Showing posts with label March. Show all posts
Showing posts with label March. Show all posts

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Month That Was

Well, March came and went. I know it seems like a common thing to say but I really do feel that March just flew right past me. March was a great month for me overall, both personally and with work. Well, work has been keeping my up at night and getting me out of bed early but this time of year is always that way.

Anyway, I wanted to take a look back at March before I turn the page and jump feet-first into April.

Running Tuneage

I made a playlist for March, and have another one made for April which I will debut on Thursday.

I guess the thinking behind this is that my music was, well, not exactly getting stale but I wanted to mix it up. I always found myself going to the same groups and the same songs and I wanted to listen to a bigger variety of music.

This is what I used for March.

I had some of the old standbys in there, in Metallica, The Killers and Johnny Cash, but they were different songs, new songs that I either hadn't run to very much or at all. It worked out pretty good. I think it will be cool later in the year to break that out and see what sorts of memories come flying back. Probably of Mt. Rubidoux, or maybe my few runs over The Hill.

And this is what I've got up for April.

Another mix of songs. I tried to keep both this one and that one with more upbeat songs at the start and then bring out some heavier things towards the end, but if I need to bring out the heavy artillery like I did for the ARMC 5K then I will use a different playlist.
I went back to my high school days for some Tool and GnR, and that Don't Cry version is the one with the alternate lyrics.

If we could see tomorrow, what of your plans?
No one could live in sorrow, ask all your friends
Times that you take in stride, they're back in demand
I was the one who's washing that off your hands

We'll see how it works out.

Races Done, Miles Logged

I ran two 5Ks in March! I now have three on the year, an average of one a month. It would be great to run 12 this year. So far, I have one planned for April (a half), one for May (10K) and one for June (Mud Run!). My legs are excited to get out there and shoot for PRs.

I ran 127 miles in March. Sometime on Friday I will cross over the 400-mile mark for the year. I was a running fool in January as I ran 154 miles that month, but I was training for a marathon and knocked out a 22-miler and a 15-miler as well, two I think.

It was a good month for running, to be certain.

No Cooking For Me

My cooking has been a disaster the last two weeks. Work has been super crazy as my fingers have been flying like mad since the middle of the month and it seems I have had zero free time. I hope that slows down some next week, and one client has moved their deadline to later in the week so that will definitely help. But I've not been able to cook and that sucks! I want to have the time to cook and I haven't had it. Today, I won't have it either. Crap!

Up Next

I don't have any sort of goals for April in terms of running a certain amount of miles. Actually, I might explore my goals somewhat in an upcoming post, but first up will be a six-mile run at Mt. Rubidoux. I have some extra time this morning before I start to play taxi for a couple of hours, so I'm going to go for six miles instead of the usual four at Mt. Rubidoux.