Showing posts with label Gift Ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gift Ideas. Show all posts

Friday, August 19, 2016

"Love Your Companion" - Quote Card

This quote is a favorite of mine from President Eyring.  He's not specifically speaking about mission companions though.  He's talking about your eternal companion, but the quote still fits.  Getting along with your companion is super important.  If you don't get along with your companion, the work will suffer...a lot.  This I know from experience.  You can learn to love your companion by serving them.  Sometimes it's the only way.  Praying for them is invaluable as well.
That said...the time that I didn't get along with my companion was the time that I grew the closest to the Lord.  Funny how He can turn all things around and use them to bring you to your knees before Him.
To find a few ways to use Quote Cards click here.
Click here to download the quote card.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

It's not actually cold outside at the moment but it will be soon! 

I started dreaming up this package right around Christmas time when Walmart had their holiday fleece throws on clearance for $2.50.  I dug through the bin searching for ones that were more of a winter theme and not Christmas.  I managed to find enough for all of my missionaries...sometimes the stars manage to align just right. You could easily find winter themed fleece on clearance at the fabric store and you could make your own fleece throw.  Here's a link for an easy to follow tutorial:  In the tutorial they instruct you to use two layers of coordinating fabric.  I only ever use one.  Two is just TOO hot for my kids. Sometimes I cut and tie the edges...and sometimes I just cut off the salvage edge and leave it be.  You choose.  Easy.

Package contents:
fleece blankets
hot chocolate
Aromatherapy Rice Bag
(click here for instructions and printable)
(found at Gordman's last year but you can make your own, click here
or you can order them online from here)
Snowball Cookies
(click here for the recipe and printable)

I went to the Dollar Store and purchased mugs, and hot chocolate mixes.  One for my missionary and one for their companion.  I tried to get them in coordinating colors with my package...I was using cool blue, white and silver.  I'm a little OCD like that.  I'm sure my missionary just rolls his eyes.

Click here to download the package topper.
Print onto white cardstock.  Cut out.  Place on top of package.
Don't forget to write a note on the back!

"Bloom Where You're Planted" - Quote Card

Occasionally, when I'm sending a letter I will include a quote card.  Most of the time they go along with the theme or topic of my letter.  I know.  I'm strange.  That's the way I fly.  I try to always make them 4x6 inches so that they will fit nicely in a regular envelope.  Just print them onto heavy card stock and cut them out.  Occasionally, I send magnets (for their fridge) or a 4x6 inch frame with them when they leave on their mission.  That way they can use it to decorate their apartment and just change it out when they receive a different quote card. Just pick up a frame at the thrift or Dollar Store.   Laminated cards could be used as bookmarks. 
This would also make a nice birthday could send a new quote card every month.  Guess I better get busy and make some more!!
Click here to download the quote card.
Photo credit:  yeah...I don't know.  I always go to the free photo sites
and most of the time they don't tell you who took the photo.  Sorry.

Maybe a Postcard Will Do

Here's the've got to write letters to get letters.  People are great to send a letter to your missionary occasionally but if they never hear back, then the writing slows down and they just don't think about it any more.  It's a rare person who writes letters expecting nothing in return.  Our lives are BUSY!!
I had a goal while serving my mission to reply to each letter that I received.  I did it!  It was hard, but I did it.  I remember many a p-day when I would pump out 14 letters.  My handwriting has never been the same.  I used to get a blister on the callus of my writing finger.  Seriously!
When Mason was on his mission I realized that most missionaries just don't have the time to reply in long letters.  Maybe it's a 'girl thing' but he just couldn't do it.  He would write, but it was taking him forever to get caught up and he was getting stressed and missionaries NEED mail and they DON'T need more stress.  It occurred to me that many of us (mom's and dad's NOT included) don't really need a LONG letter.  They just need something...
"Thanks so much for your letter!
It's wonderful to hear from people at home.
Things are great here!  I love missionary work.
Stay strong and keep the faith...
Elder Brown
Doesn't take much to keep a niece or nephew, aunt or uncle, or ward member happy but all will be thrilled to receive anything in return.  Every missionary, no matter how busy, has time to jot a few lines.  Postcards keep things nice and tidy and short and simple AND the postage is less.   Winner, winner chicken dinner!
For the Elders...
...and for the Sisters.
When Mason was serving in Ohio I was able to go through some of his photos and have them made into postcards (see that post here) but Matt wasn't as...creative?...with his photos and I just couldn't find anything that would translate into a good postcard so I searched the internet for free photos that were applicable and went to work on Photoshop.  I came up with four styles for the Elders and four for the Sisters.  Had them printed (front and back) at Alphagraphics (love that place!) on a heavy cardstock that is glossy on one side (for the photo or picture) and matte on the other (for writing).  Tied them up with ribbon and sent them on their merry little way with some postcard stamps.  I even had his mission address printed at the top for the return address.  All Matt's mail had to go through the mission home anyway and that way I didn't have to worry if he was transferred. 
Printing Tip: If you just copy these files on 8.5x11 paper you will have a .25 inch white border around the entire edge of the paper as the copy machines are not designed to print right to the edge of the paper.  You could have them shrink down the file (for the front and back) so that the entire post card could have them print on larger paper and print two copies on each page.  This is the option that I usually do as I am always sending more than four post cards in my package.  Print the 'back' of the post card onto the back side of the front image and cut out.
Here's the postcards for the Elders:

