Dunder Mifflin closes up shop tonight. 9 Seasons of a once bubble show I crossed my fingers would get renewed to a show that became a sure bet I was hoping would end. I never gave up on NBC's THE OFFICE. I guess the past 3-4 seasons I was just expecting it would end soon or they'd once in a while work back that magic for an episode or two that would restore my faith in watching it and keep me from deleting the series recording from my DVR. Since I've been with it since somewhat season 1, but a regular weekly ritual since Season 2, I wanted to do something in honor of this show. It was at one time the funniest, can't miss comedy on TV for a few seasons. I even think its prime seasons surpassed the greatness of its British counterpart.
Since THE OFFICE is pretty much a character driven show, I decided to give my 10 favorite characters after all these years. Some were great but as time wore on they got extremely tired and I couldn't stand them anymore (Jim, Pam, Andy) or we got too personal with (Angela). But there were a time where those were my favorites. But these 10 I still liked all the way to the end. Who were your favorites from the show?