Showing posts with label playlist swap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label playlist swap. Show all posts

Friday, April 9, 2010

Playlist Swap: Nightmarish Run

Friday morning's run started out like other six-milers over The Hill. The crispy early-morning chill caused me to opt for gloves and a long-sleeve tech shirt, but I still had my hat and sunglasses as the sun was breaking through and sometime during the run would be blazing up high, for certain.

Still, it was a run I was dreading. It wasn't the distance. It wasn't the hills. It wasn't the 6:45 a.m. start time.

It was the music.

Earlier this week, I'd gotten a CD filled with songs that normally have no business on my music player, let alone on my running playlists. But I had swapped playlists with Kerrie T. and she was a good sport and had listened to LB's Ultimate Playlist during a seven-mile run earlier this week, and now it was my turn to keep up my end of the bargain.

I hadn't listened to every song Kerrie had sent me in its entirety but I had played snippets of them. Some I knew and were tolerable, but others I just wanted no part of. I had arranged the playlist such that the latter came first, and the former were towards the end. I figured, 'Let's get the bad ones out of the way first and go from there.'

Problem was, there were too many bad songs. It was a minefield of pop music, and I was running haphazardly on it. But I survived.

Shake It - Metro Station

I hit The Garmin and then fired up the playlist, which I'd affectionately called LB's Worst Nightmare. The first beats of Shake It were dreadful but then a bit of a faster beat came on and it was promising. But as soon as the singer began to brag about some conquest he'd had with some female, the song crashed and burned. It was three minutes of hearing about some night that went right for this Metro guy. Neat.

Tik Tok - Kesha

Wake up in the morning smelling like P Diddy...

Should have gone back to sleep, lady. Now, Kerrie mentioned how she just kind of tunes out everything and listens to the rhythm and stuff. Well, I wish I could have tuned out the words to this song (and most of the others). Kesha was brushing her teeth with Jack because she ain't comin' back. Riveting.

Kiss N Tell - Ke$ha

I was right to have put these songs first, to have gotten them out of the way early. But I suffered nonetheless. Now, this song actually jarred some memories in my head. It might be involved but bear with me.

First, listen to the opening of Kiss N Tell.

Then, click on this and listen to this.

Don't they sound the same?

Well, I pictured myself playing that game as Kesha was talking about someone who was a "hot mess" who had bragged to her "lame friends" about some guy she had been with. Again, riveting. I think I had just cracked the mile mark during this song, and six seemed so long away.

Party In The USA - Miley Cyrus

I don't necessarily look tough. I don't think I do anyway. But sometimes I like to think I do. I like to think that with my hat and sunglasses on, when I'm running at a hard and steady pace, that passers-by will at least know that the guy they just saw is putting a lot of effort into his run.

It's kind of hard to feel tough, though, when this Miley song came on, when this Miley song came on, when this Miley song came on.

To pass the time I came up with a verse

Put my head down, keep my churning my feet, moving forward like yeah, my pace is pretty good like yeah

Glamorous - Fergie

If you ain't got no money, get your broke (ass) home.

Kerrie opted for the clean version apparently but I got the message nonetheless. Yeah, Fergie's all about the glamorous lifestyle but she's not afraid to go to Taco Bell apparently. The beat to this one was not as bad Kesha but not great.

SOS - Rihanna

There was a part of this song that sounded like a laser gun. I pictured a three-foot-tall green Martian pointing his gun at me and firing away, with that beat as the sound coming from the gun. It would have been great had a Martian put me out of my misery at this point of my run.

Waking Up In Vegas - Katy Perry

Mrs. LB said that Katy Perry has a song called Hot and Cold. I've heard that song and it's really catchy. I'm not going to go so far as to say I like it but I could probably hear that song and not cringe. This song, though, was nothing like that. I pictured some late night in Vegas, drunk, stammering around some casino, feeling a headache coming on... somehow that's not the image I want going through my head during a run.

So Much Better - Legally Blonde Soundtrack

This wasn't quite like jumping in the pool on a hot summer day but it was a bit refreshing, if nothing else because the Simon beats were gone.

