Showing posts with label corrupt-obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corrupt-obama. Show all posts

Monday, September 12, 2016

Benghazi 9/11/12: The Obama White House Deception

This is a terrific explanation from Martin Harry on the horrific Benghazi attack on 9/11/12.
Why did the Obama Regime and Hillary Clinton Lie about this attack? Well the terrorist attacks which killed four brave Americans in Benghazi on 9/11/12 threatened Obama's re-election.

After campaigning on the theme that he had decimated al-Qaeda he sought to cover-up al-Qaeda's involvement in the Benghazi attacks. We can all remember that Soetoro sent out the Vile Susan Rice to lie all over TV about this Islamo-Nazi attack. When the cover-up fell apart, the Obama Administration then sought to cover-up the cover-up. This deception continued after the President's re-election.

The attack went on for 13 Hours and there was no sign of Obama. Where was he hiding?

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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Megyn Kelly with Dinesh D'Souza's Inside look at the film 'America'

This is some of the transcript from "The Kelly File," from July 3, 2014 on FOX News.

MEGYN KELLY, HOST: Abraham Lincoln plays a big role in this telling of the story of "America." And this film serves as a follow-up to Dinesh D'Souza's project "2016: Obama's America." That film became the second most popular political documentary in history. When D'Souza set out to make this movie, he set his goal was to challenge the quote "leftist progressive critique" of America.

Joining me now, Dinesh D'Souza. Dinesh, congratulations on the film.


KELLY: Why was it important for you to make this? You grew up in India.

D'SOUZA: I grew up in a different world, actually a world without America, and although I grew up in a middle-class family in India, I grew up without a phone, without television, without hot water, we had a car but if you looked down the floor of our car, you could see the ground.

D'SOUZA: Yes. So, when came to America I was stunned by the abundance of ordinary life. The rich guys lived well everywhere. But I was struck of how good the ordinary fellow has it in America. And then I was also struck by the goodness and idealism of the American people. Even when they fell short they always wanted to do better.

And then I saw this sort of ferocious leftist critique of America. And I'm like -- I might have expected to come from a Venezuelan despot Iranian Mullah or some soviet apparatchik, but no, it's coming from some of our most intelligent people in America on the American campus. And then over the years I see this critique metastasize out of the campus, into Hollywood, into the media and then I think into the corridors of the government. So, we're seeing what we call it the shaming of America, and attack on America. It's completely wrong-headed. And what we do in this film is we give plenty of space to the attack. You can hear it.

KELLY: Unlike Michael Moore, you actually let the other side have it say and people got to hear both arguments.

D'SOUZA: We've done screenings where one woman, "I'm shaking with rage," and she almost walked out because she thought it was Michael Moore film. But of course after laying out the critique, we turn around and systematically decimate it, we rebutted point by point, so we want to equip Americans with a deeper understanding of why this country has meant so much to the world.

KELLY: Uh-hm. It's interesting to watch because we've heard so many of those arguments although not as in your face from the left in recent days. I mean, in particular about capitalism and you include a lot of Elizabeth Warren in there, that you didn't build that and how we need to rely on Uncle Sam. And the critics of that argument has said, that they are infantilizing a nation.

D'SOUZA: You know, let's begin with Abraham Lincoln who mentioned earlier. You know, slavery which is often used as a sort of central indictment against America. But slavery existed all over the world. Slavery in India, slavery in China, slavery in Egypt, slavery all over Africa. American-Indians had slaves long before Columbia's got here. So, what's uniquely western is the abolition of slavery. There's no history --

KELLY: It's not like we dreamt it up and started doing it on our own.

D'SOUZA: We're the only country that fought a great war to end it and that's when Lincoln comes in. Because 300,000 northern whites died to secure for the slaves the freedom that the slaves could not have won for themselves.

The Dinesh D'Souza's newer film, whose full title is "America: Imagine the World Without Her", is amazing and should be supported by all legal Americans!

What would the world look like without America? D'Souza's diligently makes the moral case for capitalism in his new film, America. Also the ignorant obama voters should recognize the Human suffering in a Communist, Socialist or Marxist regime knows no comparison.

