Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

When Dogs Attack, And More...

Is this thing on??

Seems like forever since I last posted. Oops.

Anyway, felt like stretching my, uh, fingers now and dusting off trusty blogger for a post of random thoughts...

* Went out for a family walk yesterday. The girls were walking our vicious chihuahuas just ahead of Mrs. LB and I. We were probably a mile in, getting close to home, when a huge dog (I think it was a boxer) came running across the street, charging right at Kennedy and Rooney. For a split second I saw in my mind the dog tearing Rooney apart and then chewing on Kennedy. I ran ahead and pushed her aside, trying to shield her with my body. I grabbed poor Rooney's leash and lifted it as high as I could. I yelled at that dog in Spanish (Sacate cabron!) while Mrs. LB screamed something behind me (she later said she was yelling "Come get your f-ing dog!") I was just about to start kicking at the dog when the owner finally came over and got his dog. The mean vicious dog wasn't actually all that mean or vicious. He really could have done a number on both Rooney and Kennedy but it really did seem like he just wanted to play. I was shaken though.

* Does that guy count as an irresponsible pet owner? Or was it just a freak thing? He claims he just opened his gate to his backyard and the dog shot out. We were on the other side of the street just minding our own business so we weren't necessarily antagonizing the dog - we didn't ask for it, you know. I kinda decided on the spot that it was a freak thing and because of that didn't go off on the guy. I think I would have been well within my rights to have gone off on him but I didn't. I was relieved neither Kennedy nor Rooney were hurt and that it was over so I didn't want any extra drama to be honest but part of me thinks I let that guy off the hook too easily.

* When I get upset, I sometimes will spew words out in Spanish. And when I'm dealing with animals for some reason I'm almost always talking to them in Spanish. I don't know why to be honest... pero ese pinche perro ayer me hizo sentir tanta rabia y la verdad me asusto, pero afortunadament nada paso, A la proxima si le voy a meter patadas a eso perro cabron hijo de su chingada madre....

* On the running front, I've been really sporadic with my runs because of my trips to Costa Rica and Mexico. But now I've gotten my legs underneath me once more and am gonna start another run streak. I really think that's what I need to become a stronger runner and maintain that strength, to just run every day. So far I'm on Day 4 (Tuesday was my fourth straight day) and I've gotten in 23 miles in that span. We're going to be getting up to higher miles here soon with the Lopers, got nine scheduled for Sunday, and then all of our Sunday runs will be double digits from here on out. I need strong legs and a strong attitude to pace my group effectively, so strength I shall give myself.

* Check this out. Isn't this so cool?!? I hope it happens. I'd definitely get it. Maybe I should pledge some cash...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

For The Dogs

At Sunday's Loper meeting, our speaker discussed a topic that frankly wasn't of much interest to me, but got me thinking nonetheless.

Usually, our meeting revolves around things like running safety, motivation, hydration and other tips for running. Sunday, the meeting was for the dogs. Literally.

Our speaker talked about running with dogs.

It's not that I don't like dogs - I have two dogs myself. And I don't really mind runners who run with their dogs. It's actually kind of cool to see. But the thought of taking one my dogs out for a run is, well, laughable.

Usually, when you see people running with their dogs, it's a big dog. Maybe a German shepherd. A Dalmation. Perhaps a Rottweiler. But a Chihuahua? I think it would be impossible to see me running out on the street with my tiny Chihuahua and not laugh.

Maybe others run with Chihuahuas and look fine. Maybe if I see that - because I can't recall seeing that - I won't think it's necessarily funny. But for me, running with my dog would make me uncomfortable. Aside from the fact that I'd be more worried about the dog staying in front of me or keeping up, I'd feel strange with such a tiny dog in front of me.

But the speaker did say one thing about smaller dogs. When he began to talk about what kinds of dogs are not meant for running long distances, I was certain he would say a Chihuahua. But he did not mention them at all, instead saying that dogs with short snouts like bulldogs aren't really runner dogs. And when he began to say what breeds of dogs make for good running companions, he said toy dogs will surprise you with how much they can run.

That piqued my interest.

Not enough to want to take my dogs out for a run, but enough to at least possibly someday maybe over the summer or when I don't have a race to train for and I want to experience something new... maybe then.

Tevez: Can you pleeeeeeease take me for a run?
LB: No. I'll trip over you. Just run around in the backyard
and dig everywhere like you usually do.

Maybe I'm sounding a bit too harsh on my dogs. I'm actually thinking that if I were to take one of them out for a run (because the thought of both of them in front of me as I try and run is unsettling) they probably would respond well. When we take them on walks, which we don't do enough of, I've actually taken off running with one of them, Rooney, not Tevez. Rooney's got longer legs and looks like he could be a decent runner. And I did at one point consider running with one of them but quickly dismissed it.

Actually, the more I write and the more I think about it, I probably owe it to my dogs to go run with them.

(long pause, re-reads post)

Damn, I think I just talked myself into running with my dogs.