Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Friday, July 3, 2009

Shopping Craze

I'm going to take a page out of my blog buddy Angie Eats Peace and blog about my recent shopping adventures. She wrote recently about grocery shopping so I figured I'd follow suit.

Now, first I think I need to tell you a little bit about my shopping habits. I'm addicted to shopping. I can't deny it anymore and in fact I came to terms with this addiction a while back. I just love going to the store and buying vegetables or fruit or dairy products or bread or whatever. Sometimes I really do need some things but a lot of times I just kind of go to browse and then buy stuff that I may or may not need.

I usually go to the store twice a week at least but it's not uncommon for me to hit the grocery store four or five times a week. I've been known to go to two different grocery stores on the same day. See, I shop at Stater Bros. because it's nearby and I've kind of always gone there (those of you who don't live in Southern California probably aren't familiar with this local chain). I like it, but another store called Fresh & Easy just opened up nearby and I've fallen for that place as well.

See, that place has good deals on certain fruits and veggies. Basil is 2.88 for uh, I forget the exact amount but you'd have to pay a couple bucks more for the same at Stater's. Also, the baby spinach and regular spinach are way cheaper, as are bananas (19 cents apiece). Strawberries tend to be a better bargain there too. Tomatoes, zucchini, onions... they can all be way cheaper at Fresh & Easy unless Stater's has a really good sale. The bread is very good there too, though it doesn't last that long.

But for other things like cilantro (49-69 cents a bunch), parsley (about the same) and peppers, it's better to go to Stater's. And Stater's has some things that Fresh & Easy doesn't.

Anyway, I recently went to Costco. That's the worst because you can't just go there and get a few things because it can get pretty expensive. But there are some staples that I get there and when I run out, it gets difficult to cook or bake or do anything.

I stocked up, and here's what I got.

2-pound blocks of Monterey Jack (3.89) and Mozzarella (3.39).

Cheap cheese. It actually was cheaper but went up in price. Love cheese.

Zesty Italian sausage (6 pounds worth)
Boneless skinless chicken breasts
Hot Dogs (Hebrew national)

Those hot dogs are so good! We recently had them at a birthday party and agreed that they were better than what we usually buy.

Breakfast-type stuff
Coffee creamer (powdered)
Eggo waffles
Cliff energy bars
18-pack of extra large eggs

The energy bars are usually my breakfast unless I opt for some fruit or yogurt. The waffles are for the girls and the eggs, well, none of us here likes eggs. Those are for baking.

Coke Zero
Refried beans
Tomato paste
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Canola oil
Fruit by the foot (snacks for girls)

I'm ashamed to admit it but I can't cook refried beans. My mom would be disappointed if she knew. I went for so long not using tomato paste until I started making my own marinara sauce that now it's become a must-have item. Olive oil is also a must have but canola oil is great for other things like baking. And if I drink a soda, it's either diet something or Coke Zero.

Alright, there you go. As you can see, no fresh fruits or veggies. After all, I can't rob myself of the fun of going to the local grocery store multiple times a week.