Showing posts with label Winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winter. Show all posts

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

It's not actually cold outside at the moment but it will be soon! 

I started dreaming up this package right around Christmas time when Walmart had their holiday fleece throws on clearance for $2.50.  I dug through the bin searching for ones that were more of a winter theme and not Christmas.  I managed to find enough for all of my missionaries...sometimes the stars manage to align just right. You could easily find winter themed fleece on clearance at the fabric store and you could make your own fleece throw.  Here's a link for an easy to follow tutorial:  In the tutorial they instruct you to use two layers of coordinating fabric.  I only ever use one.  Two is just TOO hot for my kids. Sometimes I cut and tie the edges...and sometimes I just cut off the salvage edge and leave it be.  You choose.  Easy.

Package contents:
fleece blankets
hot chocolate
Aromatherapy Rice Bag
(click here for instructions and printable)
(found at Gordman's last year but you can make your own, click here
or you can order them online from here)
Snowball Cookies
(click here for the recipe and printable)

I went to the Dollar Store and purchased mugs, and hot chocolate mixes.  One for my missionary and one for their companion.  I tried to get them in coordinating colors with my package...I was using cool blue, white and silver.  I'm a little OCD like that.  I'm sure my missionary just rolls his eyes.

Click here to download the package topper.
Print onto white cardstock.  Cut out.  Place on top of package.
Don't forget to write a note on the back!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Aromatherapy Rice Bag

For my birthday this year our Relief Society gave me a Rice Bag.  Not sure what they're know, those bags that are filled with rice, wheat, corn or beans that you can stick in the microwave? This will make a brilliant addition to my Baby it's Cold Outside care package!  I purchased a yard of two coordinating flannels - so they don't mix up theirs with their companions. If you are only doing a package for your missionary you can get away with just 1/4 yard. You can get 6 bags per yard.

Aromatherapy Wheat Bag tutorial:
- 1 -
Fold fabric in half and cut a rectangle measuring 8"x18"  (or whatever size you want it to be)

- 2 -
With right sides together stitch all the way around the outside edge leaving about a 2" opening on one of the short ends for turning and filling your bag.  Clip corners.

Optional ribbon tag:  You can add this if you choose...just cut a scrap piece of ribbon and tuck it into one of the long sides, pin in place and continue with step 2.  The ribbon just gives your missionary something cool to grab onto when they remove their bag from the microwave.

- 3 -
Turn your bag right side out.  Press.

- 4 -
 Using a cone made from an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper, fill your bag with 2 1/2 cups of whatever filling material you choose.  (I used wheat because I have a lot of that in my food storage.  I poured it into a metal bowl and added some lavender essential oil for fragrance.  Don't use too's pretty powerful stuff but it's so soothing.)  Note:  I tried to use a funnel but it seemed to take for-e-ver.  A cone is much faster...

- 5 -
Fold your fabric in half and press giving you a stitch line.  Stitch in half.  (Stitching half-way ensures that your filler stays more evenly distributed and not all down at one end.)

- 6 -
Add an additional 2 1/2 cups of filler and stitch closed using a blind stitch.
If you're not sure how to do that, click here for a tutorial.

There you have it!  All done!
I folded mine in half and taped a tag on with a bit of coordinating Washi tape.  The instructions for warming and cooling the bag are on the back of the tag.
(You could just as easily punch a hole in the top corner and use it as a bag tag.) 
Place it all in a cellophane bag and tie it off with a cute ribbon.
(insert my missionary rolling his eyes here)

Click  on the photo's below to download the tag.
(I saved mine to a flash drive and had the copy shop print it so 
the back was lined up with the front when I cut it out.

bag tag front

bag tag back - instructions
(who knew you could also put them in the freezer?)

Friday, November 29, 2013

Another Box of Sun

As many of you know, Matt is serving in Seattle.  It's raining a LOT there and he is getting a little low  and dispirited.  Our doctor here thinks that he might be suffering from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) because Matt was a sun God prior to his mission.  He and his brothers operate a yard care business during the summer and then during the winter he was a snow board instructor at a ski resort here in Utah.  To go from solid sun to solid grey has been a bit trying on both he and his companion.  My cute sister and her daughters put together this Box of Sun to help brighten his  He is going to LOVE it!

