Showing posts with label my 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my 2013. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My 2013: My 2014 - 10 Films I'm Looking Forward To

So tomorrow 2013 will be over and we will be ringing in 2014.  While 2015 looks to be THE year to go to the movies (well, if you're a franchise person), 2014 will be no slouch.  There's already plenty of notable projects and I'm sure more will pop up as the year goes and we get some more trailers and extra buzz from screenings.  While 2015 has all the hype in the world, it also could be setting up for a big disappointment.  2014 on the other hand has the sort of "well, let's just get through this year so we can get to 2015" type feel with the movies, meaning its probably going to surprise and turn out to be pretty damn good in its own right.  Remember or summer 2011 was only the preface to summer 2012...and then 2011 wound up being the much better summer?  I'm not saying that will happen, I'm just saying let's not discount 2014 before its even begun.

Below are 10 films that are currently on my radar (there's more than 10 actually, but I have ten digits and its a nice clean cut off) going into 2014.

Monday, December 30, 2013

My 2013: The Top 10 Films Of The Year

Hey folks!  Its finally here!  Follow the link below to see my Top 10 Films of 2013 over at Why So Blu!


Saturday, December 28, 2013

My 2013: The Top 10 Mainstream Movies I Didn't Like (Worst Of 2013)

It's off to negativity land now.  But, in order to remember 2013 fairly, we have to.  I really don't like to use the term "Worst" when making this list.  For one, I saw a lot of films in 2013, but I didn't see everything.  I made this "mainstream movies" because I'm sure there's plenty of bad super low budget indie projects that come out every week that its just really not fair to lump them in with this.  So we go on the big movies that stunk.  I also hate using "Worst" because I'm sure there's some on this list that some will argue are better than this damnation I've given it.  Some of these even might have a small fanbase.  There are also plenty of films out there that I didn't see because I could tell I wasn't going to like them and my critic peers who did see them only confirmed my dread.  I do get curious as to how bad some of these can be and checked them out myself or also had to review it for Why So Blu.  I also don't have all the time in the world like I used to, so I didn't need to see The Internship, Jack The Giant Slayer or A Haunted House to tell you they weren't any good.

My 2013: The 10 Best Movies You Probably Didn't See

In order to offset my Worst Of list (coming later today) I'd like to add something positive, so here's a look at 10 movies that, judging by box office, you likely didn't go check out but were well worth your time.  These are ones that specifically won't make my overall Top 10 list.  Pictured above is The Lone Ranger, which isn't on this list, but I don't think is as heinous as you may have heard.  It's biggest crime is being unnecessarily too damn long.  It does however, provide a fantastic final action sequence.  Just wanted to drop that tid bit while I'm here.  Without further adieu and, of course, in alphabetical order here's the Top 10 best movies you probably didn't see this year.

Friday, December 27, 2013

My 2013: 10 Best or Favorite New Characters In 2013

In this portion we discuss the characters that quite delighted me and that I may remember most glancing back to 2013.  Whether it be what they did, contributed to a movie's plot or someone just gave a terrific performance these folks just stuck in my mind the best.  This list was actually quite a bit tougher to edit down than I had thought.  All of them will be in alphabetical by character name until then end where I present the absolutely best and most memorable character of 2013 (that one was easy).

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

My 2013: The 5 Films That Surprised Me

In this look back, I'm focusing on 5 films that pleasantly surprised me this year.  These are films that for all intents and purposes looked bad from the trailers, had production problems, had people behind or in front of the camera I usually don't like...whatever the case may be...I was really surprised to find when these films came out, and I saw them on my own accord or was recommended them by a peer, and really enjoyed them and was pretty surprised that I'd qualify them as good/great/enjoyable.  And I'm well aware I just wrote the run-on sentence to end all run-on sentences just now.  I'm presenting them in no preferential order, just alphabetical.

Monday, December 23, 2013

My 2013: Funniest Scene In A Non-Comedy Film - The Ferris Wheel Scene From Texas Chainsaw 3D

It's that time of year where a boatload of Oscar-bait movies and crowding into theaters and best and worst of the year lists are crowding your web browser.  Everybody does it, and Naptown Nerd will be no different.  Although, since this is my site, I get to make my own rules, do my own thing and phrase and word things how I want to.  So we'll have lists and maybe some moments like this one I'm kicking off this little stretch with.