I don't know if there's much more I have to add to this, aside from the fact that its fantastic, I laughed my ass off and its the highlight of this movie (Which is pretty good outside of this clip, btw). When I saw the film for the first time, you bet your ass afterward I went back and watched this thing a few more times...then discovered there's a clip on YouTube and watched it a few more. Bill Hader is a comedic genius that hopefully one day just blows up. I miss him on SNL (An all time favorite cast member of mine), but I like the interesting choices he makes and he's always great in everything he pops up in. I don't think you have to have seen the movie to get the clip or enjoy it. And oh yeah...Starship is gonna be stuck in your head for days and put the thought of doing a Mannequin "Quickie" Retrospective in your head.