They found this adorable printable from to include. 
You can find it here.
Here's a list 'sunny' ideas:
Werther's candy
Grandma's relish (it's yellow)
Golden Oreo Cookies
yellow kitchen towels
yellow StarBursts
dish scrubby thingie
Lemon drink flavoring
(which I've heard is to die for)

lemon scented hand soap
butterscotch disks
Lemonade cupcakes
butter microwave popcorn
yellow Noisy Putty
(it makes little 'improper' sounds when you play with it. Matt is going to love it!)

yellow rain poncho
(cause if you've gotta wear a rain poncho you may as well be in sunny YELLOW!)
silly string
Juicy Fruit gum
Lemon Head candy
Lemon Head candy canes
(who knew?)
yellow PostIt Notes
Mr. Goodbar candy bars
yellow hippopotamus Punch Ball

and a...yellow tie
(Because you can't send an Elder a package without a tie.  Am I right?)

Everyone also included a little letter...

And the finished product!  It all fit into the medium Flat Rate box from the post office.
Thanks Arave family!  (I have the best family EVER!)
Elder Brown is going to be happy, hapPY, HAPPY!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Here Comes the SUN!!

Did you know - according to Google, Finland only receives between four and six hours of daylight during the winter?  That is just crazy nuts!  I was raised in Alaska and I remember it would get a little light during lunch recess.  We walked to school in the dark and we walked home in the dark.  I can't remember it really bothering me too much when I was a kid but then again, it was all I knew.  I do remember loving the never ending daylight during our brief summers.  I recall my mother saying, on more than one occasion, "David?  It's two o'clock in the morning!  We've got to get these kids to bed!"  Funny how if it's light outside we think we need to be awake...and vice versa.
I'm currently serving as the Senior Primary Chorister (best job in the kingdom!) and our Primary pianist is serving a mission in Finland.  This week we also had the honor to host a new friend, Elder Nepia from New Zealand.  His plane arrived a day earlier than he needed to be at the MTC so we got to host him for the night.  Way fun!!  Well, it's summer in New Zealand and it is definatly NOT summer in Utah.   We decided to send them both a Box of Sunshine to help with the dark winter doldrums.  This package has been so much FUN to put together.  It's so bright and cheery!  How could you help but smile when you open this one?

I found this adorable printable (above) ready and waiting for me at  CUTE!!  I printed them on card stock, cut them apart then handed them out to the Primary teachers.  The teachers had each of the kids write a short note or draw a picture to Sister Luedtke at the end of class time and then turned them back into me.  All I had left to do was tie them all together with a bow.  Ta daa!! Done.  You could easily hand these out to family, friends and neighbors instead of to a million kids.  Not everyone gets to serve in Primary.  I'm just really, really blessed.  For Elder Nepia, we just sent notes from our family.
While wandering around (cute as heck site!) I also stumbled upon this free printable (above).  So, so cute and beyond perfect for the bottom of our Box of Sunshine.  Love it!  I just printed it out, trimmed the edges and put it at the bottom of our tissue lined box.  Awesome!  Thanks, OllieBop!! 
Now is the fun part.  Fill your box with goodies...just search for anything and everything that is yellow or orange.  Avoid reds.  It's not too long until the color scheme gets all muddy and the bright sunshiney effect starts to go away.  Note:  the green packages that you see in the background will get opened up and separated out into smaller bags (see below).  

Here's a few ideas to get your juices flowing:

