Showing posts with label Liberals-Lie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liberals-Lie. Show all posts

Sunday, March 24, 2013

MORT’s meanderings

Coincidence?    I dun think so.

BRIBERY &  INTIMIDATION are the tactics-of-choice favored by both the agents of Islam Shariah and  President Barack Hussein Obama.  Coincidence?  I dun think so.

BRIBERY:  Money, property, favors (i.e.,sex or political advancement) offered or given to someone in a position of trust to corrupt or induce him or her to act dishonestly; to influence or persuade.

INTIMIDATION: To frighten, to make fearful; to cower or to make timid in order to exact a demand for accommodation and compliance.

Sound familiar?  This is the M.O. (Modus Operandi) of this President, his Czars, his appointees and his enablers.  Barack Obama uses these Chicago street thug tactics openly and frequently.

It is also, precisely the M.O. used by agents of the vicious Muslim Brotherhood and its many spin-off groups (all with benign-sounding names, of course)  that have insinuated themselves into so many venues in our society.  The Muslim Brotherhood is now bribing and intimidating with hardly any opposition in such places as:   college and university campuses, municipal governments, city and county commissions, school boards, Mayors, community service organizations and commercial enterprises of every description.  

Influential individuals in each of these venues are targeted for bribery - - if that doesn’t work, then serious intimidation becomes the tactic of choice.  

Intimidation takes  whatever form is deemed will be most effective.  They don’t hesitate to threaten their targets with physical violence.  Often, they will threaten physical harm and worse, to the family and loved ones of their targets. Even people with personal courage will waver when their children and families are threatened.  Threats of maiming, dismembering, disfigurement and murder are the every day tactic favored by the Muslim Brotherhood, individual Imams and other agents of terrorism.

Vandalism committed on the property of the targeted person is common – and it works.  Residences, business establishments, autos, RVs, boats – anything that can be slashed, burned, blown up or destroyed is fair game to these miscreants.  They will do whatever it takes to intimidate the targeted person into submission and induce him to comply against his will, with the demands made upon him..   

A Coincidence that both Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood employ these tactics?  
I dun think so.

MORT KUFF  © 3-13-2013

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Monday, February 6, 2012

Another Eric Holder Lie Exposed


Regarding: The House Oversight Committee with Attorney General Eric Holder and Fast and Furious Killings.

Attorney General Eric Holder's FOUR HOURS of testimony revealed not too much new information or admittance to guilt on Fast and Furious!

It was four hours of wasted time! Almost.....

Eric Holder (covering for his boss, Barack Obama) continued to continue the conspiracy for Fast and Furious.

Eric Holder did admit: "I did not become aware of any 'gun-walking' until the beginning of 2011!" LIES!

Holder did acknowledge that he was aware of Agent Brian Terry's death within 24 hours that it happened on December 15, 2010. HOWEVER, in his sworn testimony before Congress earlier, he did not know of Fast and Furious until weeks before the Spring of 2010!

But even today, he did not equate the murder/killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry to Fast and Furious---"that I only had knowledge of much later in 2010!"

If someone that we were over, and they were murdered, I would want to get to the very bottom of that killing right away! But, Eric Holder, obviously, did not!

Instead, Holder today boasted of his minion Todd Jones who has supposedly instituted a number of reforms!

Quite frankly, if THE MURDER OF THE ATF AGENT were not brought to the attention of Eric Holder, quite possibly this injustice would still be going on!

Yet Eric Holder still bucked the obvious: "There is NO attempt at a cover-up!"

Tell that to the family of slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry!' Holder is guilty and must RESIGN!

Holder MUST be removed from the nation's highest law enforcement office IMMEDIATELY! Will you Contact your Congressman?

Holder's testimony today revealed that Holder did NOT equate the murder of Agent Terry to Fast and Furious---that he supposedly did not even know about. He considered it just another murder of a border patrol agent.

This is beyond belief. Yes, within 24 hours of Agent Terry's death, the Attorney General was notified! Will we ever find out when Barack Obama was notified? News media need to be asking those questions!

If someone under me ON MY WATCH was murdered---by golly I would move heaven and hell to find out what happened to this true patriot under my watch!!

However, while Eric Holder LIED to congressional investigators under oath; he said words to the contrary, indicating he "found out" sometime in the spring of 2011. Yet these brand new documents released say that on December 15th, 2010, he was alerted to the murder of Agent Brian Terry!

That means he even lied to the grieving family of Agent Brian Terry!

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Marco Rubio Speech at Hispanic Leadership Network

The Marxists in the MSM wrote that Undocumented students confronted Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) during his speech at the Hispanic Leadership Network conference over his lack of support for the DREAM Act. Let us start by saying that Marco Rubio does not need to support a despicable bill (Dream Act) because some Guy from Kenya says that it is good. Let's straighten out that these undocumented students are just ILLEGALS. The majority of these schools and colleges are just a front for the Saul Alinsky Radicals who run the current regime.

