disappointing, is the disingenuousness of Obama. He is an inveterate liar and is deliberately deceptive in his dealings with the citizens of this nation. He cannot be taken at his word; that is his most egregious
character fault. As if that weren’t sufficient to strike mortal fear into the hearts of Americans, there is another quirk that is highly troublesome. It is his need to ‘get even’. He is by nature, an extremely vindictive person. These are not traits to be desired in a President and Commander-in-Chief.
But that’s it, Folks. We’re stuck with this multi-flawed deviate and his peculiar amalgam of animosity for the next four years, barring the miracle of divine intervention. The problem is that if such a miracle fails to occur, this maniacal Monarch can destroy our nation beyond salvation – and it won’t take him four years to do it. His coziness with the blood-thirsty Muslim Brotherhood will hasten the destruction of our freedoms, our way of life and all we’ve held dear over the past 137 years since our founding. That is an imminent danger, as is his uncontrolled spending, his political intransigence and his unadulterated hatred of Republicans or anyone else who is not in total, lockstep agreement with his lunatic ideology. Obama is an extremely toxic ideologue.
He is a dyed-in-the-wool tyrant right out of the mold of Genghis Kahn, Stalin, Idi Amin and the entire list of the world’s most vicious, violence-prone dictators. He is as smooth and as facile as any tyrant on that list. And, he has chosen to interpret his victory in the recent election as having received a clear mandate ‘from the people’. He has chosen to believe that he has received a green light to ratchet up his rape, plunder and pillage of the Constitution of the United States of America.
It is his plan to move on to his heart’s desire, the leadership of the United Nations. He looks forward to exerting his influence over the affairs of the entire world. But before that dream comes true, it is his intention to hand over total control of our Government to the peace-loving Imams of the Muslim Brotherhood. Again, if this sounds far-fetched to you, did you ever dream the nightmare that he’d be re-elected – to a second term? Will someone – anyone, please step forward and show me that he plans something other than this?
Let me remind you again, of Allen West’s admonition: “ . . . the one way we win is to become completely engaged and display a steel-like resolve.”
If we, each one of us, will heed this sound advice, take it to heart and ‘do something’ – we can stop the madness and get our country back on track. If we do not accept the challenge, we are in for 4 more years of Obamacare on steroids – and that ain’t good.
You will feel better if you read more MORT’s meanderings HERE
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Allen West on Immigration and His TV AD
If you can donate to help Allen West, Click Support ALLEN WEST HERE.
Your support is critical to continue spreading Allen West's positive message and vision for the future- a vision which contrasts sharply with the failed policies of President Obama and Washington liberals.
The new TV ad "Opportunity" focuses on protecting the equality of opportunity that is the birthright of every American, and ensuring a good education for every child. Having grown up in Atlanta’s inner city, I know education is truly the great equalizer.
Unfortunately, the American Dream is under assault by a President who places equality of outcomes before our individual economic freedom. The future of economic freedom in the United States truly hinges on the outcome of November 6.
Allen West on Immigration
Illegal immigration affects every aspect of our society. It impacts our unemployment and crime rates, burdens our educational and health care systems, and weakens national security.
Legal immigrants, who sought to assimilate into the American culture, helped build this country into the great nation it is today, but no nation, no matter how great, can survive with porous borders and uncontrolled immigration. As our enemies become emboldened to plan and commit acts of terrorism within our country, we must be able to identify not only who and how many are crossing our borders, but also how long they are staying.
I believe immigration policy should exist first and foremost to protect American citizens rather than accommodate foreigners and their families. We must have an immigration policy that addresses the realities we currently face, including those who are already here and those who wish to come. But our priority must be controlling our borders before any immigration policy can be seriously
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Allen West VS Obama
Allen West is a proud American who served his Country well. Barry Obama is a first-generation American (allegedly), a descendant of West African Muslim slave traders. A big difference in the two. Allen West is a warrior, Barry a sort of limp wristed guy trying to put up a façade of being tough. Those of us who don’t live in the dark ages (that means watching Cowards in the MSM talk about their Messiah) can see through him. Barry Soetoro had Larry Sinclair and now he has The Obama Boy. That says it all!
