Showing posts with label Mort-Kuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mort-Kuff. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

MORT’s meanderings

Boycotting the President’s
State of the Union speech.

JOHN LEWIS, ELIJAH CUMMINGS & MAXINE WATERS: Ranging from the sublime to 
the ridiculous in that order, choosing to protest the President’s State of the Union 
speech because of their warped perception that he is a racist. That there is no basis 
for their accusation doesn’t seem to bother them even a little bit.

First, the ridiculous: A U. S. Representative from California, Maxine ‘Unhinged’ 
Waters, is a potty-mouth that continuously spews a stream of gross invectives,
 bald-faced lies and vicious name-calling at our duly-elected President.  If she
 weren’t black, female and ugly as sin, no one would pay attention but, she is black,
 female, ugly as sin and by the way, a Member of the U. S. House of Reps.  It follows
 that the complicit, totally-biased media laps it up and so, we are confronted with
 her cartoonish image and grotesque, blathering audio on TV screens, 24/7.

Then, a U. S. Representative from Maryland, Elijah Cummings, cannot put two
 words together without one or more of them being ‘racism’.  He inhales & exhales
 opposition.  It’s what he does.  He is so partisan that it is laughably sad.

And formerly sublime John Lewis, a U. S. Representative from Georgia, claims that
 President Trump has racism in his DNA.  Lewis, an early cohort of Martin Luther 
King, had been viewed down through the years as a man with a conscience. 
 However, over the last decade or so, he has morphed into a caricature of his 
former stature as he sullies his own history every time he opens his mouth.

Question:  Precisely how does this trio of race-hustling mal-contents and the 
clueless, careless, something-for-nothing crowd that continues to re-elect them to
 the U. S. Congress, imagine that they are contributing anything but chaos to the
 national discourse?  Their combined contribution rivals the California mudslides.

MORT KUFF    © 12-14-2018

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Sunday, December 31, 2017

MORT’s meanderings


Former President Barack Hussein Obama: Islam First
President Donald J. Trump: The USA first 


                                 © MORT KUFF 12-31-2017

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Thursday, October 26, 2017

MORT’s meanderings

The most evil person living in America today, is
the immediate past-President of the United States.

After two terms (8 years) of systematically doing everything legal or otherwise he could to bring about the downfall & demise of our America, BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA is shamelessly continuing that effort unabated, from his home base in Washington, D. C. under the veil of something he calls, ‘Organizing for Action’.

Thanks to a legion of racist, dimwit followers who scoff at established law and disrespect those who are sworn to enforce the law, these are dissidents who get off on Obama’s anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, anti-Constitution, anti-establishment, anti-American tradition rhetoric & tactics  – and despite the majority of everyday, working class American citizens who want nothing to do with this sick trend – Obama has gained  traction with this misguided movement.  By twisting the truth and shoveling hypocrisy by the shitload, he is predictably, having some success among the fools and bottom-feeders who slavishly get their news and talking points from CNN, MSNBC, NYTimes and the rest of the hard-left, utterly biased news media.

Nowhere in the 240+ year history of our nation, is there anything comparable to this most egregiously traitorous movement perpetrated by any organized force much less, one that is being spearheaded by a former President of the United States, with the stated goal of resisting any and all progress proposed by the duly-elected, sitting President & His Administration.  It is beyond stunning.  It is morally corrupt and wrong.

The legacy of Obama is replete with moral corruption and dead-wrong actions taken with intent to do harm to our Nation and its citizenry.  Obama, a certified Narcissist, is all about preserving his disgusting record of evil.

              MORT KUFF    © 10-22-2017                                                                                                                           

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Thursday, September 28, 2017

MORT’s meanderings

     NFL players take a knee.
Any NFL team owner, any head coach and any football player who ‘takes a knee’ during the playing of the National Anthem should, in my opinion –
          be ‘given a knee’ – you can guess where.
I used to love to watch pro football;  No More.  I am not so starved for entertainment that I am willing to accept,  condone or forgive this unpatriotic, utterly stupid action that is unsupported by any valid reason I can imagine.
I believe that it is meant as a protest against perceived racism and authority-in-general, by an elite bunch of men who are outstanding athletes but, have yet to mature beyond the thug mentality of street gangs who beat up on helpless citizens, just for kicks.  They are misguided.
I am 100% behind President Donald Trump and applaud his courageous stand against those who would make a mockery of all that our beautiful nation represents.