Let the Miami Agents know that Marco Rubio is the Senator who deserves to be considered for his knowledge not the color of his skin. The current Politically Correct President is a disaster.

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

FIRE Debbie Wasserman Schultz - Support Allen West

We have a message that we would like to share. Aleen West needs Florida's support and support from all Patriotic Americans. The radical Left Wing Democrats are out to get him.


Dear Patriot,

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz -- proud liberal and Democrat National Committee chair -- is like a gift that keeps on giving -- but you just want to take it back to the store.

Take a minute right now to help me defend against her ridiculous accusations made to conservative voters by donating $25 or more at our website HERE.

Last week, Schultz basically blamed the Tea Party for the horrific shooting of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. Here is what she said.

We need to … tone things down, particularly in light of the Tucson tragedy … where my very good friend, Gabby Giffords -- … [was shot],.” "The discourse in America. . . has really changed, I'll tell you. I hesitate to place blame, but I have noticed it take a very precipitous turn towards edginess and lack of civility with the growth of the Tea Party movement. … You had town hall meetings that they tried to take over, and you saw some their conduct at those tea party meetings … when they come and disagree with you, you're not just wrong, you're the enemy."

So there you have it. We’re “the enemy” and when we speak our mind, people get shot.


I want to make three things very clear. First, my family continues to keep Rep. Giffords in our thoughts and prayers. Second, I condemn all violence -- it has zero place in American politics. And third, the Tuscon shooting had nothing to do with the Tea Party or conservatives. It was a depraved act carried out by one very sick individual.

I won’t stand by and listen to this type of attack on Americans who want to speak their mind, and you shouldn’t either. There are two things you can do right now.

1) Call Debbie Wasserman Schulz’s office right now at 202-225-7931 and tell her you’re sick and tired of the ridiculous statements she makes.

2) Help me fight the coming attacks on our conservative army by visiting our donation page and making a contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more.

Schultz’s attacks on us and our movement show the level she is willing to approach in an attempt to discredit us and essentially squelch free speech.

I for one am not intimidated. I’ll continue to have town hall meetings, and welcome a spirited and civil debate about the future of this nation and the direction we want to go. The voters -- and our democracy -- demand nothing less.

Please support our conservative army by visiting our donation page now.

And thank you for your ongoing support.
Steadfast and Loyal,

Congressman Allen B. West (R-FL)
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, Retired

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Monday, January 16, 2012

MORT’s Meanderings

About Me and Facebook.

Over the past several years I’ve subscribed to Facebook and unsubscribed several times. Subscribed when it seemed the sporting thing to do, to be among the ‘cognoscente’. Unsubscribed each time I realized anew, that this Social Site represents a way of life. It is an all-consuming, full-time, 24/7 occupation. I don’t need that; I don’t want that.

And so, while it will doubtless spread a pall of deep-dark gloom over a majority of the nation’s computer-literate population including my vast legion of friends, debtors and admirers – I will not respond to ‘notifications’, ‘messages from friends’, pals who have ‘tagged photos’ of me – or any of the other irresistible enticements calculated to elicit my response.

To all who would get in touch, my e-mail address ( is still the best way to send me information, messages and/or photos. My phone (561-374-9330) is still connected and I rarely let it ring more than three times before answering. And as of this writing, the USPS continues to make sporadic deliveries to my mail box.

I am truly interested in hearing from my pals who want to communicate. That said however, I must tell you that I get most of my physical exercise these days, from deleting someone else’s idea of ‘what’s funny’, ‘what’s interesting’ or whatever they’ve been told to pass-on ‘under penalty of dire consequences if they don’t’. Each of you receives a ton of e-mails daily, so I know that you understand exactly where I’m coming from. (to end a sentence with a preposition)

I’ve run the numbers. And I have determined to my satisfaction, that by eliminating this one particular demand for my attention, I will free up something on the order of 8-16 minutes in each 24-hr period. That is precisely the amount of time required to pour and consume at least a few sips of my favorite Pinot Noir wine.

Case closed.


MORT KUFF © 2012

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

U.S. Downgraded by Liberal Policies

Why the U.S. was downgraded:

* U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000
* Fed budget: $3,820,000,000,000
* New debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000
* National debt: $14,271,000,000,000
* Recent budget cuts: $ 38,500,000,000

Let's now remove 8 zeros and pretend it's a household budget:

* Annual family income: $21,700
* Money the family spent: $38,200
* New debt on the credit card: $16,500
* Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710
* Total budget cuts: $385


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Monday, October 17, 2011

Occupy Wall Street - Vulgar Miscreants

The current feverish media coverage of the “Occupy Wall Street” crowd proves forever the divide that they have constructed in telling Americans about “news”.First, the crowd has chosen a nondescript park well removed from what is Wall Street to conduct their squatting, but the media has said nothing of this. It might as well be Cleveland.