Friday, June 15, 2012
MORT’s Meandering
Congressman Allen West;
Take him on at your own riskWhat so many political ‘experts’ in the Democrat Party fail to comprehend about Congressman Allen West, (R) FL-22, is his unique ability to focus like a laser when addressing a problem in any situation, to the exclusion of any and all distractions.
His 22 years on active duty as a career officer in command of U.S. Army troops in the field, have provided him with real-life experiences that are way beyond comparison with the relatively benign activities his political opponents might have experienced in civilian life. To compare the records is to come to the conclusion that, there is no comparison.
This man knows what it is to have full responsibility for the lives of those under his command. When it comes to matters of life and death, his knowledge is first-hand. His, is directly-related experience gleaned from his time in service on the battlefield, while under fire from a real enemy, firing real bullets.
Disorderly Democrat protesters who attend the Congressman’s Town Halls and rudely interrupt his presentations, soon find themselves barking up the wrong tree.
Can any rational observer who appraises the character of Congressman West (LTC. U. S. Army, Retired) really believe that this man could be intimidated by a few loudly-yapping Demo-Dogs snipping at his heels? I don’t think so.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Help Allen West Stand up to the Liberal Policies of the Obama Regime
Prevent Washington's $494 Billion Tax Increase
Dear Patriot,
Help Allen West Stop government officials who have shown a blatant disregard for the Constitution.
Next January, if Congress fails to act, a $494 Billion dollar tax increase will crush the American economy.
The Washington Post calls it Taxmageddon. The Congressional Budget Office says it will lead us into recession. It would be an increase of unprecedented proportions and I need your help to stop it.
Out of state, extreme left special interests have come into our district with the goal of defeating us at any cost to ensure these massive tax increases and other extreme left-wing policies continue. We've set a goal of raising 494 more contributions before the end of month to stop this $494 billion tax increase. Will you contribute here before midnight?
Taxmageddon poses a very serious threat to the future of our children and grandchildren. If we fail to act, America risks becoming a nation of dependency and decline.
Allen West is working to stop these devastating tax increases, and he is committed to creating a flat and broad-based tax structure that encourages investment and innovation, and rewards hard work.
Please stand with Allen West me by making any contribution which you can.
Allen West, one of the few Members of Congress who supports America and is fighting Sharia Law advocates. He needs your help to stop Washington's pending $494 billion tax increase.
Please help Allen West HERE to meet the May fundraising goal.
Dear Patriot,
Help Allen West Stop government officials who have shown a blatant disregard for the Constitution.
Next January, if Congress fails to act, a $494 Billion dollar tax increase will crush the American economy.
The Washington Post calls it Taxmageddon. The Congressional Budget Office says it will lead us into recession. It would be an increase of unprecedented proportions and I need your help to stop it.
Out of state, extreme left special interests have come into our district with the goal of defeating us at any cost to ensure these massive tax increases and other extreme left-wing policies continue. We've set a goal of raising 494 more contributions before the end of month to stop this $494 billion tax increase. Will you contribute here before midnight?
Taxmageddon poses a very serious threat to the future of our children and grandchildren. If we fail to act, America risks becoming a nation of dependency and decline.
Allen West is working to stop these devastating tax increases, and he is committed to creating a flat and broad-based tax structure that encourages investment and innovation, and rewards hard work.
Please stand with Allen West me by making any contribution which you can.
Allen West, one of the few Members of Congress who supports America and is fighting Sharia Law advocates. He needs your help to stop Washington's pending $494 billion tax increase.
Please help Allen West HERE to meet the May fundraising goal.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Allen West On Release Of Ali Musa Daqduq to Iraq
Congressman Allen West appeared on Fox and Friends to discuss his letter to President B. Hussein Obama demanding answers about the administration's decision to release Ali Musa Daqduq to Iraq. Daqduq is a senior Hezbollah leader who killed 5 Americans and he should have faced trial before a military commission.
Please take a moment to watch the interview.
We live in dangerous times and the American people demand and need leadership, not excuses, from their President. Daqduq's release is an utter betrayal to the American soldiers who have died in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Barry Soetoro must answer questions about the release of Ali Musa Daqduq.
Support Allen West HERE
Friday, May 18, 2012
MORT’s Meanderings
There was a time when ‘the Dictionary’ (whichever one you had on the shelf in the family parlor) was the final arbiter of definitions. Sadly, that is no longer the case.Case in point: Congressman Allen West, currently the elected Representative from Florida’s District 22, has been described by cowardly Democrat writers of letters-to-the- editor, as a ‘Bomb thrower’.
