Showing posts with label Sewing Kit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sewing Kit. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Mini Sewing Kit

When Mason and Matt went on their missions they received a rather LONG list of items to bring, one of which was a sewing kit...for obvious reasons.  While at Mr. Mac and Men's Wearhouse (among other places) trying to check off all the items on our list, we had the dickens of a time trying to find an acceptable sewing kit for these two guys.  Most of them were just too big.  Not really too big as in large.  Just too big as in, "Mom, I'm never going to use all that stuff! Who needs a million colors of thread?"  So we decided to make our own.
I picked up a small plastic box from Office Depot or Office Max or whatever they're going as this week, for .50 cents.  It measures 3" (w) x 2.5" (d) x 2" (h).  It's the same size that we used to make his mini first aid kit for his back pack (click here for that post).  It holds all the essentials:

You may already have all of these items in your home:
safety pins (various sizes)
white thread (small spool)
black thread  (small spool)
Therm-o-web hem tape*
you will also need some small jewelry bags
(see photo above - they measure 2"x3" and are reclosable and available at craft stores)
*Therm-o-web hem tape (or any other brand) will be an invaluable help to your missionary if a hem comes out of their suit or skirt.  All they have to do is lay the tape inside the hem fold, and press.  The heat from the iron will fuse the hem in place without them having to take a lot of time to sew in a proper hem and worry about how large their stitches are.

Some helpful tips and tricks:
- Thread your safety pins (various sizes) onto another safety pin.
- Weave your needles into a piece of paper or fabric, then put them into a small jewelry baggie.
- Put a few pins into a jewelry baggie.
- Cut out the instructions for the hem tape and wrap a long piece of the hem tape around the folded instructions and place inside a jewelry baggie (see photo below)
- Send only the colors of thread that your missionary will need i.e. don't send brown thread unless they actually have a brown suit.
- No need to send scissors as they will already have a pair in their snazzy Office Supply Kit that you made for made one didn't you?

There you have it.  Simple.