Just Dance - Lady Gaga

I'd spoken too soon. The Simon beats came back in full force with this song. I don't know if I'd just gotten used to these songs or what but I was able to run semi-normal during this song. I was worried though. At this point of my run I decided to turn around since I was past three miles. I grabbed my crotch and squeezed. Yeah, still felt something. Okay, my manhood was intact despite this music.

That's Not My Name - The Ting Tings

I'd actually heard of The Ting Tings. They sing one of the coolest birthday songs. I thought it would have been cool to have swapped out this song for that one, but alas I followed the rules.

I saw a lady walking towards me at this point, dressed in workout gear and jacket, out for stroll. I had a fleeting image in my head, of me grabbing her by the shoulders and screaming "Please God help me!" but instead I just smiled and waved.

The beat to this song wasn't any worse than the others but the singer kept saying how people call her names and she kept saying "That's not my name, that's not my name" like over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over... this was actually the only time I wanted to hit next. I suffered through it, though.

Shut Up And Let Me Go - The Ting Tings

I didn't realize until I was done that the previous song had been The Ting Tings, but I knew this was them. This song was tolerable, but after the "that's not my name" madness, I could have heard three minutes of a baby crying and that would have been tolerable too.

I'm Shakin' - Rooney

It had kind of a rock feel to it, probably more pronounced in this playlist. It wasn't terrible.

Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough - Michael Jackson

Yay for MJ. Now, I didn't exactly feel as if this was a song I would throw into my next playlist but it'll be in the mix. Even someone with my taste in music can find room for MJ on my playlist.

Funhouse - Pink

This was my finish line. I knew if I could get here that I'd be okay. I decided that I actually like Pink now. The thing I realized about her songs is that she actually has something to say, at least in this song. She touched on a tough theme here and I like that. She was't singing about some girl who is a "hot mess" or about brushing her teeth with Jack.

So What - Pink

This song made me smile because I thought of Kennedy singing "nah nah nah nah nah..." to this song, and thought of her dancing around to it like she usually does. I decided that either this song or Funhouse would be going on next month's playlist.

Roam - B-52s

I think this song came out in my freshman year in high school, 1989 or 1990 I want to say. Yes, I'm that old :( Anyway, this song was a nice relaxing way to end the run. I've always enjoyed this song so it wasn't tough to run to. However, I think this might have been the most I've enjoyed it ever since it closed out one hellish run.


Overall, I was glad I did this. I realized a few things. I am much more in tuned to my music than I thought. Music that I enjoy can really help me get in to a groove while music that I don't enjoy is like nails on a chalkboard and affects me as well. I'm also glad because I can appreciate a good playlist. This is a good playlist for Kerrie of course, but a good playlist for me really works for me and really helps me keep my mind focused on the run and the goals I've set for my run. It's more personal than I thought. It's like running in general. When I'm running and racing, I'm competing against myself, I'm with myself (even if I'm running alongside others) and I'm trying to meet goals that are unique to me.

So will I do this again? Maybe. Not sure. I might have to see the playlist first. Or maybe do a 30-minute playlist.

Then again, after 30 minutes on Friday I was hoping for an alien to put me out of misery.

Friday Leftovers (April 9)

 Some randomness to get you going this Friday.

Word Association

As always, play here.

1. Philanthropy :: Philosophy
2. Said :: Spoke
3. Blanks :: Gun
4. Tapas :: Paella
5. Orgasm :: Loud
6. Movement :: Front
7. Detention :: Afterschool
8. Restaurant :: Menu
9. Weird :: Strange
10. Sniffle :: Sneeze

Explanations: They're all pretty self-explanatory. As far as detention goes, I used to get a lot of detentions in high school. I'd get Saturday detentions and we'd have to go to school on Saturday, sit in a room for four hours and be quiet. The only things we couldn't do was put our heads on our desk or talk. It was actually enjoyable for me as I've always liked some quiet, alone time. It was a chance to relax, read the paper, get some work done, and have time to myself. I used to get the detentions for ditching school. Not the greatest idea I ever had.