Obviously, for older folks who can still recall the gang wars of the Roaring 20’s, the term meant literally, someone who drove past the storefront headquarters of his rival gang in Chicago or New York City in a speeding Packard phaeton - and heaved a bomb through the plate glass window.
Wow. They would be right of course but, they’d be way behind the times. Today, ‘Bomb thrower’ is someone who can be counted on to tell the truth, consistently - - ala Congressman Allen West.
Words have meanings. Definitions have consequences. Oh, for the good ‘ol days.
Florida- District-22,
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
MORT's Meanderings
ATTENTION: Voters in Florida's District 19
AS A REPRESENTATIVE FROM DIST. 19; HE STINKS. Click on the Picture for another Commentary by Mort Kuff.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Allen West's Truthful Words make him Top Democratic Target
Support Allen West - A Conservative With The Courage To Speak The Truth
Allen West is clearly committed to protecting America and handing down an exceptional America to future generations. He is not afraid to stand up to President Obama and the failed policies of the radical left. Allen West's effectiveness has caused Washington liberals to take notice. He has become their top target for defeat. We need your support to prepare for the fight.
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee have purchased more than $650,000 of air time in an attempt to distort my record and smear our conservative principles. A San Francisco-based liberal PAC has opened a “Take Down Allen West” Headquarters in our district. And SEIU aligned groups are even advertising on Craigslist, trying to entice people to join their left-wing rent-a-mob for $10 per hour.
Click HERE to contribute to Allen West and America.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Spain Green Jobs Failure
Commissioner Putnam claims renewable energy subsidies create jobs…I beg to differ.
The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services released a report today claiming that the subsidies in H.B. 7117 will generate new tax revenue, put millions back in the pockets of Floridians and support 3,850 jobs over the next five years. However, reality tells a different story than the colorful image painted by this report.
Spain, which has been used as an example of renewable subsidy success by President Obama and is lauded as a renewable energy pioneer, has recently halted all renewable energy production. A 2009 study showed that Spain’s renewable energy subsidies in fact created job losses, not increases, and that for every new “green” job created by government subsidies, 2.2 jobs in other sectors were lost – this at a cost equal to approximately $746,880 per job! Based on Spain’s outcome, if the US was successful at meeting President Obama’s goal of creating 3-5 million “green” jobs, we could expect to lose 6.5-11 million jobs in return. That’s an interesting return on investment don’t you think?
In addition, a 2011 American Enterprise Institute report showed that Spain’s renewable subsidies resulted in corruption including solar energy being magically produced at night and energy sold as solar power that was actually created by diesel generators. A government inspection revealed that out of 30 solar plants only 13 were actually putting electricity onto the grid.
A German Think Tank’s analysis of Germany’s renewable energy subsidies found that each solar power job cost the taxpayers $240,000 and that the country’s renewable subsidies overall resulted in higher energy prices, lost jobs and reduced consumer purchasing power.
According to the Florida Energy Office's 2011 report, Florida has spent more than $40 million subsidizing biofuels since 2006 but we have no operational biofuel plants and are importing our ethanol from the mid-west. The US Federal government subsidized renewable energy to the tune of $14.7 billion just in 2010. However, renewable power accounts for two-percent of Florida’s electric generation and is unlikely to be competitive with traditional energy resources like natural gas or coal within generations. In 2009, Florida handed out millions in renewable technology grants, including $2.5 million to an Ohio company that has never established a Florida presence and laid off half its Ohio workforce in January, and another $2.5 million to a wind-turbine company that filed for bankruptcy last month.
All this aside the Florida legislature and Commissioner Putnam want you to believe that adding more subsidies for renewable energy will encourage renewable energy growth and bring jobs to Florida. Sorry, I’m not buying it.
Abigail MacIver is Americans for Prosperity's Director of Policy for Florida.
The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services released a report today claiming that the subsidies in H.B. 7117 will generate new tax revenue, put millions back in the pockets of Floridians and support 3,850 jobs over the next five years. However, reality tells a different story than the colorful image painted by this report.