Human suffering under Real Capitalism can't be compared to Communism, Socialism or Marxism, which are the favorites of the Left Wingers. Obama is a so-called legal American who is destroying our Country while Dinesh D'Souza is an immigrant and loves America. We say to the Democrats, you are responsible for allowing this Tyrant to crush America.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

ObamaCare includes Racial Preferences and Death Panels for Senior Citizens

The New Year starts with a bang as Obamacare aka obamatax kicks in. Obamacare can get rid of the People Obama hates the most. Barry Obama can get rid of Old White People in one fell swoop with Obamacare. The disgusting Marxist Regime has Death Panels and racial preferences loaded up in Obamatax. Should we call it Soetorotax and Soetorocare now?

Yes it is true that ObamaCare includes racial preferences, called "priorities" in the law. When the first version of ObamaCare appeared in a bill, I wrote about the racial preferences in it here for American Thinker on July 21, 2009. Now that we have a final version of the law, it is reasonably safe to elaborate how those preferences have evolved.

Under ObamaCare, if a medical or dental school wants to increase its chances of receiving many different kinds of grants and contracts from the federal government, it should "have a record of training individuals who are from underrepresented minority groups" or "from underrepresented minorities." This is because ObamaCare requires the secretary of health and human services to give priority to the entities that have demonstrated such a record in the awarding of these grants and contracts to medical and dental schools and other entities.

ObamaCare does not state what would qualify as a "record" of such training, so we can expect medical and dental schools and the other entities to do whatever they think they can get away with to train as many "individuals who are from underrepresented minority groups" or "from underrepresented minorities" as necessary to have a better "record" in this regard than their competitors. Soetorocare or ObamaCare creates a significant financial incentive for medical and dental schools and other entities to lower admission standards for "individuals who are from underrepresented minority groups" or "from underrepresented minorities" if that is what it takes to have the winning "record" of such training.

In Section 5301, ObamaCare states that the HHS secretary:

... may make grants to, or enter into contracts with, ... [a] school of medicine or osteopathic medicine ... which the Secretary has determined is capable of carrying out such grant or contract --

(A) to plan, develop, operate, or participate in an accredited professional training program, including an accredited residency or internship program in the field of family medicine, general internal medicine, or general pediatrics for medical students, interns, residents, or practicing physicians as defined by the Secretary[.]

ObamaCare then states that the "[s]ecretary may make grants to or enter into contracts with accredited schools of medicine or osteopathic medicine to establish, maintain, or improve ... programs that improve clinical teaching and research in" the fields defined above, or "programs that integrate academic administrative units in" the fields defined above "to enhance interdisciplinary recruitment, training, and faculty development."

In a subsection entitled "Priorities in Making Awards," ObamaCare states: "In awarding grants or contracts under" the paragraphs quoted above, "the Secretary shall give priority to qualified applicants that ... have a record of training individuals who are from underrepresented minority groups[.]"

ObamaCare's race-based "priorities" extend to dental education as well. Section 5303 of ObamaCare states that the "[s]ecretary may make grants to, or enter into contracts with, a school of dentistry, public or nonprofit private hospital, or a public or private nonprofit entity" for the following purposes:

(A) to plan, develop, and operate, or participate in, an approved professional training program in the field of general dentistry, pediatric dentistry, or public health dentistry for dental students, residents, practicing dentists, dental hygienists, or other approved primary care dental trainees, that emphasizes training for general, pediatric, or public health dentistry;

(B) to provide financial assistance to dental students, residents, practicing dentists, and dental hygiene students who are in need thereof, who are participants in any such program, and who plan to work in the practice of general, pediatric, public heath dentistry, or dental hygiene;

(C) to plan, develop, and operate a program for the training of oral health care providers who plan to teach in general, pediatric, public health dentistry, or dental hygiene;

(D) to provide financial assistance in the form of traineeships and fellowships to dentists who plan to teach or are teaching in general, pediatric, or public health dentistry;

(F) to meet the costs of projects to establish, maintain, or improve predoctoral and postdoctoral training in primary care programs[.]

In a subsection entitled "Priorities in Making Awards" ObamaCare states: "With respect to training provided for under this section, the Secretary shall give priority in awarding grants or contracts to the following ... [q]ualified applicants that have a record of training individuals who are ... from underrepresented minorities."