Second, the media has done all it can to draw favorable comparisons to The Tea Party, which is a pathetic mischaracterization of the comparable purposes and behaviors of the two groups; The Tea Party cause has opposed mindless and wasteful government spending and excessive taxation, while the OWS crowd is against Wall Street bailouts, banks, profiteering, millionaires and billionaires, and “social injustice”, whatever that means.

Third, The Tea Party gatherings showed cleanly dressed, well behaved, mostly employed adults with hand-made signs, while OWS is populated by unclean, vulgar, hippy-type miscreants sporting shop-made signs, creating filth but being paid an hourly stipend by “interested parties”, such as the leftist George Soros. One questions the earnest spontaneity of the cause when there is compensation involved, even if the media wont.

The media has spared Americans of the truth about issues, or their favored personalities, like the current president, for the past fifty years. It was during this era that “journalism” died, replaced by reportage whose political leanings super-cede veracity. Trusted outlets of information muddied reality with opinions too often and too well for devotees to notice. Or care. Only the advent of the internet has saved what was once an honored trade.

The media’s refusal to tell Americans that OWS is a mélange of irreverent groupies seeking face-time on TV and handouts begs the question of their message; at least the anti-Vietnam War mobs had one. The comparison with a genuinely focused Tea Party is simply noise.

CBS, earlier this year, vowed to return to journalism. I wish them luck. We all need more truth and less dogma.

Conservative Commentary by Richard Klitzberg

Hat Tip to Chuck On The Right Side

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Marco Rubio Verbally Beats Down Democrats

Sen. Rubio: "Save the Whole House or It Will All Burn Down"

Many People are asking if we can clone this Guy, Senator Marco Rubio. Finally we get someone with common sense, to ask Where Heck is That Damn Budget!!! Two and one half years and Barry Hussein does not produce a Budget. Why is this guy in Office??? Listen to this Lurch Phony, John Kerry try and step up to the plate. He is a sack of garbage who trashes our Veterans and then says WE need to pay more taxes. All the while the solution for sicko Kerry is dodging any taxes that he can.

The Democrats and anyone (Semi Colon Powell) who supported this Guy should be taxed to no end! These Obama supporters have to know by now the damage being done and they are to blame.

Hat Tip to Neil


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Friday, September 23, 2011

Stop Funding Tony Bennett - It was an Islam Job

You are either with us or against us! Listen up Tony Bennett! You have made millions of dollars from the American People. And this is how you repay us? You parade around for years as if you are an Italian-American who came up with nothing and became a success. Your mask is off now and you are no Italian American. You are a Muslim! You are no different than Radical Islam Terrorists who want to punish America. Yes the radical Islam sycophants (I guess Tony Bennett also) want Women in trunks of Cars. They want “Honor Killings” and they say Husbands can rape their wives or treat them any way they see fit.

Tony Bennett, you are no different than lowlife Rapper Ice Tea, Racist rapper Common and Michelle Obama supporting Cop Killers, and rapping about Raping Children and Killing Police Officers. Tony Muslim Bennett, you are no different than this clown, baby gaga, who does not want LEGAL Americans protected in Arizona. The baby gaga liberals want the illegal Aliens and illegal immigrants to be able to come in America and lop off arms, kidnap, and rape and murder our Legal Americans.

Tony Bennett has forced our hand. American should no longer support Bennett or his vile left wing thug buddies. Let us not forget tony Bennett came out in full support of BARRY ZERO SOETORO even after we knew he wanted to transform America into a third world Country. BARRY ZERO SOETORO, and Tony Islam Bennett did this with the help of their racist and terrorists friends.

After this was written he allegedly apologized. It is a little too late. He and his Marxist Cronies want Capitalism with their money but want us slaves to live under the thumb of Barry and the EPA.


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Friday, September 9, 2011


Here is a "must see" Video which describes so many details about Barry Soetoro. Yes Barry is the Guy who sits in The White House and screams "PASS THE BILL" when there is no Bill. Just like that Nazi Pelosi, the multi millionaire, who tells us to Pass The Bill to see what is in it. How could any American vote for a Democrat after these vile, Anti-Americans?

Hat Tip to Chuck On The Right Side
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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Obama and Holder Operation Fast and Furious

Once again, "Investors Business Daily" has an article that the main Stream Media hides from. The Vile, lowlife Mainstream media hacks like Brian Williams, katie koric (whatever his name is), Liar Dan rather and the rest of the Traitors in America Media cower in the corner.