Running Playlist

Okay, so the moment we've all waited for is nearly here. My hour of hell is upon us. My plan is to run to Kerrie's playlist bright and early on Friday, so either you are reading this right before my run or sometime shortly after. I'll update when I get back from my run so keep an eye out for that.

This is how I've re-arranged the playlist.

When I sent Kerrie my playlist, I titled it "LB's Ultimate Playlist/Kerrie T's Worst Nightmare." However, I definitely had the shortest straw pulled for me, hence the album name for my run. Ha. That was a Metallica reference. They have a song called Shortest Straw. I'd rather listen to that song over and over again for an hour than LB's Worst Nightmare.

Anyway, I figure I'll get the worst of the worst out of the way. Kesha (which Mrs. LB informed me is actually Ke$ha, pronounced keh-shu) is the one I'm fearing the most. I'll just suck it up and get past that. Metro Station might be even worse so that one's up first.

I had wanted to go run Mt. Rubidoux but I might run around my house instead. I might run over The Hill. Usually I can get seven miles on that route. It's just an over-and-back, so if I don't make it out to Mt. Rubidoux I'll do that.

And if you happen to drive by me, I'll be the runner with tears in his eyes.

Shaken, Not Stirred

Did you hear anything in the news about the major earthquake that struck northern Mexico last weekend? Well, it was pretty big.

Check it out:

I kind of re-arranged that in order to make it fit. A lot of those numbers are coordinates and time and such, but the relevant number is the magnitude in red next to MAP.

Yeah, a 7.2 earthquake.

We felt it. We were at my parents' house after having had an Easter lunch together. We felt it but it was mild, nothing bad. A few minutes later we saw that it was a 7.2. We're lucky it was about 150-200 miles southeast of us and its epicenter was nowhere near any sort of large urban areas.

I've never felt a 7.2 earthquake, and even though I technically felt it, I didn't come close to feeling the brunt of the damage. A friend of mine said he was in San Diego during the earthquake and he said it felt like he was surfing. Of course, he was in the second story of a home down there, but nothing happened save for the water in the house's pool splashed everywhere.

Oh yeah, check this out.

Those are all earthquakes. The magnitude is on the far left and the epicenter is the location on the right. Anything in red is I believe greater than a 3.0. Now, this is all of California and registers earthquakes in Baja California (Mexico) and Nevada, but this is about 90 minutes' worth of seismic activity. All these quakes in less than two hours.

Welcome to California.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Streamlining The Playlist

Okay, yesterday afternoon was a bit of a fustercluck. I was rushing to get the post up because I had to leave for somewhere, so I didn't get a chance to post Kerrie T's playlist.

I linked to it from my mobile phone but here's the playlist in its entirety.

Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough - Michael Jackson
I'm Shakin' - Rooney
Waking Up in Vegas - Katy Perry
Shut Up and Let Me Go - The Ting Tings
Tik Tok - Kesha
Shake It - Metro Station
Just Dance - Lady Gaga
Kiss N Tell - Kesha
Party in the USA - Miley Cyrus
So Much Better - Legally Blonde
Funhouse - Pink
That's Not My Name - The Ting Tings
So What - Pink
SOS - Rihanna
Glamorous - Fergie
Roam - B52s

It's a pretty gawdawful good playlist.

I'm actually going to change some of the songs around since Kerrie wasn't mindful of that. Unlike me, who was rigid about the playlist being the way it was (there is a rhyme and reason to my playlist madness) Kerrie doesn't much care as long as all the songs are on there.

So I'm going to end with the songs I find tolerable and/or enjoyable. Pink's two songs and the B-52s will close out the playlist, with The Ting Tings right behind them. MJ isn't bad either so he'll be towards the end.

I'm probably going to start off with Kesha. That's probably the worst of the bunch. Just get that over and done with. I've never heard or Rooney or Metro Station and I have a vague idea of Katy Perry, although Mrs. LB assured me that I know who she is. So not sure where those will fit in, but the bad ones, let's just get them over and done with.