Frito's Corn Chips
Cheddar Cheese Pringle's
Lemon Head's
Orange Slices
Trident Tropical Twist gum
Butterscotch candies
Lifesavers "Orange" Mints
Orange flavored Tic Tac's
Quacker Chewy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip granola bars
Starburst candies (original flavor)
Kit Kat bars
Apricot or Peach Fruit Leather
Ritz Crackers
Goldfish Crackers
Wheat Thin Crackers
Trisket Crackers
Skittle's Riddles
orange juice
Koolaid Orange or Lemonade mix
Crystal Light individual drink mixes
Lemonaid soda
Orange soda
Orange Crush soda
Mandarin Orange Slice soda
Lemon Cookies
Oreo Cookies - you know, the yellow ones
*Note:  Do NOT send fresh fruit of any kind.
Burt's Bee's
(everything comes in that cherry yellow packaging)
shower gel
Hawaiian Breeze air freshener
(it smells just like summer...or Hawaii, I forget which)
Post it Notes
small notebook get the idea.
Some of the bags of treats had way too much in them for one person and I wanted to make it easier for Sister Luedtke and Elder Nepia to share with their companions.  I made two sets of bag toppers that are designed to fit over the top of a Ziploc Snack size baggie.  I dumped all the candy into piles, divided them up into individual bags for each person, zipped them close and placed one bag topper over two candy bags and stapled them shut.  Is that as clear as mud?  Two bags of the same candy will be attached together with one bag topper.  Better?  You can download the bag topper here = click here for #1 and here for #2.  Print onto cardstock.
Note:  Line up the 'fold line' on the bag topper with a straight egde.
Run your finger over the edge to create a nice straight fold.

Fold the tissue over the top of your package and place a cover letter on top introducing the treasures found inside.  You can click here for the printable.  Your printable will print out as 8 1/2 x 11.  Just jot your message on a document and run the printable through your printer.  Easy peasy!!  What a FUN package to put together.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snowstorm in a Box

I don't know about your corner of the world but in our corner of Utah it is January and it is BROWN.  This is not a normal color for this time of year for us.  Normally we are coated with lots of fluffy white stuff at this point in time but alas, this year we are not.  Surprisingly Ohio is looking particularly brown this year as well.  We've both been blessed with skiffs of snow but nothing that has stuck around or required shoveling (unless you aren't content to wait until noon just to see if it will melt off by itself).  Maybe it's all our fault . . . Mason refuses to buy proper footwear for the elements ("Already gone an entire winter without boots, why purchase any now?" is his rationalization).  I've prayed that he will stay warm and dry.  Mom's have a lot of faith where their children are concerned. Hence, no snow.

Our lack of snow has inspired the latest fun package that we've been working on and I can't wait to hear from him on Monday to hear how his snowball fight went (don't you just love Monday's?). 

Snowstorm in a Box
Contents include:
(hand cut and signed by his family, cousins and just about everyone who could and would hold a pair of scissors in their hands...and wanted to humor me - I have great family and friends)
(for taping them to the windows or you can check out here or here for more display ideas)
2 mugs
(one for Mason and one for his companion)
Hot Chocolate mix
2 bags Snowflake Crunch
(recipe below)
4 pkgs. Snowman Soup mix
(recipe below)
(of our snowball fight - too fun!  You have to do this)
12 snowballs
(for their own snowball fight)

Click here for the "Where's the Snow" pdf for the top of your package

Who doesn't like to cut out snowflakes?  There's something quite cathartic about all the folding and cutting.  It's always a thrill to finally unfold your creation and discover the hidden beauty that lay within.  I set out paper, scissors and pencils along with some printed instructions for creating snowflakes during an afternoon when family was over.  It was fun to see the cousins gathered at the table cutting and chatting together. 

Snowball Fight:
I actually got this idea from Family Fun magazine while sitting in the doctor's office one day and it all snowballed from there . . . so to speak (see Family Fun Christmas, pom-pom snowball custom card, pg 83).  This part of the package was so much fun to prepare!  As family was arriving, we had them pretend to throw snowballs at the camera - just have them pose with their arms cocked and hands like they're holding a snowball.  There was absolutely NO snow (though it did snow a few days later and I was able to have a few of the kids pose again).  I told everyone that they could pose however they wanted so some posed like they were holding giant snowballs and I just purchased pom-poms of the appropriate size to match their outstretched arms.  Have the photos developed then simply glue the pom-poms on with a tacky craft glue.  I was able to find pom-poms in a variety of sizes for .49 each from the craft store.  While there (remember, I was at the craft store?) I found the perfect solution for keeping my 3-D photos under control during mailing.  This had been driving me a little crazy. . .

For less than $3 I purchased this cute little box in white that was the perfect size for my 4x6 photos.  Add a little patterned paper and a couple of stickers and voila.  Brilliant and cute.  Problem solved.