They promote People that hang out with terrorists and Racists yet they want to abuse Rick Perry for authorizing the Capital Punishment of an animal who raped or murdered innocent People. The Animals (Obama Voters) who do these heinous crimes should get the death penalty not a Texas Life Insurance policy. Governor Rick Perry knows what Justice is.

It is time to just completely kick the MSM to the gutter where they swell with The Messiah, Barry Soetoro and his Anti-American wife. Meanwhile Coward Eric Holder try to defends himself against the Gun Walker Investigation.

A White House 'Gunrunner'?

The Law: Operation Gunwalker, the rogue ATF operation to arm Mexico's cartels, extends now to three White House officials. A bell goes off with the one named Dan Restrepo.

Late last Friday, CBS News and the Los Angeles Times almost buried the news that Restrepo, the National Security Council's top man for Latin America, and two other officials, were in on ATF memos from the Gunwalker operation called "Fast and Furious."

That blows apart White House claims that it had no idea the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives was encouraging frontmen for Mexico's cartels to buy weapons from U.S. gun dealers — to "trace" them afterward.

Some 2,000 U.S. guns were sold in Gunwalker but simply disappeared — until they turned up at massacres in Mexico and at the murder scenes of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agent Jaime Zapata.

But outgoing ATF acting director Ken Melson and others who've been the fall guys in this scandal darkly hint that their orders came from the White House, and domestic critics think Gunwalker can only be explained as a White House bid to boost support for gun control. Restrepo's involvement distinctly raises both possibilities.

Restrepo is a political operative whose interests are more domestic than Latin American. As a result, he's botched every Latin American operation he's had his hand in, appeasing enemies and blaming the U.S.:

• Honduras: In 2009, Restrepo was behind a U.S. bid to swiftly declare Honduras' constitutional ouster of its president "a coup" and sanctioned the country, playing into the hands of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, who had attempted to make Honduras a colony.

• Cuba: Restrepo was behind loosening sanctions on Castro's Cuba, which has emboldened the regime to act against Americans. While Castro imprisoned Alan Gross, a U.S. contractor who was distributing satellite phones to dissidents, the Obama administration said nothing.

• Colombia: Its troops captured drug "kingpin of kingpins" Walid Makled, who had extensive knowledge of Venezuelan official involvement in trafficking. U.S. attorneys wanted him extradited, but Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos said President Obama never asked. When IBD asked Restrepo whether he advised Obama to ask, Restrepo defensively said he did. But that's at odds with what Santos said.

• Venezuela: Treasury Department officials complained Restrepo kept names of high-ranking Venezuelan officials with ties to drug dealers off its "Kingpin List," in a naive effort to keep pressure off Chavez.

• Now Restrepo tries to pin Mexico's drug war not on Hugo Chavez's trafficker allies, but on gun dealers from the U.S.

There's little doubt that's his line, because blaming U.S. gun dealers and calling for a U.S. assault weapon ban were his ideas from his days spent at the Center for American Progress, an Obama-linked think tank.

The U.S. "will work to inhibit the flow of weapons ... across our border," Restrepo told Mexican media.

Meanwhile, when Obama met with Mexico's President Felipe Calderon, both erroneously declared that U.S. weapons fueled Mexico's drug war — on Restrepo's advice.

Blogger Mike Vanderbroegh thinks that if Restrepo wasn't the author of Gunwalker he'd know who is and should be called to tell Congress. Either he's kept Obama in the dark about Gunwalker, or Obama should be impeached.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Barry Soetoro The Flake

A four-hour stop in New Orleans, on his way to a $3 million fundraiser.

Snubbing the Dalai Lama.

Signing off on a secret deal with drug makers.

Kicking poor black children out of the Voucher programs.

Freezing out a TV network.

Spitting on Israel at every turn.

Doing more fundraisers than the last president. More golf, too.

Bowing to every vile Dictator and half wit.

President Barack Obama has done all of those things — and more.

What if George Bush had done these things?

Hat Tip to Chuck On The Right Side
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

President Bush Saved Region From Gadhafi’s WMD

Seriously, that was a very drastic situation that we faced in the second Gulf war. As long as Saddam had all the parts to build his WMD, we would always be the target. The vile Mains Stream Media will never report what our great Troops did find in Iraq. What did Iraq ship to Syria before we got there and at the beginning of the War. Let the Liberals who believe that the Muslim Terrorists are so nice, go live with them.

The Liberal Women will be so happy under Sharia Law. maybe Baby gaga will be forced to put on some more clothes and masks so we are not choking on our lunch looking at her. Baby gaga would support Illegal Aliens running into homes in Arizona all the while she lives in a safe Place. She does not care what happens with the people on the plantation, as Slave Owner Obama attacks Patriots! Weapons of Mass Destruction do not care if you voted for Obama because he is Black. WMD will destroy you regardless of who you support.

