Showing posts with label karaoke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label karaoke. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Karaoke Vid

Greetings from Mexico City! I haven't been able to do much except A) work and B) suffer. The altitude hit me hard and contributed to an upset stomach on Tuesday morning. On Monday night I went out with a group of friends and had about three beers and ate a lot of beef and chicken and tortillas, and Tuesday I suffered. I think it was a combination of everything - the altitude, being tired, this crappy rock-hard bed, lack of eating/hydrating - and I didn't start to come out of it until Tuesday night.

I'm fine this morning, though. Looking forward to the big game!

Anyway, before I head out, I wanted to post this video. As promised, by Wednesday, Metallica's Enter Sandman, LB style (which is to say terrible). This video from my camera is dark and not the best. My brother shot video from his video camera so hopefully that one turns out better.

In the meantime, here goes:

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Coffee and a Winner

I'm headed to my six-mile run and I'm testing something new. I'm going to see if coffee really does reduce pain as I read recently. A thing in The Other Mag suggested drinking coffee 30-60 minutes before a tough workout, so I'll be sipping some coffee on my way out to Long Beach. I'm looking forward to the run. I had wanted to make a playlist and everything but I didn't get around to it so I'll have to figure something out. Oh well. Might go with the Cash-Metallica combo.

And speaking of Metallica, the winner is...

Raoulysgirl's choice of Enter Sandman by Metallica is the song I will sing and post right here. I was worried that I'd have to sing Bootylicious. That would have been pretty bad but I don't think I'll make anyone forget about James Hetfield.

We'll see how it goes. I hope I'm able to post the video soon, tomorrow would be best, but it'll be up at some point.

Meanwhile, here's what I'll be facing tonight. Let's all sing along!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Polls Are Open

The nominees are in!

Last week, I asked my trusty readers to help select songs they'd like to see me sing karaoke-style. I chose most of the songs sent in, tried to limit it to 12 to have a nice, even number.

The choices are over on the right side of the page, as I'm sure you've seen by now.

You can vote multiple times if you'd like. I have the poll closing on Thursday night as I'd wanted to give myself a full two days to prepare for it but I might extend that to Friday night. Should be interesting to see if what my readers want me to sing. I'll probably end up singing multiple songs but for sure the top vote-getter will be recorded and posted here.

Don't expect an accompanying dance, however.

My blog buddy Thrasher's Wife might want something like this, but I can't quite get down like this guy.

Let's hope that I won't wind up as some sort of laughingstock sensation. I suppose among my trusty readers here, a few laughs won't hurt :D