click here to download the Elder post cards (fronts)
click here to download the Elder post cards (backs)
...and for the Sisters:

click here to download the Sister post cards (fronts)
click here to download the Sister post cards (backs)
And just so 'ya know:  Here's what the back of the post card looks like...

I wrote and included this sappy little poem to use as a package topper...
(with the help of my good friend, Tonya)
For the Elders:
you can download the poem by clicking here
For the Sisters:
you can download the poem by clicking here

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Money Candles

I have found a missionary's second birthday in the field to be somewhat strange.  Their first birthday is pretty easy.  They know EXACTLY what they want or need or miss, etc.  Their second birthday is not so simple...they say they don't need or want for anything and have even gone as far as to say, "Don't worry about sending anything for my birthday."  What?  Serious?  Where is my boy?!  Of course there's always the issue of carrying it all over your mission for each and every transfer so that might be it as well, even though I tell them to leave things in their apartment when they're transferred for other missionaries to enjoy (things like the Nerf machine guns I sent for his Hump Day) .  Who knows.
As a mom, I've decided to believe that our kids are growing up.  They've realized that they really don't actually need anything and their wants are significantly less than they were before they left.  If they are serving a foreign mission (and some domestic missions) they have come to actually see how little others have and to differentiate between their needs and wants.  I think it's a maturity thing and I'm not going to discourage him from feeling that but I am a mom so I can't just go for 19 years celebrating his birthday and then let one go!  It's just not in my DNA!!
This year when I got the reply to my "What would you like for your birthday" question, I was ready.  I had been watching the stores and online for a 'Grandpa' or 'Mr. Rogers' button-up cardigan in a neutral color.  It can get pretty chilly in Seattle with all the rain and damp so layering works best for warmth.  He had mentioned that he had found one at a thrift store in Seattle but that he'd started a 'trend' with the other missionaries and now they are quite difficult to find.  I found a nice one online and then sent a few of his favorite treats and a 'box of candles'...Money Candles.  What missionary can't find something to do with a little extra cash?  None that I know of!
Some time ago, I purchased these cute little boxes with a cellophane 'window' in the front from Pick Your Plum.  They were the perfect height for my 'candles'.  If you can't find one, just use something that you already have around the house and cover it with some scrapbook paper or decorate with Washi tape.  You could even cut your own 'window' in a box and cover it on the inside with a bit of clear plastic or food wrap and tape it in place.  You might even be able to use an actual empty birthday candle box if it's the right size for the bills.
Place a piece of string or twine in the center of your bill for the wick.
Make sure that it extends about a quarter of an inch out the top of the candle... 
you may want to tape it in place with a small piece of tape.
Roll up the bill and secure with a piece of Washi tape. You could use any kind of decorative tape or even a sticker but I like how the Washi tape isn't very tacky so it will be easy to remove without leaving any sticky residue.  I wrapped the tape all the way around the bill so it looks like a stripe...more than one stripe would be cute too!  When you're all finished, carefully line them up in your box.  I had a little space left over at the back edge so I just crumpled up another bill and pushed it behind the candles so they would stay nice and snuggly in place while in the mail.  Matt is turning 20 so I added number stickers to the front of the box.  If nothing else, he can take his companion out for dinner.  He's going to love it!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Aromatherapy Rice Bag

For my birthday this year our Relief Society gave me a Rice Bag.  Not sure what they're know, those bags that are filled with rice, wheat, corn or beans that you can stick in the microwave? This will make a brilliant addition to my Baby it's Cold Outside care package!  I purchased a yard of two coordinating flannels - so they don't mix up theirs with their companions. If you are only doing a package for your missionary you can get away with just 1/4 yard. You can get 6 bags per yard.