I might not get to run to this today like I'd planned but if I don't run to it today, I'm running to it Friday.

I can't believe I'm going to voluntarily run to Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus... me and my dumb ideas.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Worst Fears Confirmed

Kerrie T's playlist has been delivered (yay for the U.S. postal service) and it pretty much confirmed my worst fears.

Now, I don't have the song and artist yet and when I get them I will post them here. However, I played them with Mrs. LB sitting next to me, and she was able to identify some songs.

Among the 16-song playlist are songs by Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Kesha and songs from the Legally Blonde soundtrack.

My only saving grace: songs 11 and 13 (Pink's Funhouse and So What) and the B-52s' Roam to close out the playlist. Those songs I can deal with. I bought Pink's Funhouse CD for Mrs. LB so I listened to some of the songs and those two aren't bad.

I will post the full list once I get it so please stay tuned for that.

So my plan is to run at least six dreadful  delightful miles in the morning with this playing through my ears. If I have time, I'll blog about it afterward, otherwise not until the evening.

Who's bright idea was this again?

LB's Playlist

As mentioned in a previous post, I swapped playlists with Kerrie T. If you haven't read that post, go to it here.

Anyway, she was a real good sport about going through with my lame idea (I've now reverted from it being a good idea, to lame, to good, back to lame) and taking part in this.

We're each going to run at least an hour to each others' playlist. In fact, she might have run hers already.

Now, as I mentioned before, the playlist I sent to her are songs that I like. They may or may not be songs that Kerrie likes. I'm not sure what she likes to run to, but I know it's not stuff that I like to run to. I'll find out soon enough.

I made this playlist special for the swap. It's not a playlist I've used before, but man, I would love to run to this!! Of course, right? It's loaded with my favorite running songs after all.

So what's the deal with my playlist?

Here's my Ultimate Playlist.

Winner's Blues - Sonic Youth

This was song number one on my entire Ragnar Relay journey. Just listening to the first few beats of Winner's Blues puts me right back in Middle of Nowhere, Nevada, just me, nightfall, and a two-lane paved road for 7.1 miles. It was a surreal moment as Ragnar had finally arrived. I felt a little bit lonely just because I'd been with my team nonstop for about 10 hours at that point and now I was on my own, and this song is kind of slow and totally brought that lonely feeling to life. But that moment quickly passed, and this song really helped me relax and focus.

For Reasons Unknown - The Killers
Rebels of the Sacred Heart - Flogging Molly
I Would Die 4 U - Prince

All just upbeat songs that really help me get into the rhythm I am looking for early on in runs. As for Prince, I liked his music and everything but never considered myself a big fan, and even now I'm not necessarily a huge fan, but I was flying home once from some far-off locale and the songs playing over and over again on the airplane was Prince's Greatest Hits. I realized then that it was pretty cool. About a week later, I bought the CD.

Dreaming - OMD

This song reminds me of when I was about 12 and we moved away from where I'd grown up, and I was sad; although it's enjoyable to listen to now, of course.

Shadowplay - The Killers

Another upbeat song that I really enjoy

Swagger - Flogging Molly

This song kicked off my first-ever race as it was the first song I heard during the 2008 Fontana Days 5K

Self-Obsessed And Sexxee - Sonic Youth

Okay, a bit of a confession. First, here's the chorus to this song:

Schizo action baby, create a scene
And I'm the type of guy to boost your self-esteem
Party all night 'cause it's you, you, you every day
Self-obsessed and sexy, all the way

I like to listen to this song at the gym, on the treadmill and we have mirrors in front of the 'mills. So the part where he says "I'm the type of guy" I point to myself with my thumb. And then the part where he says "it's you, you, you" I'll point to the mirror with my index finger.

What? Why are you laughing?

I do it incognito, of course. I don't go all crazy singing along, because people might think I'm nuts.

All These Things That I've Done - The Killers

I like the rhythm, and the song's about five minutes long so it helps me get a good chunk of a mile done or gets me over to the next mile.

Highwayman - Johnny Cash

One of my favorite running songs. This one brings back memories of the time I ran to and over the Glen Canyon Dam in Arizona. Well, it brings back a lot of memories but this one in particular.