                                                                     MORT KUFF  © 9-28-2017

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Thursday, April 20, 2017

MORT’s meanderings

 An Open Letter to Sinator UpChuck Schumer:

Let’s be up-front about this UpChuck, I never liked you and always will.
If ever there was a mis-Repesentative of a mis-guided constituency, you are it.  I always thought that NY water was the best in the world but somehow, something must have gotten into the water supply that makes New Yawkers do dumb stuff – like continuing to elect and re-elect sub-standard Dumbocrats to represent them.
Every day in every way, you seem to take on the visage of Maxine Waters and the sound of Nancy Pelosi.  That makes is excruciatingly painful to view your image (you are ugly, y’know) and totally unbearable to listen to your haranguing obstinacy.
How terrible it must be for you to realize that you have finally reached the pinnacle of your political career, only to discover that you are,
                                       ‘All wrong, All the time’.
I see but two options available to you:  self-immolation or converting to the despicable Republican Party.   Welcome Aboard.

                      MORT KUFF   © 4-16-2017

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Monday, January 2, 2017

MORT’s meanderings

No one has asked me but . . . .
if they had -  I would have told them of my choice for the tailor-made, perfect fit for the extremely vital job of running this nation’s foreign affairs, as Secretary of State, it is . . . John Bolton.
He is hands down, the ideal man for the job – by qualifications, directly-related experience, talent and temperament.
It is my considered assessment that there is no more singularly-suited man for this job.  I say, ‘man for this job’ because most recently, we’ve had three women (I include John F. Kerry as one of them) occupying the top Diplomat position at Dept. of State; each has proven spectacularly incompetent.  
This is not to infer that there are no women in this nation who would be able to do a creditable job of diplomatic planning and decision-making.  Far from it; there are plenty of women who could. However, I believe that in the age we’re living in, the cards are stacked against women.  This is primarily due to the bigoted, misogynistic attitudes and practices entrenched in so many of the dozens of backward, Islamist-dominated countries all across the Globe.  They hold women, all women, in disdain.  So therefore, will never accept them as equals in any regard.  Until that situation changes, the Secretary of State must remain, ‘a man’s job’.
At this time, John Bolton is the man of the hour.  He has a vast store of knowledge about how diplomacy works.  That wisdom spans the gamut of the convoluted ins & outs of international diplomacy.  He knows a sizeable segment of the current world leaders on a one-to-one basis. He enjoys the trust and respect of all our allies and a goodly portion of those forces that have declared themselves to be enemies of the United States.
The person who is placed in the driver’s seat of our diplomatic efforts, must be smart, strong, experienced, wily and resolute.  John Bolton fits the bill.       

              MORT KUFF   © 11-29-2016

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

MORT’s meanderings

Obama, like your pal Al Sharptongue, you must think we igament.  We ain’t igament; we jus’ know our American History, which you sure as hell don’t.

You claimed that we aren’t a Christian nation.  Wrong, m’ boy. . this nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.  How can you, as a professed Constitutional scholar, disagree with it if you never bothered to read it for yourself ?  Have someone read The Constitution to you.  Seriously.
You claimed that this nation will never go to war against Islam.  You must have forgotten to tell us the part about Islam declaring war on us.  Huh?
You’ve apologized everywhere you’ve traveled, for what you perceive as the sins we’ve committed against other peoples. Can you tell me precisely who authorized you to shoot off your mouth & lie through your teeth to apologize for this exceptional nation of 330+ million exceptional people?
You claim that Islam and Muslims have contributed all manner of noble and positive things to the United States since its founding. Your claims are fiction. They can’t be found in any recorded history. What R U smoking?
Our Constitution states categorically that no official religion shall be established in this nation. Christ, Moses or Allah have no special place or privileges in the everyday function of this Government, at any level. All  legitimate citizens are free to believe and practice their religions as they wish but – in no way are they permitted to force their belief systems on anyone else.  Never, ever!  Shariah is for lunatics, not Americans.
After your final term as president, you’ll be free to bloviate and lie till the cows come home – you’ll be able to talk, talk, talk until your gums turn blue – no one will givvashit. You’ll be relieved of the burden of traveling the world in Air Force One so, you might consider using your time to educate yourself in the real history of this nation although as I just mentioned, no one will givvashit.   You’ll be history, m’boy – and I might add – good riddance.
                 MORT KUFF   © 7-4-2016   

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Monday, June 20, 2016

Ted Deutch, Lois Frankel & Patrick Murphy

MORT’s meanderings.

