Superman IV: The Quest For Peace
Director: Sidney J. Furie
Starring: Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman, Margot Kidder,
Mariel Hemingway, Jon Cryer, Marc McClure, Jackie Cooper, Mark Pillow
Rated: PG
The Dude of Steel! Boy are you gonna get it!
With the Salkinds removed from the equation, as rights were
transferred to Canon Films, it was a much easier task to get everyone back for Superman IV. Christopher Reeve, who claimed he was hanging
up the cape after III, was allowed to
help create the story. With him fully on
board other players like Hackman and Kidder (in full capacity this time) were
easy to coax back. I’m guessing they
wanted to wash away memories of III or possibly too many cooks in the kitchen
with Superman’s love interests being the reason Lana Lang is nowhere to be