U.S. Fears Tripoli May Deploy Gas As Chaos Mounts

Portion below written by JAY SOLOMON

WASHINGTON—The government of Col. Moammar Gadhafi hasn’t destroyed significant stockpiles of mustard gas and other chemical-weapons agents, raising fears in Washington about what could happen to them—and whether they may be used—as Libya slides further into chaos.

Tripoli also maintains control of aging Scud B missiles, U.S. officials said, as well as 1,000 metric tons of uranium yellowcake and vast amounts of conventional weapons that Col. Gadhafi has channeled in the past to militants operating in countries like Sudan and Chad.

So will these weapons of mass destruction ever be found? And, if not, will the Obama administration ever hear the end of it?

Current and former U.S. officials said in interviews that Washington’s counter-proliferation operations against Libya over the past decade have scored gains, in particular the dismantling of Tripoli’s nascent nuclear-weapons program and its Scud C missile stockpiles. But the level of instability in Libya, and Col. Gadhafi’s history of brutality, continues to make the U.S. focus on the arms and chemical agents that remain, they said.

"When you have a guy who’s as irrational as Gadhafi with some serious weapons at his disposal, it’s always a concern," said a U.S. official. "But we haven’t yet seen him move to use any kind of mustard gas or chemical weapon" during the unrest.

Yet. Still, the situation over there could be a helluva lot worse if it wasn’t for the invasion of Iraq and the subsequent disarming of Mr. Gadhafi by the Bush administration.

The George W. Bush administration reached a key agreement with Tripoli in 2003 that called for Libya to scrap its weapons of mass destruction programs in return for normalized diplomatic relations.

Within months of the pact, Col. Gadhafi’s government sent to the U.S. the critical infrastructure for its nuclear-weapons programs, including uranium hexafluoride stockpiles, centrifuge machines and parts for a nuclear fuel-conversion facility. Libya also destroyed its longer-range missiles and 3,300 aerial munitions used to disperse mustard gas and other chemical agents…

But the program to eradicate Libya’s chemical agents, as well as its chemical weapons production facility, was delayed by spats between Washington and Tripoli over funding and logistics, according to U.S. officials…

Libya was to have destroyed all 23 metric tons of its mustard gas by the end of last year, according to the [Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons], but 9.5 metric tons remain. The Hague-based body said Libya was granted an extension until May to destroy the rest.

Who granted him this extension? The Obama administration or the Hague?

Libya also possesses more than half of the 1,300 metric tons of precursor chemicals used for developing chemical agents. The material is believed to be stored in jugs at the former Rabta chemical-weapons facility…

"Had the destruction process not started, we would be facing a far more dangerous situation," said Paula DeSutter, who helped oversee disarmament issues in George W. Bush’s State Department. "On the other hand, one would certainly feel more secure if all of the mustard gas had been eliminated." …

Do you think the Bush administration will get any credit from Mr. Obama or the news media for having disarmed Col. Gadhafi even this much? Isn’t this one more dividend from the invasion of Iraq?

Just imagine if he still had the material for just one ‘dirty bomb’ and the means to deliver it?

Written by JAY SOLOMON

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

No Tyrants in the White House Again

We hear many people criticize the Republican Candidates. So Rick Perry had a Christian gathering. If Obama had a Muslim gathering would the lowlife main stream media say anything? So Rick perry is a Christian. Is that worse than being a member in the Barack Husein Obama religion with Rev Wright? The great article below is by Ralph Alter. There should be no doubts as to who needs to get the boot from the White House. Let's just say the Marxist Guys needs to go! No tyrants in the White House anymore!

Obama vs. Perry in a nutshell

Written by Ralph Alter

Mark Hemingway at the Weekly Standard uncovered a quote from Texas Governor, Rick Perry, that distills the essence of the consistent, conservative approach that forms the basis for his efficient management of our most successful state:

Government isn't difficult in theory...Don't spend all the money, keep taxes low, have a fair and predictable regulatory climate, keep frivolous lawsuits to a minimum, and fund an accountable education system so that you have a skilled work force available. Then get the hell out of the way and let the private sector do what the private sector does best.

Under Barely the President, we have seen our federal government spend all the current available money and have dipped into the pockets of our children and grandchildren for more. Regulatory budgets in Washington have grown 16% since 2008, topping $54 billion while employment at federal regulatory agencies has climbed 13% under B.O. to 281,000. Obama has imposed more than 75 new major regulatory rules since taking office, adding 18% to the number of pages in the Federal Register and cost the private sector more than $40 billion according to the Heritage Foundation. More than 4,200 new regulations are in the works as well. Incredibly, the genuises in the Obama administration are now proposing a federal "Department of Jobs."

Now the Campaigner-in-Chief is spending an additional $100 million of our money on a bus tour to stump for more Keynesian bloat. Even Jon Stewart sees through the canard that the Obama Under the Bus tour represents B.O. performing official government business.

