Hey everyone! How have you been? Is your summer going good? I know I've been away, but I've had quite an eventful and very busy few months and Naptown Nerd had to be placed on the back burner for a bit. I would've like to have done some retrospectives for all these franchise films coming out this summer (Poltergeist, Insidious, Jurassic Park) but when the time is needed by either work or family, those come first no question.
Showing posts with label Abraham Moua. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abraham Moua. Show all posts
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
PODCAST: I Talk FURIOUS 7 On Out Now With Aaron & Abe!
I didn't have time to follow up my Fast & Furious Retrospective with a piece on Furious 7, but this should more than do. Once again, I was honored to be back on Out Now With Aaron & Abe for a regular episode talking about this past weekend's box office smash, Furious 7. Also guesting is /Film's Angie Han.
If you missed it, I also did a commentary with Out Now for 2 Fast 2 Furious featuring Maxwell Haddad. Find that clicking HERE.
Take some time today and give it a listen. We also talk some trailers and a few other topics.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Slice By Slice: Ranking The TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES Movies
I don't know what it is, but I'm always going to have a soft spot for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I don't eat everything up, but when something of an event comes along with them...a new movie, a new show...my interest is always peaked. My hardcore time has passed, but it was definitely THAT hardcore that I'm still call myself a fan. One of these days I'm going to get to this new animated series and catch up and I'm actually kind of excited about that. Honestly, when it comes to the Turtles on film, things aren't too strong. They have one legitimately great film and the rest is a mixed bag ranging from awful to merely solid. Let's see how I've placed them:
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
BATMAN - Commentary & The Year That Made Me A Bigger Film Lover
I know yesterday was the big anniversary of one of my all time favorite moviesTim Burton's BATMAN (its usually #2-5 if I make a list). For one, if people were going to read one article about the movie, I preferred it to be Scott Mendelson's incredible box office and film trend history on it yesterday in FORBES. And two, when I was gonna post this last night, I couldn't because my power was out.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Podcast Guest Spot: Out Now With Aaron & Abe Celebrates Its 150th Episode!
The podcast I frequently guest on, OUT NOW WITH AARON & ABE has just hit the 150th episode milestone. For this podcast, they brought on me, Scott Mendelson and Maxwell Haddad to discuss some of our all time favorite films (a top 20 mind you). Jake Destree, you asked for this awhile back and you have received. Granted, this is not a set list for me, as there's glaring omissions, stuff I would've liked to put on there but didn't have room, yada yada yada...its tough, okay? haha. Anyway, below is the link for your listening pleasure. This is one the absolutely best film conversations I've had the pleasure of taking part it. Its a longer episode, but it really wasn't long enough :) Thanks for having me once again, Aaron & Abe!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Robocop Podcasts!
As sometimes occurs during these retrospective series, I get called up to guest on the show I boast the most, Out Now With Aaron and Abe. In conjunction with the Robocop remake, I not only did the weekly episode for the show, but we also did another one of the popular commentaries on the original Robocop. In addition to myself, the commentary features Aaron and Jim Dietz, and its actually a really great discussion about the Robocop series, remakes and filmmaking of the 1980s. Its pretty impressive. Be sure to check these out if you have the time.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
RIDDICK Podcast!
Yup...I'm talking more Richard B. Here's the latest episode of Out Now with Aaron & Abe. And really Abe is there too. I get to be the sole guest this time around. So that makes the games...ONE ON ONE ON ONE! We take Riddick to some weird places and talk about trailers for Divergent and Robocop. After the jump I'll provide you with the listen link! enjoy!
Thursday, July 4, 2013
You all know the Drill. I LOVE doing this show. I hope you all enjoy listening just as much. This time we're talking WHITE HOUSE DOWN. And just in time for 4th of July. Also guesting with me is Christian Spicer. We discuss the movie, play games and talk the ESCAPE PLAN and ANCHOR MAN: THE LEGEND CONTINUES trailers. Like I said, a lot of fun. So give a listen! After the jump is the link to the podcast
Monday, June 10, 2013
SUPERMAN: The Commentary
You probably know the drill by now. Here's a bonus episode of Out Now with Aaron & Abe doing a feature length commentary for 1978's Superman: The Movie. In addition to Aaron & Abe, I am reteamed with Scott Mendelson for this one as well as Jordan Grout. It was a lot of fun and conversation was not limited to just the first Superman film.
Click Here To Listen
Monday, May 20, 2013
For Your Listening Pleasure - TOKYO DRIFT Commentary on OUT NOW WITH AARON & ABE
Once again I return to OUT NOW for more commentary action. This time coinciding with my TOKYO DRIFT retrospective. I'm glad the guys brought me on board for this one, as I enjoyed it more the 2nd time around. A film that people might instantly turn their nose up at, but its not bad at all. This is also one of the funnest commentaries I've been a part of. A lot of good laughs (hopefully for you too). Enjoy!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Podcast Guest Spot: Brandon On OUT NOW WITH AARON & ABE Ep 98
Over the weekend I guested on Out Now With Aaron & Abe (surprise?) to discuss the remake of EVIL DEAD. In addition, we also discuss trailers on there and play some games. I'm sure most of you coming here have listened or seen me promo this stuff before so, I'll save some type. Its a lot of fun. And this episode got fun crazy. Give your workday/work out/cleaning/driving some pep and check it out!
Also guesting was the "Gore Whore" herself, Leah Ducey (Leah's Little Slice of Life)
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