Showing posts with label tempo runs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tempo runs. Show all posts

Friday, September 4, 2009

Run, Interrupted

Good news: I got in a 34-minute-plus run on Friday, and ran for almost four miles.

Bad news: I'd wanted to run for 40 minutes and/or 4.5 miles.

But not all was my fault, and I don't feel bad about it.

I had planned for a tempo run this morning. Well, planned maybe isn't the right word. I'd thought about running for 30-40 minutes on the 'mill at the gym, and on my drive there I figured it would be good to try for a tempo run since I hadn't done it in awhile. Once I was on the 'mill, I figured it would be good to run for 10 minutes at a 6.0 pace, then run for 20 minutes at a 7.2. Now, that's not the fastest time as it is about 8:20 per mile. I should be running at a 5K pace, and I'm using 8:00 per mile as my 5K pace so it wasn't quite there, but it was between my 10K and 5K paces.

Anyway, it was faster than the first mile. I felt great and was really cruising along when my iPod decided to take a dump. Just felt like not working anymore, I suppose. That was at minute 26, and I still had four more minutes of the tempo part of my run.

I made it just fine, got back down to a 6.4 and was going to make it to either 40 minutes or 4.5 miles, whichever came first. I didn't expect to get a call first, though.

"Attention please," the loudspeaker blared. "Luis Bueno to the kid's club."

Crap! I had to hit stop. Had about six minutes left, was at 3.87 when I stopped.

But Dad duty called. Kennedy's been feeling a bit off the last couple of days. She was fine in the morning but certainly wasn't herself when I saw her after my run. We went by the store and now she's resting at home.

It's good though that I got in my run, even if I didn't get to the 40-minute mark. Had I waited any longer, I probably wouldn't have gotten in any run at all.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Up Tempo

I'm getting prepared to hit the gym soon and I'm going to try a new run. I'm going to try a tempo run, something I think can have some good benefits.

A tempo run means you sustain a greater pace for a few miles or minutes, whatever you want to use. So let's say you want to run a 4-mile tempo run. The first and last miles you'd run them at a slower pace, so like a 5.8 or so on the treadmill or like a conversational pace outdoors. Then for Miles 2 and 3, you would increase the tempo, so instea of 5.8 you go up to a 7.3 or something. As long as you increase the pace and hold it there for a couple of miles or maybe like 20 minutes or more, that's the key.

I am not looking forward to it though. That's fast for me, the 7.3, and I would rather just run 5 or 6 miles or an interval but I can't do the first and just did the second. So I have no choice.

I'm blogging about it so I have to see it through. Ugh.

I guess I'll be back later to report on my progress.


What a great run! I would be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous about it and wasn't looking forward to it. I biked for six minutes before the run so I got my heart rate up a bit. I walked for about a minute on the treadmill before starting. I ran the first mile at a 5.8, which is a little slower than 10 minutes per mile. That's a comfortable speed for me; slow, steady, comfortable.

Then at exactly one mile, I jacked it up to 7.3, which is an 8:13 per mile pace. I suppose that would be my 10K pace, since that would be a 10K in under 50 minutes... well, then it would probably be faster than my 10K pace because I've not been able to run a 10K in under 50 minutes.

The first mile went by okay and the second mile was a little tougher but I didn't feel like I was going to hurl or anything at any point. I sort of wanted to keep going at the higher pace but I didn't want to get ahead of myself so I slowed back down to a 5.8 for the last mile, and that was pretty slow going there.

Overall, my time was a little more than 36 minutes for the entire four miles. I walked until I got to minute 40 as a cool down.

Next time - and there will be a next time - I think I'll run a little longer so the last mile won't be so long. I may try to keep the overall running time at 40 minutes so I may run like 2.25 or 2.5 miles at the higher pace. Gradually I'd like to increase that so I'm running three or maybe even four miles at that pace. I guess that's one way to make myself run a little faster, to run these tempo runs and force myself to run faster.

Whatever the case, I feel very good both because running usually makes me feel good and that I was able to accomplish something I felt was challenging. Maybe for Mr. Super Marathoner that's not an accomplishment but for me it is :)