Showing posts with label Jimmy-Carter-Failure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jimmy-Carter-Failure. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

MORT’s meanderings

Hillary Robbem Clinton
No more unfit misfit has ever run for the Office of the President of the United States, than Hillary Robbem Clinton.
We’ve had a few more than our share of unfit misfits that have actually been seated in the Oval Office, thanks to a majority of misguided voters.  Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama jump to mind, immediately.     (*Pause to recover*)
I see that Madelyn NotSo Bright and Dick Durbin are supporting Hag Hillary’s ill-conceived run for the candidacy of the Delusional Dumbshit Democraps.  That’s sufficient information for me to prove my point.
Any one of the stage-full of Republican candidates who are currently trying to tear themselves to shreds, would be quantum leaps better than Hillary.  Try and try again as they might, to portray ‘Hag Hill’ as  possessing a rich record of accomplishment in public service, her loyal slugs have been unable to unearth and document even one genuine, positive, legitimate accomplishment,  Pretty sad, huh?
What manner of fools who proudly tag themselves as ‘Progessives’, does it take to rally ‘round a proven, untrustworthy liar who hasn’t a clue how to conduct herself in an interview, much less in public office? The only box she can check is that she thinks she is deserving because she’s been around Washington, D.C. for so long.  If that’s a legitimate qualifier, then the Old Post Office building on Pennsylvania Avenue is equally, if not more deserving as a presidential candidate.
         MORT KUFF   © 2-7-2016

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Friday, May 11, 2012

Night Watchman and Steven Chu

Once upon a time the government had a vast scrap yard in the middle of a desert. Congress said, "Someone may steal from it at night." So they created a night watchman position and hired a person for the job. Then Congress said, "How does the watchman do his job without instruction?" So they created a planning department and hired two people, one person to write the instructions, and one person to do time studies.

Then Congress said, "How will we know the night watchman is doing the tasks correctly?" So they created a Quality Control department and hired two people. One was to do the studies and one was to write the reports. Then Congress said, "How are these people going to get paid?"

So they created two positions: a time keeper and a payroll officer then hired two people. Then Congress said, "Who will be accountable for all of these people?" So they created an administrative section and hired three people, an Administrative Officer, Assistant Administrative Officer, and a Legal Secretary.

Then Congress said, "We have had this command in operation for one year and we are $918,000 over budget, we must cut back." So they laid-off the night watchman.

NOW slowly, let it sink in. Quietly, we go like sheep to slaughter. Does anybody remember the reason given for the establishment of the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY during the Carter administration?

Anybody? Anything? No? Didn't think so! Bottom line is, we've spent several hundred billion dollars in support of an agency, the reason for which not one person who reads this can remember! Ready?

It was very simple... and at the time, everybody thought it very appropriate. The Department of Energy was instituted on 8/04/1977, TO LESSEN OUR DEPENDENCE ON FOREIGN OIL. Hey, pretty efficient, huh???



34 years ago 30% of our oil consumption was foreign imports. Today 70% of our oil consumption is foreign imports. Ah, yes -- good old Federal bureaucracy.


To make matters worse we have Obama’s “outrageously anti-American” energy policy which is aimed at increasing the price at the pump. His vile wannabe Czar, Steven Chu is in charge of this disaster. This dirtbag Steven Chu, the Energy secretary, has said in 2008 he wanted gasoline prices to get to the European level, which is $9 or $10 a gallon.

Hello!! Anybody Home? The Anti-American Liberals are marching through the United States like Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini.

Signed....The Night Watchman.

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Not Natural Born -- Stop Marxism

The Nazi Democrats and Brownshirt MSM preach that B. Hussein Obama taught Class on the Constitution. What Constitution are they talking about, Turkey's? We know he does not know word one about the Constitution, as he tries to shove Illegal Obamacare down our Throats. His need for Racism and to surround himself around the likes of Coward Holder, Rev Wright, Al Sharpton, Billy Ayers, his wife and on and on and on, should be enough to Stop the Marxist. However we have more and more people who want Government to control their lives like Slaves. Liberalism is a disease.

Watch it before it’s pulled!

Hat Tip to George!
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mort's Meandering​s

It is my observation that - too many elected representatives we send to Washington to 'do the people's business' -
instead, pick up the habit of 'doing their business on the people'.

It isn't supposed to work like that.

Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF © 2011


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Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Democrats Have Lost Thier Minds

Stop the illegal alien student bailout: DREAM Act target list; Plus: Sen. Sessions’ critical alert
By Michelle Malkin

As I told you yesterday and as I’ve been telling you for, oh, years, the shamnesty crowd is counting on open-borders Republicans to drag the DREAM Act illegal alien student bailout across the legislative finish line.