Once again, our local version of the ‘Three Stooges’ have proven just how bankrupt they are when it comes to logic & common sense, morality, principled policies, love of country and facing radical Islamist terrorism - and just how corrupt they are at playing partisan politics.  It is beyond disgusting.
The delusional Democrats who continue to elect & re-elect such fools to represent them in the Congress are in reality, fooling themselves. They deserve what they get but sadly, the rest of us are being terribly mis-represented at the same time, by these same fools.  An immoral majority of S.E. Florida voters need to revisit their loyalty to many-times failed Democrat policies. Try thinking.
The knee-jerk reaction of these Three Stooges to the Orlando shooting massacre, follows in the path of their mentor the late, thug-brained Sen.Ted Kennedy.  He never failed to rush to judgment and the conclusion that the answer to Islamist terrorism was more gun control; the answer to failed economic policy was a higher minimum wage and the answer to our failed education system was more ludicrous education policies and oh, don’t forget, publicly-funded abortion.

Deutch, Frankel & Murphy are grossly incompetent at every- thing except corruption, dereliction of duty and malfeasance of office.   Keep that in mind when you vote for Hillary.
                MORT KUFF  © 6-18-2016

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

MORT’s meanderings

            Obama is angry.  
He is also living in a mind-set that has zilch  to do with the reality of life on this Earth.
In his third day of speeches following the horrific massacre in the Gay club in Orlando, he went off on a tear that included the usual creation of straw men for him to knock down; accusations against the Republicans in Congress for opposing his policies; and hurling a personal attack against the presumptive (R) candidate Trump, accusing him  inaccurately, of proposing to ban all Muslim immigration.  Obama creates pot holes.
Following his long-established pattern, Obama conjured up false narratives as if they had actually been espoused by someone – and then proceeded to ridicule them with all the acerbic sarcasm of which he is capable. None of it makes any sense. Nada.
He then took off on a wild-eyed tirade about his seven plus years of avoiding the use of the term, “radical Islamist terrorism”.  He posited the non-argument that use of this term wouldn’t change a thing and certainly, wouldn’t stop the extremists from committing their continuing reign of terror against innocent civilians.  No one in this nation has been known to claim such a stupid premise and yet, Obama displayed an off-the-chart outrage at ‘these people’. Obama creates pot holes and then invariably, steps in them.
Then, as if he were ripping the scab off a half-healed wound, he launched into yet, another rant against gun ownership, especially what he referred to as a ‘war weapon’, the AR-15 rifle. What this anti-military Coward-in-Chief doesn’t know about weaponry, would fill a giant, ocean-going container ship.  Just as there is no cure for ‘stupid’, there is no solution readily available for this man’s ‘willful ignorance’.  All serious attempts at educating him to factual reality have ended in utter failure.  He is simply ineducable.
Obama is someone who is boiling over with anger in addition to exhibiting the stunning manifestations of his classic Narcissism.  These maladies, coupled with his outsize arrogance and his urgent need to express his Islamist ideology every-hour-on-the-hour, leave precious little room for his wide-ranging mood swings.
The sooner he leaves the Oval Office with all its responsibilities that he has managed to side-step for 7.5 years, the happier we’ll all be.  If he were to take up residence in Syria, we’d be even more chipper.  At least he’d be in his element.  What a dipshit.

                              MORT KUFF  © 6-15-2016

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Monday, June 13, 2016


MORT's meanderings.
The White House can't speak.
Has anyone noticed?  The White House. located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., is an edifice made of brick & mortar that has been painted 'white'.  It is a mute structure; it can't speak.  Therefore, statements represented as coming from the White House, are either  statements coming directly from the President or, indirectly from his authorized spokespeeps.
Are you with me so far?  
Why should we be expected to believe any pronouncements that are veiled in anonymity as,  'the authoritative word being handed down, from the White House'?  If the information being sent from 'on high' to the citizens of the United States - who by the way, are the sole  owners of that edifice and have hired its occupants for a limited engagement - is indeed meant to be taken as 'official', then it should be in the form of an official document, signed by its originator.
Are you still with me?
What's the problem here?  The problem is that old bugaboo, the issue of 'Transparency in Government'.  There never seems to be any shyness about taking credit for 'successes'.  But, there seems to be a great deal of reticence when it comes to attaching a name to statements or pronouncements whenever there is concern from 'on high', that the message is calculated to  either generate controversy or worse, is likely not be received  with overwhelming acceptance. Are we clear?

And so, as a natural-born citizen of the United States of America and part-owner of that edifice located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW in Washington, D.C., I have appointed myself as a Committee of One, to hereby demand that every official statement or pronouncement that emanates from 'The White House', be signed by the individual who sent it, accompanied by his or her official title.  Thus, a name and a title indicating that individual's identity and official relationship to the President, will be established and made known to the public.  Got that?
I don't think it is too much to ask that our elected officials and their appointees be required to publically stand behind their 'official' statements - all their statements, every single one.  So please - no more anonymous proclamations, pronouncements or propaganda issued from, The White House.  The White House can't speak - remember?
Attention, complicit Members of the Fourth Estate - that would be alla yez:  Are you able to process the info above?  If not, contact me at  and I'll 'splain it to you.