Rick Perry's succinct prescription for successfully managing government starkly contrasts with B.O. Theory:

Spend all the money. Raise taxes. Impose a hostile and punitive regulatory bureaucracy upon the private sector. Unleash the lawyers and turn the education system over to union hacks. Nationalize failing business models and invent crony socialism.

It looks like we really have a clear choice.

Written by Ralph Alter, He is a regular contributor to American Thinker (

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rick Perry For President - No More Community Organizers

Rick Perry: Time to Get America Working Again

Relating to the official presidential announcement, Rick Perry has launched a new, two minute campaign video.

The governor of the great State of Texas is “America’s jobs governor,” and “conservative to the core,” and he is not an incompetent Community Organizer who downgrades America. Rick Perry is someone with “proven executive leadership.” Rick Perry does not run away from social issues but is rooted in concerns about jobs and the economy. America is falling apart with the current ACORN Leadership. We do not need a Rev. Wright Protegee, we need a Fight and a Leader.

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Blame on Conservatives and Tea Party?

Dear Stephen L. Goldstein:

Who elected you to speak for honest, decent, average Americans who struggle against the odds to overcome real obstacles to living full and productive lives? Was there a special election I didn't know about?

As a self-appointed savior of the American people, what would you do to solve the problems we are facing today? From your past rants in the Sun-Sentinel, you seem to put all the blame on Republicans, Conservatives, and Tea Party supporters. Who has had the most power since 2007 to make this better? For two years 2007 to 2009, the Democrats had a robust majority in both Houses of Congress and the Presidency. Since 2009, the Democrats have had the majority in the Senate and the Presidency, and you blame the Republicans etc.? Really?

What President was in office when our annual deficit reached $1.5 trillion a year and still counting? What President was in charge, at the beginning of his presidency, when the total debt stood at $9.8 trillion, and now after 2 1/2 years the debt is over $14.5 trillion? What President was in charge when our credit rating was lowered from AAA, for the first time in our history? Could it have been Barack Hussein Obama? Does our illustrious, objective pundit, Stephen L. Goldstein acknowledge these facts, or is he too far gone with the malady he has contracted called CRI (Cranial Rectal Inversion)? "Me Thinks" that is the case for poor Stephen.

I thought blinders were meant to be used on race horses, not Sun-Sentinel columnists named Stephen L. Goldstein.


Chuck On The Right Side

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Saturday, July 30, 2011


The Communists and Progressives efforts are to subvert us from the inside. The Political Correctness movement has given us the most incompetent President ever, in Barack Hussein Obama. The most Anti-American President ever! How could anyone doubt that statement?

Look at what he has done to America. He has Forced Obamacare down our throats. Then Soetoro, aka Obama has loaded the deck on very important Positions, with the most Radical, People who despise America. Coward Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, Bill Ayers, Anti-American Military Elana Kagen, Odinga, Racist Sotomayor, the God hating Arlene Ocasio, Van Jones, Jeffrey Crowley, Richard Holbrooke, Carol Brower, Daniel Fried, Todd Stern, Herb Allison, John Brennan, Kevin Jennings, Regime Czar John Holdren and many more. Google any of these People and see their HATE for America, for Israel, For White People, Hate for Capitalism and on and on. This President said he would transform America and we are allowing him to do that. The Sheeple are scared or blind or ignorant or they are in the same belief system of Barry Sostoro.

Below is a list of 45 Commie goals that found their way into the halls of our great Capitol back in 1963. As you read this, you will see how they have played themselves out.

The List below is from "The Naked Communist," written by Cleon Skousen.

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.

6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.

7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.

8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.

9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.

10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.

11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)

12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.

13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.

14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].

39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.

43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.

45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike.
Sources at end.

In the early hours of November 22nd (1963) we learned of the quiet passing of C.S. Lewis and hours later we were brought to our knees when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated and our nation mourned.

On June 17, 1963 the U.S. Supreme Court concluded that any Bible reciting or prayer, in public schools, was deemed unconstitutional.

While American's have endured great prosperity over the past 40 years we have also lost our moral compass and direction. In reviewing the research, data supports 1963 as a focal point, demonstrating a downward slope in our moral and social decline through 2001.

Please click HERE for The Left Wing Agenda - Grinding America Down from our friends at Chuck On The Right Side.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Soetoro and Holder Attack Legal Americans

Saul Alinski dedicated his "Rules for radical" book to Lucifer. So we should not be surprised at how Soetor0 and Coward Holder attack real Americans. They do support Traitors (Traitor Hassan), Terrorists, Hate Groups, ACORN and Black Panthers. The Liberals and so-called Moderates who put them in office are as guilty as they are. There was plenty of evidence this was the most Radical Left Wing candidate in the History of America, yet these Liberals and self-loathing Whites were too lazy to read about B. Hussein or just did not care. We will live with the results for years to come and 47% say they will re-elect him?