Spain, which has been used as an example of renewable subsidy success by President Obama and is lauded as a renewable energy pioneer, has recently halted all renewable energy production. A 2009 study showed that Spain’s renewable energy subsidies in fact created job losses, not increases, and that for every new “green” job created by government subsidies, 2.2 jobs in other sectors were lost – this at a cost equal to approximately $746,880 per job! Based on Spain’s outcome, if the US was successful at meeting President Obama’s goal of creating 3-5 million “green” jobs, we could expect to lose 6.5-11 million jobs in return. That’s an interesting return on investment don’t you think?
In addition, a 2011 American Enterprise Institute report showed that Spain’s renewable subsidies resulted in corruption including solar energy being magically produced at night and energy sold as solar power that was actually created by diesel generators. A government inspection revealed that out of 30 solar plants only 13 were actually putting electricity onto the grid.
A German Think Tank’s analysis of Germany’s renewable energy subsidies found that each solar power job cost the taxpayers $240,000 and that the country’s renewable subsidies overall resulted in higher energy prices, lost jobs and reduced consumer purchasing power.
According to the Florida Energy Office's 2011 report, Florida has spent more than $40 million subsidizing biofuels since 2006 but we have no operational biofuel plants and are importing our ethanol from the mid-west. The US Federal government subsidized renewable energy to the tune of $14.7 billion just in 2010. However, renewable power accounts for two-percent of Florida’s electric generation and is unlikely to be competitive with traditional energy resources like natural gas or coal within generations. In 2009, Florida handed out millions in renewable technology grants, including $2.5 million to an Ohio company that has never established a Florida presence and laid off half its Ohio workforce in January, and another $2.5 million to a wind-turbine company that filed for bankruptcy last month.
All this aside the Florida legislature and Commissioner Putnam want you to believe that adding more subsidies for renewable energy will encourage renewable energy growth and bring jobs to Florida. Sorry, I’m not buying it.
Abigail MacIver is Americans for Prosperity's Director of Policy for Florida.
Conservative Artwork
Thursday, March 29, 2012
House Conservatives Fund Endorsements
Dear Patriots,
I’m excited to announce our first round of endorsements from the House Conservatives Fund for 2012. Here’s the full list of our endorsements:
Allen West (FL)
Ann Marie Buerkle (NY)
Robert Hurt (VA)
Chuck Fleischmann (TN)
Doug Lamborn (CO)
Frank Guinta (NH)
Jim Renacci (OH)
Joe Walsh (IL)
Larry Bucshon (IN)
Mike Coffman (CO)
Mike Kelly (PA)
Quico Canseco (TX)
Renee Ellmers (NC)
Scott Garrett (NJ)
Sean Duffy (WI)
Steve King (IA)
Steve Southerland (FL)
Tim Griffin (AR)
Tom Reed (NY)
These men and women are rock-solid conservatives. Without question they have followed through on their commitment to fundamental conservative principles during their time in office. I can tell you that we didn’t take these endorsements lightly. They were made after careful study of their records.
What do these endorsements mean? First, thanks to your donations, we are able to support each of them with a check to their re-election campaign. We’re also going to feature them prominently on our website: so voters in their districts know they are reliable conservatives.
We’re also going to look for other ways to support them, whether that’s radio and Internet ads, live webcasts, conference calls, or calling voters. This all requires your financial support. Please click HERE to make a donation today to continue HCF’s support of our endorsed candidates.
Each of these Members represents a majority-making seat. What does that mean? It means that in 2010 they helped conservatives win the House. In 2012, it means they represent a competitive district that could be won by a Democrat in November.
Despite the competitive races each of these candidates find themselves in, they haven’t shied away from standing strong for conservative principles in the House, whether it’s repealing Obamacare, fighting tax increases, getting our debt under control, or cutting wasteful government spending.
Please, support the House Conservatives Fund today so we can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our allies in Congress. It’s essential that we backup our friends in Congress.
Thanks for your support.