Aromatherapy Wheat Bag tutorial:
- 1 -
Fold fabric in half and cut a rectangle measuring 8"x18"  (or whatever size you want it to be)

- 2 -
With right sides together stitch all the way around the outside edge leaving about a 2" opening on one of the short ends for turning and filling your bag.  Clip corners.

Optional ribbon tag:  You can add this if you choose...just cut a scrap piece of ribbon and tuck it into one of the long sides, pin in place and continue with step 2.  The ribbon just gives your missionary something cool to grab onto when they remove their bag from the microwave.

- 3 -
Turn your bag right side out.  Press.

- 4 -
 Using a cone made from an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper, fill your bag with 2 1/2 cups of whatever filling material you choose.  (I used wheat because I have a lot of that in my food storage.  I poured it into a metal bowl and added some lavender essential oil for fragrance.  Don't use too's pretty powerful stuff but it's so soothing.)  Note:  I tried to use a funnel but it seemed to take for-e-ver.  A cone is much faster...

- 5 -
Fold your fabric in half and press giving you a stitch line.  Stitch in half.  (Stitching half-way ensures that your filler stays more evenly distributed and not all down at one end.)

- 6 -
Add an additional 2 1/2 cups of filler and stitch closed using a blind stitch.
If you're not sure how to do that, click here for a tutorial.

There you have it!  All done!
I folded mine in half and taped a tag on with a bit of coordinating Washi tape.  The instructions for warming and cooling the bag are on the back of the tag.
(You could just as easily punch a hole in the top corner and use it as a bag tag.) 
Place it all in a cellophane bag and tie it off with a cute ribbon.
(insert my missionary rolling his eyes here)

Click  on the photo's below to download the tag.
(I saved mine to a flash drive and had the copy shop print it so 
the back was lined up with the front when I cut it out.

bag tag front

bag tag back - instructions
(who knew you could also put them in the freezer?)

Saturday, November 29, 2014

True Crew Temple Socks!

The night before my daughter's birthday I received an email from Stacey at True Crew Socks.  She had stumbled up on my blog while she was setting up a Pinterest account for their new sock company based out of Bellevue, Washington - where my son is serving. These athletic socks are based on the popular skyline socks that started in Seattle a few years ago only they feature the silhouette of an LDS temple instead! How brilliant is that?!

I quickly looked up their company and ordered a few pair.  Maren is a sports fanatic and has a particular obsession with athletic socks.  Go figure...most girls love Barbies...but not mine. Want to figure out something that will thrill her?  Go to the boys section of a sports store.  Girly-girls I have none.  I ordered two pair of the Seattle Temple - one for Maren and one for Matt; and a Salt Lake Temple pair in black and red.  She has a ton of black and red athletic gear.  I printed off photos of the socks and tied a ribbon around them.  Maren was so excited when she opened them!  Then the wait by the mailbox began..."Mom, did my socks come?"  Lucky for her they were here in no time!

For the moment the socks only come in one size - adult (one size fits most 7-11).  They don't have plans to do any in youth sizes unless there is a large demand in the future.  Do not despair!  Maren is 13 and wears a size 7 youth. Both pair were too big but I called True Crew and they suggested that I wash and dry them to get them to shrink.  Maren decided to give the Salt Lake Temple ones (which run a little bigger) to her big brother who is 17 and wears a size...big.  I don't know what size he wears, just normal for a teenage boy.  They fit him perfectly. We washed the Seattle ones in hot and then dried them on hot. We did this four times and each time they would shrink just a bit more.  They fit her perfectly now and she couldn't be more thrilled.  They've been washed several times since then and have stayed put but I usually only wash on warm or cold. If you're buying them for your missionary you won't have to worry.  They will fit great! Currently they carry:

Salt Lake
San Diego
Washington D.C.