Here’s a handy phone list of target Senate Republicans. Use and share:

Sen. Murkowski of Alaska 202-224-6665

Sen. Lugar of Indiana 202-224-4814

Sen. Brownback of Kansas 202-224-6521

Sen. Voinovich of Ohio 202-224-3353

Sen. LeMeiux of Florida 202-224-3041

Sen. Collins of Maine 202-224-2523

Sen. Snowe of Maine 202-224-5344

Sen. Brown of Massachusetts 202-224-4543

Sen. Johanns of Nebraska 202-224-4224

Sen. Gregg of New Hampshire 202-224-3324

Sen. Hutchison of Texas 202-224-5922

Sen. McCain of Arizona 202-224-2235

Stalwart immigration enforcement supporter Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) will be circulating an alert about the Dems’ DREAM Act nightmare emphasizing some of the following critical points:

1) The illegal alien student bailout will NOT be limited to “children” — but, in fact, would put illegal aliens in their 30s and 40s on a “path to citizenship.” Taxpayers “would also be on the hook for all federal benefits the DREAM Act seeks to offer illegal aliens, including student loans and grants.

2) The DREAM Act provides safe harbor for any alien, including criminals, from being removed or deported if they simply submit an application.

3) Certain criminal aliens, including gang members, deportation fugitives, and those who have committed voter fraud or marriage fraud, would be eligible for DREAM Act amnesty.

4) An estimated 2.1 million illegal aliens will be eligible for DREAM Act amnesty.

5) Illegal aliens would be eligible for in-state tuition benefits under Section 3.

6) The DREAM Act does not require that amnesty beneficiaries actually finish any type of degree as a condition for “path to citizenship” benefits.

Where do your Senators stand on the illegal alien student bailout — which President Obama is openly pushing as a “down payment” on a larger shamnesty? Ask them. Get them on record. And spread the word.

Hat Tip to Mr. I

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Soetoro's Slave Ship & Jeremiah Wright

An article below really nails down Barry. He's had this hatred for "the White Man" since he was child. Why do these Sadists still support him. As Rush and Levin often say, we knew this is who he was. The Liberals and self-loathing Whites and the Black People who voted for Soetoro simply for the color of his skin are at fault. Their own Racism towards Whites did not allow them to question who Barry really is? All they had to do is listen to him, read his material (if you could stomach a few pages) and look at his disgusting friends. This story below is by Robin of Berkeley, who is awesome!

Obama's Slave Ship

Written by Robin of Berkeley
When I was young and living in Manhattan, I saw an Off-Off-Broadway play called Slave Ship. It was an experience I'll never forget.

Unbeknownst to me, the performance was conducted in total darkness. The audience was subjected for one very long hour to the harrowing sounds of slavery. There were blood-curdling screams, whippings, and more.

Given that we were trapped in pitch blackness, the audience was held captive like the slaves, compelled to experience the same terror, helplessness, and despair. This was undoubtedly the intention of the play.

Memories of that ghastly night at the theater sauntered back into my mind's eye upon hearing some of Obama's recent utterances. To an audience of blacks, he invokes the language of slavery, fashioning himself an abolitionist freeing them from bondage.

Using racially charged language, Obama relegates Republicans to the back of the bus. In a speech to Latinos, he directs the audience to align with him against the "enemy." But Obama doesn't mean the Mexican Cartel, who are holding sections of Mexico and the United States hostage. He's referring to conservatives.

Recent photos of Obama have been alarming; they depict a man boiling over with rage. Have we ever witnessed a U.S. president so pugnacious, so incensed and inflamed by his own people?

But to Obama, we are not his people; this is everything you need to know about Barack Obama in a nutshell. Although Obama was marketed as the post-racial, biracial uniter, this is not the man behind the mask.

And the world according to Obama does not resemble the place in which most of us live. His is a threatening, foreboding universe. It has always been this way and will always be, regardless of the power he amasses. As he writes in Dreams from My Father, "The world was violent, I was learning, unpredictable and often cruel."

This is the world Obama was thrust into, born to a teenage white mother and a Kenyan father. The young child lived with his parents (maybe), and then his mother, and next was carted off to a foreign land, Indonesia, with a new daddy.

In Indonesia, Obama began to cultivate his lifelong identity as the outsider. There he was a black/white boy in a Muslim country. His mother reinforced and celebrated their misfit status. She scoffed at socializing with other Americans because "[t]hey are not my people." (If they weren't her people, then who were?)