Congressman Patrick McHenry
House Conservatives Fund
I’m excited to announce our first round of endorsements from the House Conservatives Fund for 2012. Here’s the full list of our endorsements:
Allen West (FL)
Ann Marie Buerkle (NY)
Robert Hurt (VA)
Chuck Fleischmann (TN)
Doug Lamborn (CO)
Frank Guinta (NH)
Jim Renacci (OH)
Joe Walsh (IL)
Larry Bucshon (IN)
Mike Coffman (CO)
Mike Kelly (PA)
Quico Canseco (TX)
Renee Ellmers (NC)
Scott Garrett (NJ)
Sean Duffy (WI)
Steve King (IA)
Steve Southerland (FL)
Tim Griffin (AR)
Tom Reed (NY)
These men and women are rock-solid conservatives. Without question they have followed through on their commitment to fundamental conservative principles during their time in office. I can tell you that we didn’t take these endorsements lightly. They were made after careful study of their records.
What do these endorsements mean? First, thanks to your donations, we are able to support each of them with a check to their re-election campaign. We’re also going to feature them prominently on our website: so voters in their districts know they are reliable conservatives.
We’re also going to look for other ways to support them, whether that’s radio and Internet ads, live webcasts, conference calls, or calling voters. This all requires your financial support. Please click HERE to make a donation today to continue HCF’s support of our endorsed candidates.
Each of these Members represents a majority-making seat. What does that mean? It means that in 2010 they helped conservatives win the House. In 2012, it means they represent a competitive district that could be won by a Democrat in November.
Despite the competitive races each of these candidates find themselves in, they haven’t shied away from standing strong for conservative principles in the House, whether it’s repealing Obamacare, fighting tax increases, getting our debt under control, or cutting wasteful government spending.
Please, support the House Conservatives Fund today so we can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our allies in Congress. It’s essential that we backup our friends in Congress.
Thanks for your support.
Congressman Patrick McHenry
House Conservatives Fund
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
This Affirmative Action Hero is a Zero!
This Affirmative Action Hero is a Zero!
The Disgusting Democrats flew this Flag in Florida. The vile Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a Marxist and strongly supports the Zero himself. This Dirty Wasserman Schultz has viciously attacked Congressman Allen West in Florida. These attacks by vile Debbie Wasserman Schultz should be considered Racist. Yet the disgraceful Democrat Party turns its attacks on the Tea Party, which is trying to save America. Every Voter should remember for years to come, the scumbag Democrat Party gave us the most racially divisive President in the past 100 years. Impeach Barry Soetoro!
Paul Ryan Destroys Vile Debbie Wasserman-Schultz in Obamacare Debate
This lowlife Freak, Wasserman Schultz is a disgrace to all Legal American Women! This Video is just an example of the Nazi tactics of the Democrat Party and Barry Soetoro Drones. Yes, America, we are sinking and sinking fast. All Democrats must go in the next election!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Befuddled Florida Democrats
Dear Editor of The Sun Sentinel:
The whining has already begun and to listen to Prof. Robert Watson, (Op-Ed, Sun. Feb. 12 in the S/S), you'd think the Republicans did something dastardly by shuffling their Congressional candidates for this coming election in November. What Watson, and his fellow Democrats, realize is that this shift will give the Republicans an extra Congressional seat by inserting Adam Hasner as a candidate in the restructured 22nd C.D. Most of the new 22nd C.D. was once the area that was Hasner's district when he represented it in the state legislature, and where he was very popular.
Given the chance, wouldn't the Democrats have done the same thing if it benefited them? The odds now favor that Republicans, Tom Rooney, Allen West, and Adam Hausner, will win in their C.D. races, and the Republicans will increase their Florida representation in Congress.
So Professor Watson, as a spokesman for the befuddled Democrats, will huff and puff and try to blow the Republicans "House" districts down, because they are going to lose a Congressional seat. Amen!
Chuck On The Right Side
The whining has already begun and to listen to Prof. Robert Watson, (Op-Ed, Sun. Feb. 12 in the S/S), you'd think the Republicans did something dastardly by shuffling their Congressional candidates for this coming election in November. What Watson, and his fellow Democrats, realize is that this shift will give the Republicans an extra Congressional seat by inserting Adam Hasner as a candidate in the restructured 22nd C.D. Most of the new 22nd C.D. was once the area that was Hasner's district when he represented it in the state legislature, and where he was very popular.
Given the chance, wouldn't the Democrats have done the same thing if it benefited them? The odds now favor that Republicans, Tom Rooney, Allen West, and Adam Hausner, will win in their C.D. races, and the Republicans will increase their Florida representation in Congress.
So Professor Watson, as a spokesman for the befuddled Democrats, will huff and puff and try to blow the Republicans "House" districts down, because they are going to lose a Congressional seat. Amen!