The Seattle temple is their 10th and latest design.  If sales continue to grow they plan to introduce a new temple or color every quarter although they can "create any temple in any color with a pre-order of 50 pair - so if your family wants the Atlanta Temple in pink because that's Grandma's favorite temple and color, they can do that.  Socks for all the cousins!" (That's a direct quote from Stacey.)

Currently they only ship stateside however, if you need shipping outside of the United States you can email them via the 'Contact' tab on their website and they can price shipping options.  AND, just in time for Christmas, they have added gift wrapping with a customized gift tag!  Just add 'Gift Wrap' as a product when you order. Not only will they take care of the gift wrapping, but they'll "tackle the lines at the post office too, sending direct to your missionary (or college student, etc.) saving you time and shipping costs." (That's another Stacey quote.)

My son has been serving in the Washington Seattle Mission for the past 16 months and the Seattle Skyline socks have been his go-to gift for each of his siblings birthdays.  We are so excited to send him a pair with the Seattle temple for Christmas.  He will LOVE them! Now, get online and order a pair for my nephew in  Vancouver, Washington...oh, and one for each of their companions...and...

Disclosure of material connection:  
I received one of the products mentioned for posting and reviewing their product.  Regardless, I only recommend products that I love and feel that my readers will enjoy.  All opinions are mine.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, part 255, "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising"

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Baptism Towels

Yesterday while checking Facebook I noticed a post from my husband's cousin, Marcie.  She is an amazing seamstress and made the most adorable little quilt for my new granddaughter's baby shower.  I asked her if she would be so kind as to share the story of her amazing baptism towels with all of you:  

"I had a friend request a towel for his son's baptism.  
It turned out so cute that several others have wanted them as well."

"My daughter is serving a mission, and thought she would like one for the family they were baptizing.  I have made several and sent them to her for their baptisms.  
I can put almost anything on them.  They are super cute gifts!"

Thanks Marcie!  I absolutely adore them! 
It would also be awesome to put your missionary's name on their 
own personal towel don't you think?

Interested in having some towels machine embroidered?
You can contact Marcie at

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Consecrated Oil Vial

Matt mentioned that he would like a new Consecrated Oil Vial for his birthday.  We bought him one as soon as he was ordained an Elder but somehow the top and the bottom became...separated?  All that was hanging from his shoulder bag one day was the top and the key chain fob.  My husband doesn't like how he can never tell how much is left in his vial so I thought I should probably start looking around to see what's out there.  Well, there's lots out there!  Here's the one that I like:

I like how it's classic i.e. pretty.  I especially like that it has an internal glass reservoir; which will solve Jeff's problem of never knowing how much oil is left AND it also has a rubber O-ring seal to prevent leakage along with a key chain.  It even comes with a small bottle of extra-virgin olive oil.  Make sure to consecrate it!

Music - "The Lower Lights - A Hymn Revival" volume 2

Lead, Kindly Light
I Saw the Light
Calling You
Be Thou My Vision
I Stand all Amazed
Go Down, Moses
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Nearer, My God, to Thee
I Need Thee Every Hour
Where Can I Turn For Peace?
Where He Leads Me
The Christian Life
Where the Soul of Man Never Dies
We Are all Enlisted
God Be With You Till We Meet Again

If your missionary likes Country music (which mine does) then they will probably enjoy The Lower Lights version of these revival hymns.  My husband compares it to the same style as Lady Antebelum...hmmm, I'm not quite so sure ...maybe folksie-bluegrass?  Though all of these hymns are not in our hymnal, I'm sure they are in someones!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Primary - "Happy Birthday" Poster

In our Primary, the kids make a "Happy Birthday" poster for each of the missionaries serving from our ward. It is so much fun to put together and the missionaries and kids both LOVE it!  It takes only a bit of prep time to pull together and seems to get faster every time...because I never change the basic design. Call me lazy or call me smart. I choose smart.

I pick up 2 yards of butcher paper from the local craft store.  I usually buy enough for a few posters at a time and just put a rubber band around each roll and keep it in the closet until I need it. Depending on the butcher paper, you may need to cut it down the side to make it a little narrower so it will fit on a door at the church.

