When you have a child go on a mission, one of the things they request them to do is have some important papers on hand when they arrive at the mission home. For my other boys I just put these papers into the binder they were to take that had their pedigree chart and family history stories, etc. For Connor I picked up one of these plastic packets with a snap closure from the office supply store. It was $1 and worked perfectly. I used my label maker (absolutely LOVE my label maker!) and put his name on it. The papers that you send with your missionary are kept at the mission home for the duration of their mission and will be returned to them when they finish their mission. Because I knew they would be kept safe, I also sent a copy of the cards he keeps in his wallet (front and back), his drivers license (front and back), and the information part of his passport. Now if his wallet or passport is ever lost or stolen he just needs to get the papers from the mission office to be able to quickly cancel and reorder anything that needs to be replaced. I also kept a copy at home in Connor's mission binder.
Do NOT send original documents...
unless requested by the mission home.
Send only photo copies.
If the mission home requests an original,
keep a photo copy at home for your own records.
Papers to consider including:
Birth Certificate
Social Security card
Drivers License (front and back)
Driving record
Immunization record
Prescription record
Insurance card
Important contact information (parents, bishop, etc.)
credit/debit/bank cards (front and back)
bank contact information
HIPA release form
(permission for you to receive medical information)
Power of Attorney
(permission for you to handle affairs for your missionary while they are away)