Chuck On The Right Side
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Allen West Is No Coward But Patrick Murphy is a Rat
This Patrick Murphy, calls Allen West a Coward? Patrick Murphy is a rat, a lowlife traitor who attacks our Veterans. That’s right I said it! (Hat Tip to Levin)
Murphy calls himself a Democrat in 2012? The Democrats are weasels who gave us the Marxist Leader. The Democrats either supported Barry or they put their head in the sand while their party shoved this Marxist Regime down our throats.
While their Barry, the Democrat Leader was organizing Racists at ACORN, Allen West was fighting for our freedom. Allen West was dominating Radical Islam while Barry Soetoro was hanging around Bill Ayers driving in Limos with Larry Sinclair. Allen West was getting shot at while Barry Soetoro was sitting in Rev Wright’s so-called Church with Racist rants about Jews and Whitey. Barry Soetoro was getting high and hanging around self-described Communists while Allen West was getting up at 5 in the am and doing calisthenics.
So the Democrat’s and self-loathing Whites who placed the real Coward in the White House need to respect Allen West and our Military! Or as Allen West says “Get the Hell Out of the United States”!
Original Artwork by MORT KUFF
Click on the Picture and get to read an article written by Mr. MORT KUFF.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Allen West Speaks The Truth
Rep. Allen West proclaims "Obama, Reid, Pelosi, get the hell out of the USA".
We agree with Allen West! This is a short speech from the Great Congressman Allen West. All of the Floridians who have met Aleen West know he is serious. The RINO's and Racist Liberals (especially the disgusting wasserman schultz) want to quiet West. Anyone who has shook his hand realizes that he has been in the trenches and wants Marxists out of America!
Listen to Allen West as this is exactly the attitude that our leaders in Washington should have! Allen West is a Hero, Barry Soetoro is a Zero! These Marxists have SOILED the White House!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
FIRE Debbie Wasserman Schultz - Support Allen West
We have a message that we would like to share. Aleen West needs Florida's support and support from all Patriotic Americans. The radical Left Wing Democrats are out to get him.
Dear Patriot,
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz -- proud liberal and Democrat National Committee chair -- is like a gift that keeps on giving -- but you just want to take it back to the store.
Take a minute right now to help me defend against her ridiculous accusations made to conservative voters by donating $25 or more at our website HERE.
Last week, Schultz basically blamed the Tea Party for the horrific shooting of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. Here is what she said.
“We need to … tone things down, particularly in light of the Tucson tragedy … where my very good friend, Gabby Giffords -- … [was shot],.” "The discourse in America. . . has really changed, I'll tell you. I hesitate to place blame, but I have noticed it take a very precipitous turn towards edginess and lack of civility with the growth of the Tea Party movement. … You had town hall meetings that they tried to take over, and you saw some their conduct at those tea party meetings … when they come and disagree with you, you're not just wrong, you're the enemy."
So there you have it. We’re “the enemy” and when we speak our mind, people get shot.
I want to make three things very clear. First, my family continues to keep Rep. Giffords in our thoughts and prayers. Second, I condemn all violence -- it has zero place in American politics. And third, the Tuscon shooting had nothing to do with the Tea Party or conservatives. It was a depraved act carried out by one very sick individual.
I won’t stand by and listen to this type of attack on Americans who want to speak their mind, and you shouldn’t either. There are two things you can do right now.
1) Call Debbie Wasserman Schulz’s office right now at 202-225-7931 and tell her you’re sick and tired of the ridiculous statements she makes.
2) Help me fight the coming attacks on our conservative army by visiting our donation page and making a contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more.
Schultz’s attacks on us and our movement show the level she is willing to approach in an attempt to discredit us and essentially squelch free speech.
I for one am not intimidated. I’ll continue to have town hall meetings, and welcome a spirited and civil debate about the future of this nation and the direction we want to go. The voters -- and our democracy -- demand nothing less.
Please support our conservative army by visiting our donation page now.
And thank you for your ongoing support.
Steadfast and Loyal,
Congressman Allen B. West (R-FL)
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, Retired
Dear Patriot,
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz -- proud liberal and Democrat National Committee chair -- is like a gift that keeps on giving -- but you just want to take it back to the store.