Apart from the legality of such "priorities" under the U.S. Constitution and the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and the unfairness to those who are not "individuals who are from underrepresented minority groups" or "from underrepresented minorities," ObamaCare will foster the racial preference or "priority" climate that continues to stigmatize and demean those individuals who receive the preferences or "priorities." For example, if you know nothing else about two university students, except that one was probably admitted under a program where intellectual standards were reduced and the student received a preference for being the child of an alumnus, and the other was admitted under more rigorous intellectual standards without receiving any non-merit-based preference, what are you going to think about these two students? Is the answer any different when the preference is based on race rather than an alumni relationship?

A non-merit-based preference program based on an individual's physical appearance or surname is no less a "badge of inferiority" than the one condemned in Brown v. Board of Education. Thanks to ObamaCare's racial preference or "priority" program, which provides a financial incentive for medical and dental schools to lower admission standards for "individuals who are from underrepresented minority groups" or "from underrepresented minorities," those individuals at these medical and dental schools and other entities, including those who deserved admission without the racial preference or "priority," will wear that badge.

Anyone over 70 will not receive curative care under the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)"), which has the explicit task of reducing the rate of growth in Medicare expenditures. It will implement the rationing by Medicare reimbursement rates to physicians and hospitals for medical procedures, therapies, drugs and so forth. By setting reimbursement rates prohibitively low, IPAB will have a strangle hold on what treatement is provided to which "units." Although the reimbursement rates established by IPAB are technically only “recommendations,” under the law these “recommendations” automatically go into effect unless Congress overrules the agency’s decisions, a highly unlikely occurrence.

The IPAB rationing board will have unprecedented control over patients’ personal medical decisions, but limited medical expertise. ObamaCare limits IPAB's membership of doctors who have real experience caring for patients, selecting instead numbers-crunchers focused only on costs.

During the past presidential debates, Barry Hussein Obama repeated his support for the controversial Medicare Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) — which can be called “death panels”.

Government bureaucrats, especially Racists and Marxists, should not be making the health decisions that impact millions of Americans

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Friday, April 27, 2012

Want America to Fail? Vote for Barry

If I Wanted America to Fail

Barry Soetoro is running up crushing federal debt at a level unprecedented in American history. The Muslim Miscreant (Hat Tip to MORT KUFF) has up trillions upon trillions in debt. Barry has endorsed and benefitted from systematic violation of election and campaign funding laws. His election saw widespread voter registration fraud from his bed buddies in his Group, ACORN and systematic acceptance of dubious campaign donations by disabling normal credit card verification procedures for online donations, allowing donations to be made from foreign donors and from donors using fictitious names.

Barrack Hussein Obama is trashing America’s Christian and Judeo-Christian culture. He is constantly treating Christianity as the moral equivalent of atheism and Islam in his public pronouncements — and by proclaiming that America is no longer a Christian nation. He and Hillary raise funds for the Muslim Brotherhood no matter how many American Troops are killed or Women raped by the Muslim radicals.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gang of 20 Black Thugs Beat Up a White Male

A Group of Al Sharpton Supporters and Barry Soetoro supporters beat a White Man. No mention of a Hate Crime from the COWARDS in the MSM. The MSM will not mention that many of these Thugs look like they could be Obama's son. No, the Cowards on the Left want these Thugs to stay on the Plantation and the Left think they will not be harassed. Wait till Sharia law really kicks in and the Cowards of the Left are beaten and raped just because of the Color of their Skin. The Left wings Nazis continue to feed the Thugs and finance them. Eventually, the Thugs who look like Barry will turn on the Left Wing Nazis and it will be too late for the Liberals of America.

'Now that's justice for Trayvon'

Portion below by Rick Moran

Al Sharpton and the entire leadership of the New Black Panther party should be arrested and charged as accessories in this horrific beating of a white man by about 20 black adults in Mobile, AL.

One thug was heard to say when walking away from putting Matthew Owens in intensive care; ""Now thats justice for Trayvon."

According to police, Owens fussed at some kids playing basketball in the middle of Delmar Drive about 8:30 Saturday night. They say the kids left and a group of adults returned, armed with everything but the kitchen sink.

Police tell News 5 the suspects used chairs, pipes and paint cans to beat Owens.

Owens' sister, Ashley Parker, saw the attack. "It was the scariest thing I have ever witnessed." Parker says 20 people, all African American, attacked her brother on the front porch of his home, using "brass buckles, paint cans and anything they could get their hands on."

Police will only say "multiple people" are involved.

What Parker says happened next could make the fallout from the brutal beating even worse. As the attackers walked away, leaving Owen bleeding on the ground, Parker says one of them said "Now thats justice for Trayvon." Trayvon Martin is the unarmed teenager police say was shot and killed February 26 by neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman in Samford, Florida.