The photo below are three adorable kids who have moved in down the block since Mason has been gone.  My daughter Maren claims all three of them to be her very best friends in the whole wide world.  We've kind of adopted them to be our surrogate grandchildren.  Mason has never met them so we wanted to identify them in the photo.  When I was on my mission in Hong Kong many moons ago, the members taught me how to sign my name on a photograph.

1. You will need a small amount of water, a soft cloth and a pen (NOT a fine point).
2. Dip your finger into the water and wipe it over the area that you wish to write on.  Wait a few seconds for the photo ink to begin to soften - this doesn't take long.  Write your message.
3. Using a soft, absorbent cloth, gently wipe or dab off the water from the photo.

Snowman Soup:
My kids gave these out to their friends for Christmas this year so we whipped up a few extra to send to our missionaries.  The contents are: 1 hot chocolate mix, 1 candy cane, three Hershey kisses and a handful of marshmallows.  Easy and very inexpensive.  We put everything in a clear cellophane bag - I love these bags and use them for lots of things.  To me, they are a gift giving must have.  I used the 3.5x7.5 bag (6.99 for 100) from Orson Gygi's in Salt Lake City, Utah. Tie it all together with a cute ribbon and attach the "recipe."   Click here for the "recipe" in pdf form.  The recipe reads:

Snowman Soup
1 hot cocoa mix
3 Hershey kisses
1 handful marshmallows
Combine all ingredients together
and stir with a candy cane.

Snowflake Crunch:
My newly married daughter, Kiri found this recipe and it was our family "go to" treat during the holiday season.  It is insanely delicious!  Make sure to follow the recipe exactly and use the brands that are suggested.  Let your Snowflake Crunch cool completely, the put in cellophane bags. Fold down the top twice (to seal in the yummy goodness) and staple a cute bag topper over the fold.  You can download the bag topper here in pdf form.  Don't forget to make at least one batch for you and your family.  Better still!  Make one batch for you and another for your family.  It is that delicious.  Enjoy!

Snowflake Crunch
1/2 of a 14 oz. box (approx. 6 cups) Rice Chex cereal
you can substitute the brand but it needs to be Rice NOT Corn
1 12 oz bag Nestle White Chocolate chips
except NO substitutions - you will be disappointed in the taste and consistency
2/3 cup crushed candy cane or peppermint swirls, divided

Measure cereal into a large mixing bowl.  In a microwave safe bowl, melt the white chocolate chips stirring every 30 seconds until smooth and creamy.  Do not overheat.  Chocolate will burn easily.  Stir 1/3 cup of crushed candy cane into the melted chocolate.  Pour over cereal and stir until evenly coated.  Spread onto parchment lined or greased cookie sheet.  Sprinkle with remaining crushed candy.  Allow to cool completely.  Break apart.  This is where the parchment paper comes in handy.  Grab the sides, gathering contents of the tray together and give it a lite squeeze.  Keep doing this until the pieces are broken into more manageable bite-size pieces.  Grab the sides of your parchment paper again making it into a funnel shape.  Pour it into your container or cellophane bag then wipe off the cookie sheet and put it away.  I love using parchment paper and it helps to keep my favorite cookie sheets nice and shiny.  They tend to get dull when they are put into the dishwasher or over time from all the hot soapy water.
Homemade Snowballs!
A couple of years ago, my sister Katherine and sister-in-law Lynnae came up with an awesome activity for our family Christmas Bash.  We have a giant indoor snowball fight with homemade snowballs.  It is truly a blast!  They made lots and lots (remember I have a giant extended family) and lots of "snowballs" and after everything from the party is cleaned up, Frosty (who is not dressed up but just one of the nieces or nephews) brings in the bags of snowballs and the snowball fight begins.  There is nothing fancy about these snowballs.  They are just circles of white fabric - I used old pillowcases.  Run a basting stitch around the outside, gather in slightly, stuff, pull the thread tight and knot off.  Easy.  My daughter, Rebekah whipped up 12 in short order - 6 for each Elder.  They are going to have a blast having their own indoor snowball fight.  A nice way to work out the frustrations of missionary work with a little FUN!