Obama's mom, the oddly named Stanley Ann, taught Barry to view the world as she did -- in black and white terms. There are villains and there are victims, with no trustworthy people to whom to attach. Stanley Ann's behavior itself exemplified the faithlessness of others.

A young mom, just 18 when Barry was born, she carted him around like a piece of luggage. She spirited him off to Indonesia to start a new life there. After her marriage dissolved, she returned to the U.S. with the little boy in tow.

When Stanley Ann made plans to haul him back to Indonesia, Barry refused and moved in with his grandparents in Hawaii, where there was no love lost. He has described them as "strangers," and his grandma as belonging to "typical white people."

Obama learned how to be a black man through the tutelage of Frank Marshall Davis, purportedly a Communist, pedophile, and bisexual. Davis imparted such lessons as "never trust the white man."

Barry had to endure his grandfather and Davis, in a boozy state, telling dirty jokes in front of the discomforted boy. The small, vulnerable child just didn't exist.

When a child grows up with no strong arms to protect him and no sense of home, he can evolve in several different ways. He may become a dependent person who clings to others like a life raft.

Or he can go another way entirely and become the consummate loner. He will depend only upon himself; it's him against the world.

In extreme cases, the person may become grandiose and ordain himself as uniquely gifted. This path would be more likely if those around him reinforced his specialness, without, at the same time, offering warmth and closeness.

Of course, a man can reject all of the poisons of the past. He can instead emulate a wholesome and healthy person in his life. But who in Obama's world embodied a life-affirming spirit?

The adult Barack has instead chosen people who support his worldview, those lessons that he learned by Davis' side. In college, Obama gravitated towards the college militants, then married the fiery Michelle, who dubs this country "mean."

Together they befriended the hardcore Left, the Bill Ayerses and Bernardine Dohrns of the world. Fashioning themselves as soldiers in a war within, Ayers and Dohrn configured bombs that maimed and murdered American citizens. They were ecstatic about Charles Manson's butchery, as well as his scheme to incite a race war -- Helter Skelter.

For his adult mentor, Obama picked Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Then Pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ, Wright is a fan of Black Liberation Theology. BLT teaches that blacks are God's Chosen People, with whites inferior and wicked. Its founder, James Cone, has described the goals of BLT this way:

". . . complete emancipation of black people from white oppression by whatever means black people deem necessary. . . Theologically, Malcolm X was not far wrong when he called the white man ‘the devil.'"

By choosing this church over all others, Obama made a pivotal life decision. For seventeen years, Obama sat in the pews of Trinity consuming the vitriol of racial hate. In one sermon after another, Rev. Jeremiah Wright invoked the specters of slavery and Jim Crow, resurrecting a war that, for him, had never ended.

In his autobiography, Obama lets slip a fascination with something that the biracial Malcolm X once said. Malcolm was so repulsed by his white ancestry that he daydreamed about draining the white blood from his body.

One must wonder: by Obama's choosing Trinity, a church where his own mother wouldn't have been welcome, was he trying to exorcise the evil white spirit in him? And by joining that church, did he finally leave his repugnant white side behind at Trinity's door?

Now at the helm, Obama is avenging the Sins of the Fathers, even though the fathers are long since dead and buried. Consequently, the Department of Justice drops all charges against the new generation of domestic terrorists, the New Black Panthers, who verbalize their desire to kill "cracker babies."

The DOJ turns a blind eye toward egregious acts of injustice towards whites. The Feds will even go so far as suing Arizona and threatening other states should they not toe the party line of importing as many people of color as possible.

When Obama tells black voters that he's freeing them from slavery, this is not hyperbole; he means it. But he's not referring to liberal politics that has only decimated the black culture.

Obama means this: he will put the final nail in the coffin of American exceptionalism. He will end the Civil War. And he will do it his way: by trying to break the backs and the spirits of the white oppressors.

It matters not that the Civil War ended over a century ago, nor that 3% of the population perished in the struggle to free the slaves. For people like Obama and the Revs. Wright and Cone, the war still rages.

Obama thinks we're on his Slave Ship, and he's taking us along for a ride. He wants us to experience the same terror, helplessness, and despair as that New York audience held captive in the theater long ago.

He wants us to suffer. That's why there's an impish gleam in his eye when he consigns Republicans to the back of the bus.

For Obama, the change has come. But it's not prosperity. It's not uniting us as one people, Americans, under God.

It's the chickens coming home to roost. It's this: we're finally firmly and, in his mind, deservingly, under his thumb.