Take a minute right now to help me defend against her ridiculous accusations made to conservative voters by donating $25 or more at our website HERE.
Last week, Schultz basically blamed the Tea Party for the horrific shooting of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. Here is what she said.
“We need to … tone things down, particularly in light of the Tucson tragedy … where my very good friend, Gabby Giffords -- … [was shot],.” "The discourse in America. . . has really changed, I'll tell you. I hesitate to place blame, but I have noticed it take a very precipitous turn towards edginess and lack of civility with the growth of the Tea Party movement. … You had town hall meetings that they tried to take over, and you saw some their conduct at those tea party meetings … when they come and disagree with you, you're not just wrong, you're the enemy."
So there you have it. We’re “the enemy” and when we speak our mind, people get shot.
I want to make three things very clear. First, my family continues to keep Rep. Giffords in our thoughts and prayers. Second, I condemn all violence -- it has zero place in American politics. And third, the Tuscon shooting had nothing to do with the Tea Party or conservatives. It was a depraved act carried out by one very sick individual.
I won’t stand by and listen to this type of attack on Americans who want to speak their mind, and you shouldn’t either. There are two things you can do right now.
1) Call Debbie Wasserman Schulz’s office right now at 202-225-7931 and tell her you’re sick and tired of the ridiculous statements she makes.
2) Help me fight the coming attacks on our conservative army by visiting our donation page and making a contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more.
Schultz’s attacks on us and our movement show the level she is willing to approach in an attempt to discredit us and essentially squelch free speech.
I for one am not intimidated. I’ll continue to have town hall meetings, and welcome a spirited and civil debate about the future of this nation and the direction we want to go. The voters -- and our democracy -- demand nothing less.
Please support our conservative army by visiting our donation page now.
And thank you for your ongoing support.
Steadfast and Loyal,
Congressman Allen B. West (R-FL)
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, Retired
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Conservative Artwork by MORT KUFF
Accolades for MORT KUFF, Artist and Writer
Feel free to click on each picture for an educational, yet hilarious article written by MORT KUFF.
Click on each picture for an article written by MORT KUFF.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Failed System of Socialism
Dear Friends:
The disease that afflicts these states is a malady called CRI ( Cranial Rectal Inversion). Unfortunately, it has affected the Obama Administration as well. Under what public policy textbook did the officials of these states read to figure out how to screw up the economies of their respective states? When politicians attempt to punish the successful, the producers in our society, by over taxing them to garner revenue for their redistribution, pie-in-the-sky programs, it will cause what is happening now, big deficits and potential bankruptcies.
People of means will not take this "diss" lying down, they will vote with their feet and move to greener pastures, they already have. You don't tax yourself into prosperity, you lower the marginal tax rates to a point where it is beneficial for the entrepreneur (a/k/a job producer) to take a risk and expand or start a new business, hopefully to make a profit ( a dirty word to liberals) so they can expand their business and hire more workers.
That's the positive domino effect of capitalism over the failed system of socialism. Give people an incentive to earn a profit and you'll see the economy take off just like it did under Reagan in the 1980's. Tell that to Obama, a big government pseudo socialist, whose only business experience was as a "community organizer" putting pressure on banks to issue sub prime loans.
Chuck On The Right Side
The disease that afflicts these states is a malady called CRI ( Cranial Rectal Inversion). Unfortunately, it has affected the Obama Administration as well. Under what public policy textbook did the officials of these states read to figure out how to screw up the economies of their respective states? When politicians attempt to punish the successful, the producers in our society, by over taxing them to garner revenue for their redistribution, pie-in-the-sky programs, it will cause what is happening now, big deficits and potential bankruptcies.
People of means will not take this "diss" lying down, they will vote with their feet and move to greener pastures, they already have. You don't tax yourself into prosperity, you lower the marginal tax rates to a point where it is beneficial for the entrepreneur (a/k/a job producer) to take a risk and expand or start a new business, hopefully to make a profit ( a dirty word to liberals) so they can expand their business and hire more workers.
That's the positive domino effect of capitalism over the failed system of socialism. Give people an incentive to earn a profit and you'll see the economy take off just like it did under Reagan in the 1980's. Tell that to Obama, a big government pseudo socialist, whose only business experience was as a "community organizer" putting pressure on banks to issue sub prime loans.
Chuck On The Right Side
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