Using a wide tipped black marker I write my message at the top of the poster and then draw candles along the bottom edge.  Seriously this takes less than five minutes.

Now, using colored pencils, just scribble around the outer edge of each letter.
Any kind of colored pencils will work (although my daughter and I are partial to Prismacolor) or you could use crayons.  Don't use markers.  You'll go through at least one set with every poster you do!
Don't worry about being 'neat'.  It actually looks better a bit kind of project!

Color in the candles along the bottom edge...
You certainly don't have to do 'candles', I used to do 'cupcakes' but candles 
are much faster to draw and color.

I tape the poster onto a door just outside the Primary room and put a box of markers on a chair (just something inexpensive that won't soak through the poster and leave the birthday message on the door - like Crayola for example).  I also post a note on the other side of the door that says, "Please use other door" so the kids don't get bowled over when the Sunday School class that meets on the stage gets dismissed.

Quietly pull the kids out three or four at a time until everyone has written a message.  I don't usually pull out the Sunbeam's.  With the Senior Primary you can just instruct them that as one child comes back in another one can leave, row by row until they're all finished.  Anyone who walks by is more than welcome to write a birthday message and I always make sure that their family knows we're working on their missionary's birthday poster that week so they can write as well.

I purchase square mailing tubes from my local post office ($3.99) - round ones tend to be a bit pricey.  Call their moms and ask what the missionary's favorite candy or treat is and put in a couple of small bags.  Some missionary's like healthy snacks so you could add some protein bars or small bags of nuts or fruit rolls.  Before closing it up I like to write a quick note on a PostIt inviting the missionary to send a note or postcard back to the Primary.  The Primary kids don't know that I do this but they are THRILLED beyond THRILLED whenever a thank you note gets read to them in Primary.  Sometimes we even get a photo sent back showing the missionary with their poster.  Awesome!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Music - Christmas Hymn Mix

I think I've mentioned this before...Matt can only listen to Hymns and Primary songs in his particular mission.  The mission president doesn't care who sings them or what style/genre they are performed in as long as they are only Hymns and Primary songs.  This has proved to be tough to find.  Even the Mormon Tabernacle Choir doesn't put out a CD that is ONLY Hymns. 
The past few days I've been working on a putting together a Christmas Hymn Mixed CD to send to Matt and some of our other missionary friends and I thought I'd share what I came up with.  I uploaded all of our Christmas CD's to iTunes (I have quite a few because we really like Christmas music around here) and only ended up purchasing a few titles to round out this selection.  Using iTunes you can make a playlist by simply dragging a song from your 'library' of music and dropping them into your playlist.  From there you can even move them around so they play in a specific order.  You can click on each song below to see the album that it comes from.  Here's what I came up with:
I printed the playlist and cut it down to size and inserted it into this handy, dandy CD cover I made.  Using this template, print out your CD cover onto 8.5" x 11" seasonal scrapbook paper.  Fold on the dotted lines and paste or tape the side tabs leaving the top tab open to allow you to insert your CD. Just a little more festive than a jewel case or the plain white sleeves that I usually use.
What hymns would you put on your Christmas playlist? 
Do you have any all-time favorites?

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Rustic Christmas Advent Calendar

Today's post is courtesy of Marcie - one of my best friends, former mission companion (Macau ROCKS!!), and a missionary mom to Hannah serving in California.  She found these adorable, rustic burlap bag advent calendars at her local craft store, decorated them, and filled them with a scripture reminiscent of the season and a coordinating treat.  They are amazing and her missionary is going to LOVE them.

While your local craft store may not have this exact product, you could easily make your own using burlap from the fabric/craft store OR...

...I found these little beauties online from
Just string them together with a little jute.  CUTE!!

They measure 3.5"x 5" - which is larger than Marcie's.  On the bright side, now there will be room for double treats in the bag.  One for your missionary and one for their companion.  They are bundled in packages of 24 (Perfect count for an advent calendar!) for $12.  The same product is offered here through only these are bundled in packages of 50 for $16 so if you need to make two advent calendars, this would be perfect.  You probably couldn't buy burlap for that price.
Click on the above photo and it will take you right there...


Decorate your bags - if desired.

Number your bags - this is really a is after all, an Advent Calendar, right?