Obama DOJ Sues “Vocal and Aggressive” Pro Lifer

While Obama’s Justice Department dismissed a critical voter intimidation case against a radical black revolutionary group, it’s going after a pro life advocate the agency calls one of “the most vocal and aggressive anti-abortion protestors.”

Ironically, the administration claims that the pro life advocate, a Maryland man named Richard Retta, intimidated and interfered with women seeking abortions in Washington D.C.-area clinics much like members of the New Black Panther Party did to white voters during the 2008 presidential election. The difference is that the Black Panthers, clad in military attire, used weapons, racial insults and profanity to deter voters.

Judicial Watch obtained records that show political appointees at the DOJ ordered the Black Panther case dismissed after the administration colluded with leftwing groups. JW’s investigation also revealed that the official Obama appointed to head the DOJ’s civil rights division, Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez, lied under oath to cover up the Black Panther voter intimidation scandal.
Now Perez is pursuing a pro lifer for violating a Clinton-era law (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act) that prohibits any sort of interference with a woman seeking an abortion. Retta physically obstructed a patient and volunteer escorts attempting to enter the Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, according to a DOJ complaint filed a few days ago. He also “frequently walks very closely beside patients as they walk to the clinic” and he follows them into the street and oncoming traffic. Sometimes he yells at them, the feds claim.

In announcing the lawsuit, Perez vowed to pursue similar cases, saying that “individuals who seek to obtain or provide reproductive health services have the right to do so without encountering hazardous physical obstructions.” If one unarmed guy is considered such a threat, then a barrier of big, muscular, armed men intimidating voters during a presidential election certainly merits attention from the agency charged with enforcing the law and defending the interests of the United States. Yet that case got dismissed.

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Racial Mob Violence - MSM is Silent

We want to draw attention to this very informative article below written by John T. Bennett. Our Stop Marxism staff knows all to well the results of Political Correctness and Hate Crimes against Whites, Jews and Asians. The Media is in bed with the Marxist Regime and Barry Soetoro and Coward Holder. where are all the calls for Resignations? O yea, that cannot happen with a so-called Black President or Attorney general who loves Terrorists and Black panthers. These sicko self-loathing Whites will cower in the corner until they are beaten by a Flash Mob. Some of our Stop Marxism staff has associates who were attacked in new York by the coward in a Flash Mob. The majority of these Flash Mobs is just Hate for non-Blacks.

The Knockout Game: Racial Violence and the Conspicuous Silence of the Media

Article written By John T. Bennett

By now, almost everyone has seen one of the semi-amusing videos of black teen mobs rampaging through a store. Maybe we've even seen the non-amusing pictures of the victims, or heard their stories. Most Americans have heard of recent violent "flash mobs," which are the bands of black teens that attack mostly white victims and white businesses, as even the New York Times once noted.

But the flash mobs, which are more accurately called "race riots" or "racial mob violence," are not the only interesting topic to cover in our national conversation about race. There is also the "knockout game," which is stunning in its brutal simplicity and stark racial significance.

The knockout game involves "unprovoked attacks on innocent bystanders," according to police who have had to deal with it. A retired officer explained, "Normally it was a group of black males, one of which would strike him as hard as he could in the face, attempting to knock him out with one punch," says retired Sgt. Don Pizzo. The victims are typically not robbed, but simply punched with no provocation. Such attacks have been reported in Illinois, Massachusetts, Missouri, and New Jersey.

The knockout game has claimed at least one life so far. In St. Louis this year, 72-year old Hoang Nguyen was walking with his wife, Yen, when four "young people" attacked. The attacker pushed the old man's face to the side to make a "clear target for his fist," recalled his wife. Nguyen was punched so hard that he fell to the ground and struck his head. Then the attacker turned on Nguyen's 59-year-old wife, punching her so hard that she suffered a broken eye socket. She could only watch as her husband was then kicked repeatedly. Hoang succumbed to his injuries later that day. A young black male, 18-year-old Elex Murphy, is charged with first-degree murder.

In addition, a mob of young black males can be seen playing the game here. The video shows the group attacking a young white man named Adam Taylor, who was left with internal bleeding, bruising of the brain, severe whiplash, and scratches on his face when he was beaten in Columbia, MO in 2009.

Sgt. Pizzo noted that the attacks fit a pattern: "black attackers on a white victim -- and the victim was often an older person walking alone." In a thorough and sensible piece on the subject in a local arts and entertainment magazine, eight of the victims interviewed were white, one was black, and one was Latino. All of the attackers, or "players," were black. Some witnesses claim that they have white relatives who play the game and that therefore the game is not a racial issue. But anyone who reviews the reporting -- when race is revealed, at least -- will see that the attackers are predominantly if not exclusively black.