A frequent American Thinker contributor, Robin is a recovering liberal and a psychotherapist in Berkeley.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Real Truth About Doctors without Borders

Today we read more about Liberals who practice Racism on a daily basis. How could any self-respecting Jewish Person still support Liberalism and Democrats? With Barry Soetoro in the back pocket of a Nazi Collaborator, how could anyone still support him?

If you think "Medecins Sans Frontieres" are doing a wonderful job, please read this.
The Chief Operational Officer
Médecins Sans Frontières
Sent to the Australian Office and New York Office
Subject: Dismay

Dear Sir/Madam

When my daughter wed in July 2006, in lieu of gifts she asked for donations to be made to Doctors without Borders / Medecins Sans Frontieres as our family had always supported the Group. Well, I have a regret. I've just read a presentation by Alan Dershowitz "Doctors Without Borders erected borders when it came to Israeli doctors who flew to the Congo to treat 50 local villagers who had been severely burned. The Israeli volunteers worked around the clock, treated the burn victims and trained local doctors to perform skin grafts, and donated tons of medical equipment. But Doctors Without Borders refused to work with the Israeli medics and para medics and treated them "as though we were occupiers." - quoted one Israeli medic.

Dr. Marie Pierre Allie, President of the French branch of the organization, said that "Israel's actions in Gaza were actually worse than the Darfur genocide in the Sudan."Only a blind moonbat could even make such a comparison! MSF has an apparent problem with one democratic Jewish State but is quite at ease with the existence and actions of 56 dysfunctional & corrupt Islamic states.

As one critic has put it well, "These are Doctors With Borders - and without scruples." Google "Doctors without Borders Israel" and you will get more confirmation of the reactions around the world. My family will no longer donate to Doctors without Borders until this cynical, hateful and bitter culture towards Israel - which obviously emanates from the top - ceases. I shall disseminate this email as widely as I can and shall ask recipients to forward it on also.

Written by a Gentleman from Melbourne, Australia

Hat Tip to B!

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Comments to Left Wing MSM

Today we have a letter below to one of the Left Wing MSM outlets in Florida. These self-proclaimed elitist still preach on "Racist Tea-Party". Yet none of these Nazi Media Outlets, who drink Obama Kool-Aid tell the story of Allen West and Marco Rubio. The Tea Party supported these great Guys and others who are so called Minorities in this Politically Correct Country ruled by a Marxist Regime.
This portion below is from our Friends at Chuck On The Right Side.

Dear Professor Watson:

For a supposed esteemed historian (in the liberal community), you seem to have flashes of amnesia when evaluating some of the policies that our government has pursued.

In your screed on "patriotism" you claim that it is not patriotic to root for a president's failure or to pledge your loyalty to party rather than to their constitutional oath. Let me ask you "Professor", if you think that the policies of the president will do harm to our country, would it not be patriotic to root for those policies to fail? That's exactly what President Obama's critics root for - the failure of his policies, not, in particular, the man himself. To me, that is more patriotic than what you implied. We are all not lemmings being driven to our demise by the Pied Piper.

As to the part where you claim it is not patriotic, for a politician, to pledge his/her loyalty to a party rather than their constitutional oath, is a point I could possibly agree with. Knowing your politics (which is decidedly left-liberal) and your past utterances, that "dig" was directed at the Republicans ( most likely the Tea Party protesters, in particular), but isn't passing legislation (like ObamaCare) which, in my estimation, will be declared unconstitutional because you can't force someone to buy a good or service and then assess a penalty for not complying, and then passing it because of partisan arm-twisting and outright bribery, is just as unpatriotic as your unfair depiction as claiming that the tax cuts only benefited the rich when the "rich" taxpayers today pay approx. 60% of all income taxes? To pass along such misinformation under the cloak of being an objective educator, is as unpatriotic as you can get because it undermines an honest and fair dialogue.

I think the people you decry as unpatriotic are really the true patriots and not the self-serving professor who lives in his liberal ivory tower.


Chuck On The Right Side

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Barry Soetoro & Democrats Caused This Disaster

Explosive Audio Unearthed! After the Sub-Prime Crisis already started in 2007 Obama says Sub Prime Mortgages that gave houses to people WHO COULDN'T AFFORD THEM was a GOOD IDEA! Also involved where many Obama cronies and the leader Franklin Raines made huge profits.

Even as it was destroying our economy Obama thinks giving people mortgages who couldn't afford them was a good idea. Then he says spreading the bad debt throughout the financial system was good "in theory" (is Marxism good in Theory to a Chicago Thug?). Obama went as far as to sue Citibank Under Community Reinvestment Modernization Act (CRA) to force it to make Bad Loans.

“I’ve been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work.” — Barack Obama, Speech to ACORN, November 2007

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