MORT KUFF  © 10-15-2013

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

MORT’s meanderings

Hillary Robbem Clinton
No more unfit misfit has ever run for the Office of the President of the United States, than Hillary Robbem Clinton.
We’ve had a few more than our share of unfit misfits that have actually been seated in the Oval Office, thanks to a majority of misguided voters.  Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama jump to mind, immediately.     (*Pause to recover*)
I see that Madelyn NotSo Bright and Dick Durbin are supporting Hag Hillary’s ill-conceived run for the candidacy of the Delusional Dumbshit Democraps.  That’s sufficient information for me to prove my point.
Any one of the stage-full of Republican candidates who are currently trying to tear themselves to shreds, would be quantum leaps better than Hillary.  Try and try again as they might, to portray ‘Hag Hill’ as  possessing a rich record of accomplishment in public service, her loyal slugs have been unable to unearth and document even one genuine, positive, legitimate accomplishment,  Pretty sad, huh?
What manner of fools who proudly tag themselves as ‘Progessives’, does it take to rally ‘round a proven, untrustworthy liar who hasn’t a clue how to conduct herself in an interview, much less in public office? The only box she can check is that she thinks she is deserving because she’s been around Washington, D.C. for so long.  If that’s a legitimate qualifier, then the Old Post Office building on Pennsylvania Avenue is equally, if not more deserving as a presidential candidate.
         MORT KUFF   © 2-7-2016

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Monday, June 6, 2016

MORT’s meanderings


Would Michelle and Barack allow any
of the Syrian refugees to babysit
for Sasha & Malia?
                                                                                 Hmmm?  Just axxin’.
                                                                                                  MORT KUFF   © 4-22-2016

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Letter to the Editor

Good ‘ol, dependable ‘ol, Joe Biden.
You can count on good ‘ol, dependable ‘ol, Joe Biden never to miss an opportunity to keep his big mouth shut.  And, his timing as always, is impeccable.  
Joe, just recently returned from being feted and hosted by PM Netanyahu in our only true ally in all the World, lonely little Israel.  
And while our anti-Semitic, anti-American, devout Muslim Pres. Barack Hussein Obama is in Saudi Arabia prostituting himself and our nation to the Israel+Jew hating Saudi Royal Family - -  and merely hours after we learned the news that some peace-loving, Islamist thugs blew up a bus in Israel, seriously wounding at least 21 innocent Jews - - good ‘ol, dependable ‘ol Joe Biden decided the time was ripe to spew out a litany of things that he believes Israel is doing to make the world a less safe place for themselves and for the United States.  Way to go, Joe, you nitwit.
Good ‘ol, dependable ‘ol Joe chose to deliver his message full of rhetorical gasoline and he chose to throw it onto the raging fire that is the Middle East.  Adding intentional insult to injury, he did it before an audience comprised of 150% Israel-hating, American Jews that call themselves, ‘J-Street’.  Anything to help exacerbate the situation, huh Joe?  You nitwit.
And, this is the Democrat genius waiting in the wings to save the day by jumping into the race for the Presidency, in case both Hillary and Sanders do themselves in with stupidity?     Nitwits, all!

        MORT KUFF  © 4-20-2016

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Sunday, April 10, 2016

If black lives really do matter . . .

. . then why do so many ‘blacks’ keep murdering other ‘blacks’ as if living life was going out of style and black lives don’t really matter?
Why do so many ‘blacks’ deride and intimidate their young ‘brothers’ for trying to get an education, or doing the right thing or even pulling up their pants beyond the crack in the back?
Why do so many ‘black’ men treat black women as if they were trying to emulate Islamo lunatics practicing ‘Shariah’?  Who and what if anything do they really respect?  Who are they trying to impress?
Why do so many ‘blacks’ display such hatred and disrespect for all authority, especially the police who put their lives on the line every day in order to protect those same ‘blacks’ and their families?  
Why do so many ‘blacks’ abuse their bodies and minds with dope and do anything to avoid even the appearance of ‘conforming’ to normal, accepted adult behavior as if it were a sign of weakness?
Why do so many ‘blacks’ choose to place deviants, bullies, thugs and law-breakers on pedestals as their heroes to be admired?
Why do so many ‘blacks’ wrongly blame others for their own lack of accomplishment, while ignoring all the opportunities for success they let pass them by every day?  Are they stuck on stupid or do they simply exist to spend their days hating everyone and everything?  How sad.
If black lives really matter, shouldn’t we see some signs of change?
            MORT KUFF   © 4-10-2016

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