For Whom The Bell Tolls - Metallica
Thunder Kiss '65 - White Zombie

Just great, kick-ass songs.

Orion - Metallica

An eight-minute long instrumental. I remember the moment when I realized that I really liked that song. It was during one of my first long runs, might have been my first 10-miler, and I liked the flow of the song, how it just let me relax and let me get into a groove. This is bar-none, hands-down my favorite running song.

Damage Inc. - Metallica

Now, after Orion on the Master of Puppets CD is this one and it just kind of goes naturally with Orion. This one is 5 minutes, 30 seconds long and all but about 1:10 of it is just hard. This one gets my blood flowing and helps me hit top speed. That's a good thing when I'm running, but when I'm driving... well, I don't listen to it much except for when I run. This song played through my ears as I crossed the finish line during last year's Run Through Redlands, the Mission Inn 10K and the Loper Classic 15K. The first one was just coincidence, just so happened to play. Then, I set up the other two race playlists so that song would help me around the finish - with Orion playing before. I heard those two around Miles 24 and 25 at Surf City.

Muzzle - Smashing Pumpkins

A relaxing song to close out this playlist.

I had a hard time limiting my playlist to an hour. There are other songs that I really love to listen to when I run, other groups not included on here that I've run to many times before. I guess I put some thought into my music, maybe more than is necessary. I don't know, I just figure that if I'm going to take the time to run to some tunes, I want to put some thought into them and pick ones that will actually help me on the road, the 'mill or in the race.

So maybe if this catches on I could compile another playlist of special songs to another brave and game runner.Then again, I haven't yet received my playlist and I'm expecting the worst and hoping for the best.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What Have I Done?

I had this really great idea last week. Well, at first I thought it was great, then lame, then great and then I followed through on it.

After I posted my March and April playlists last week, blog buddy Kerrie T. commented on it.

She wrote: "I do not know how you run to Metallica and some of those other bands you have on your list. But whatever floats your boat... :)"

I got to thinking about my tunes. They're pretty unique I think. My taste in music has always been a bit different. I've never cared for mainstream music, pop music and the like. That's not to say that I don't like some songs that are popular but I don't seek it out. Metallica is my favorite band to run to, but there are others who I enjoy and I'm not sure any of the bands I listen to get a lot of airplay on the radio.

I thought it would be funny if she had to listen to my playlist. Funny stuff. What would she think when she heard some of what I call my heavy artillery?

A light bulb went off in my head.

Well heck, we could just swap playlists. I could mail her a playlist of my tunes and she could mail me back a playlist of her tunes.

After ironing out the details, we completed the first-ever Muddy Runner Playlist Swap. I just totally made up that name right now, by the way.

So yeah, I thought it would be great to hear what someone else thinks of my playlist, someone who doesn't listen to the songs I listen to. But I failed to realize one thing: if they aren't listening to my music, they probably aren't into it, and probably are into something else, which I'm probably not into.

And now I have to run to it. Crap.

Part of the premise of this was for the playlist to be an hour. We're both distance runners so hour-long runs are pretty common for us. I figured an hour would give us the chance of putting together a playlist that is pretty typical of what we listen to. I'll share my songs in another post so keep an eye out for that. But I will say now that those songs are songs that I like, that are special to me for one reason or another and that I've listened to time and again on runs. My tried and true songs, if you will. It's a playlist that I like, not songs that I like that I thought Kerrie would like.

Anyway, I'll get more into that in the subsequent post.

I don't know what Kerrie's playlist consists of. I wanted it to be a surprise so I'm just going to wait until I get the CD to see what I sentenced myself to. I'm imagining a mix of Britney Spears and Beyonce, of One Republic and Adam Lambert (trust me, it sucks that I even know the last two artists). Oh boy. I'm telling you, if that's what the playlist consists of, I'm going to have a tough go at it later this week. It's bad enough when I have to suffer through Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus, but at least I know I can get through a song or two.

But to have to run to stuff like that for an hour or more ...

What have I done?