Police canvassed the area, but did not find any suspects.

"Justice" for Trayvon Martin is meaningless if those who purport to seek it incite injustices against others. The whole rabble of race baiters, racialists, and race hustlers who are hanging around Sanford, FL looking to grab face time on TV and pump up their street cred with the black community by speaking wildly about "injustice," should think twice about the words they utter that so inflame the situation.
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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Quote of the Day

Apparently, I'm supposed to be more angry about what Mitt Romney does with his money than what Barack Obama does with mine.

Hat Tip to Mr. I

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

MORT’s Meanderings

Inheritance ‘101’.

Well, here we are in April, looking toward the Presidential election in November 2012.

At this juncture, there is a bit of certainty and a whole lot of uncertainty. First, it is a fairly safe bet that the two candidates are set. Romney on the Republican side; Obama on the Dem side.

Oh, and there is one other certainty - - are you ready for this…?

Whichever of these two men becomes the President of the United States of America, he will inherit the most horrendous national debt ever in the history of this nation, along with the absolute worst economy we’ve known since this nation’s founding.

That is the unprecedented, undeniable heritage of Obama’s first and hopefully, his only term as president.

With all his caterwauling about the mess he inherited from his predecessor, George W. Bush, Obama has exponentially increased our national debt to an unbelievably dangerous level with his outrageously reckless spending and lunatic economic and social-engineering. He has crippled our free-enterprise system with his egregious, tyrannical regulatory policies that reach far beyond anything ever imagined. That is, until the electrifying culture shock we’ve experienced since his illegal or at the very least in my assessment, questionably legal occupation of the Oval Office.

And so, while Obama can claim the dubious distinction of having proven beyond question that he is the most articulate liar ever to have held this nation spellbound, he is also, the worst disaster ever to hold this nation’s highest office. He eclipses Carter and Clinton by a quantum leap.

What the next president will inherit is a nation that has lost its position of leadership in the world, in every sense of the word – and its momentum in terms of the steady progress in science and industry since the Founding Fathers set us on the right path by birthing this nation with the Constitution.

Plus, the next president will inherit a nation that has been purposely divided into opposing forces by a constant barrage of racist and class-warfare claptrap from this current president. So much so, that there is a cloud of pessimism and gloom looming over our population – a pall of hopelessness at the changes that have been foisted upon us resulting from the ‘middle-of-the-night’ legislating by Obama and his Democrat enablers in the Congress. The next president will face a nation that is dispirited, depressed and is in an extremely precarious state. I can understand why Obama is doing a full-court press to keep his ill-gotten perks but, wonder why in hell Romney would want the job? Whatever his reasons, I’ll do my best to see that he gets the job.

Now, I am not known for withholding my strongly-held opinions about Obama. And, though I do not normally employ the tactic of ‘name-calling’ (not much), here is my concluding statement:

Barack Hussein Obama, will have the dubious distinction of being the former president who will have passed on a disastrous legacy that is directly attributable to his inept handling of this nation’s affairs and his failed Marxist policies. The synthesis of BHO has been his purposeful alienation of our traditional allies and his blatantly submissive embracing of our most dangerous enemies – the tyrannical despots and radical Islamist regimes around the globe.

This man who calls himself a Christian, while admitting to his mixed family heritage and his upbringing and education as a Muslim, is a hypocrite of the first order. He is a committed anti-Christian, anti-Semite, anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-business, anti-free enterprise, anti-American exceptionalism, anti-Military, anti-American history and anti-Founding Fathers. He is anti-anything and everything that is in our tradition of personal freedoms and the American spirit that has made us what we are as a nation. That is what he meant by, ‘fundamentally changing our nation’.

No matter the outcome of the upcoming election, it is certain that Obama will continue to blame George Bush for “leaving us in such a mess” – and begin anew, a non-stop diatribe of blasphemy, lies, deceit, blame and finger-pointing toward Republicans. And, if Mitt Romney is elected, Obama will aim 99.5% of his vitriol at the new occupant of the Oval Office. That’s who Obama is; that’s what he does.

One thing that will never change is the hopelessness, racism and divisiveness that spews forth from the smooth-talking Muslim miscreant, Barack Hussein Obama.

Remember folks,


Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF © 2012
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