As one player of the game says, "[w]e used to walk to where a lot of people be at and hit 'em. If one of the homeboys didn't knock him out, then the other would come. Whoever knock him out would be king."

Local media outlets have failed to report on the racial aspect of the attacks. At best, the media will allow the race of attackers to be revealed by mugshots, or quotations from police or victims. This follows a conscious policy of self-censorship that has been openly admitted by major newspapers.

A New York Times editor says that his paper will report on race "only if it's relevant to the story" or if readers would "learn something" from the description. The Chicago Tribune's editor, Gerould Kern, explains his paper's "approach" to concealing the truth: "We do not reference race unless it is a fact that is central to telling the story." Of course, no guilt-ridden white liberal editor will ever admit that race is relevant, unless of course a white is attacking minorities. The Los Angeles Times explains that the media will not report race because they don't want to "unfairly stigmatize racial groups." The Washington Post ombudsman openly admits that the Times's staff "worried about hyping a story that involved race" when blacks brawled on the Metro. Instead of stigmatizing racial groups, the liberal media prefers to condemn minorities via low expectations and preferential, secretive reporting -- which only creates a cloud of ominous suspicion over the race issue. But at least racial groups aren't being stigmatized.

A senior reporter from the Houston Chronicle admits, "We don't ever include race normally -- unless race is made an issue by other people." In other words, if racial interest groups make something of the issue, race will become part of the story. And we all know which racial groups advocate on their own behalf, and which one doesn't.

The liberal media policy of resolute silence about race and crime may strike a reasonable observer as troubling, given the violence and obvious racial aspect of the knockout game and flash mob attacks. The net effect of this Orwellian reporting is to place minority feelings above the public interest in safety. For those of us who are curious about our society and group behavior, who should be able to rely on the professional media, the reporting is worthless.

When the liberal media does touch on the topic of race and flash mobs, it is only to condemn conservative blogs for mentioning race at all. The Village Voice, for instance, thoughtlessly dismisses the concerns about racial mob violence, reasoning that because crime is falling, racial mob violence shouldn't be criticized. The progressive tendency will be to define these stories as isolated incidents -- it is easy extrapolate a social problem, but that could be misleading in the big picture.

But the knockout game must be seen in the context of black-on-white violence in America. The big picture is that black-on-white violence is a social problem that deserves more attention, regardless of whether the overall crime rate is rising or falling. Department of Justice statistics show that 33% of white murder victims are killed by a non-white, while only 8% of black murder victims are killed by a non-black1. Even greater disparities exist in violent crime and robbery2.

Some of those who work with these kids blame boredom and the kids' need to prove their toughness. Those causes will be present for a long time, thus the problem will remain. Moreover, the problem will predictably get worse, as some of the mobs are armed.

Hoang Nguyen will not receive the same attention as Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. After all, Hoang was not the victim of white hatred, so he is not a household name...but he should be.

Written by written By John T. Bennett

1Violent State Prisoners and Their Victims, Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics 5, July 1990 quoted in James B. Jacobs and Kimberly Potter, Hate Crimes: Criminal Law and Identity Politics 17 (1998).

2Ibid., 17.

John Bennett (MA, University of Chicago, MAPSS '07) is a veteran, writer, and law student at Emory University living in Atlanta, GA.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Non-Jew Supporting Prime Minister Netanyahu Not Obama

Dear Rabbi Bruce Warshal:

As a non-Jew reading your column in the Jewish Journal (June 22, 2011), I can't believe how blind you are to the realities of the world and to the Middle East in particular.

P.M. Netanyahu, as opposed to your position, is looking out for the citizens of Israel, not playing to the liberal left in his country and ours. Why is negotiation always a one-way street, whereby Israel must give up something, but the Palestinians don't have to give anything in return? They won't even give up the fact that Israel exists and that it should be free from terrorist attacks.

You forgot to mention that in Obama's "road map" for peace, he said Israel should go back to the 1967 borders and negotiate with the Palestinians (with Hamas included at the table) with "mutually agreed upon land swaps". The catch word here is "mutually", which means that if one party does not agree there can be no land swaps. Meanwhile, Israel then must work through the idea that the 1967 borders are a legitimate bargaining chip that cannot be agreed upon, but gives credence to the borders as of 1967. As P.M. Netanyahu said, that's like Israel committing suicide.

How can you be so naive to assume that you can negotiate with an adversary who wants you dead and Israel destroyed? You and your fellow liberal rabbi's are blinded to the facts by your far-left liberal ideology. God help Israel if "wusses" like you ever attain the majority in Israel. You should be ashamed, as you would throw Israel under the bus just like your fellow appeaser, Barack Hussein Obama, but then again it looks like you and Obama have no shame.


Chuck On The Right Side
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