Now you get to fill your bags with all sorts of fun things that will help bring a bit of the season into your missionary's life every day leading to Christmas.  Marcie was kind enough to include a list of the ideas that she used.  They are in no particular order but it wouldn't be difficult to put them into a specific order should you choose.  These are all spiritual based and would be a fun addition to their companionship study each morning.  Thanks, Marcie!!

Scripture Countdown: 
John 3:16
(wrapped square chocolate tied with a ribbon to look like a gift)
Doctrine & Covenants 43:34
(pack of Lifesavers - Savior)
Luke 22:44
(red jelly beans - to represent 'blood')
Isaiah 1:18
(white jelly beans - to represent 'purity')
Matthew 2:7-8
(M&M's - to represent W for 'Wisemen')
John 10:14
(candy cane - to represent the 'Good Shepard')
Matthew 2:9
(yellow Starburst candies - to represent the 'star')
Matthew 2:11
(gold candy coins - to represent 'gold, frankincense and myrh')
John 6:35
(animal crackers - to represent the 'bread of life')
John 6:40
(green jelly beans - to represent 'everlasting life')
Doctrine & Covenants 76:41
(cinnamon bear or gummy bears - to represent 'bear our sins')
John 14:27
(Reese's Pieces candy - to represent 'peace')
Doctrine & Covenants 133:22
(Ande's mints - to represent 'mountain')
2 Nephi 26:25
(Bit-o-honey candy - to represent 'honey')
Matthew 26:39
(mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cup candy - to represent 'remove this cup')
Luke 6:21
(mini Snicker's candy bar - to represent 'laughter')
Matthew 4:19
(Swedish Fish - to represent 'fishers of men')
Hymn 201, Joy to the World, sing all verses
(mini Almond Joy candy bar)
Hymn 214, I Heard the Bells, sing all verses
(chocolate covered bell candy)
John 15:1
(licorice pieces - to represent the 'true vine')
Matthew 11:29
(Smartie candy - to represent 'learn of me')
 3 Nephi 11:19
(Hershey's Kiss candy - to represent 'kiss His feet')
Alma 7:12
(sucker - to represent 'succor')
3 Nephi 11:11
(dark chocolate - to represent 'bitter cup')

To make tags to insert into your bag, simply cut cardstock into the appropriate size for your bags, punch a hole in one end and attach a ribbon, decorate tag, if desired with stickers, etc., and hand write the scripture reference onto your tag.  You could actually print out the scripture in it's entirety but in my opinion (for what that's worth!), it would be more effective and strengthen the companionship if they looked up the scripture and read it aloud together.  Just a thought...
For those small items listed above i.e. jelly beans, M&M's etc., put them into a small reclosable bag (like this, for example available from Amazon or the jewelry department of your local craft shop) or wrap them in plastic wrap so they don't fall out during the mailing process.


Friday, November 29, 2013

Another Box of Sun

As many of you know, Matt is serving in Seattle.  It's raining a LOT there and he is getting a little low  and dispirited.  Our doctor here thinks that he might be suffering from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) because Matt was a sun God prior to his mission.  He and his brothers operate a yard care business during the summer and then during the winter he was a snow board instructor at a ski resort here in Utah.  To go from solid sun to solid grey has been a bit trying on both he and his companion.  My cute sister and her daughters put together this Box of Sun to help brighten his  He is going to LOVE it!

They found this adorable printable from to include. 
You can find it here.
Here's a list 'sunny' ideas:
Werther's candy
Grandma's relish (it's yellow)
Golden Oreo Cookies
yellow kitchen towels
yellow StarBursts
dish scrubby thingie
Lemon drink flavoring
(which I've heard is to die for)

lemon scented hand soap
butterscotch disks
Lemonade cupcakes
butter microwave popcorn
yellow Noisy Putty
(it makes little 'improper' sounds when you play with it. Matt is going to love it!)

yellow rain poncho
(cause if you've gotta wear a rain poncho you may as well be in sunny YELLOW!)
silly string
Juicy Fruit gum
Lemon Head candy
Lemon Head candy canes
(who knew?)
yellow PostIt Notes
Mr. Goodbar candy bars
yellow hippopotamus Punch Ball

and a...yellow tie
(Because you can't send an Elder a package without a tie.  Am I right?)

Everyone also included a little letter...

And the finished product!  It all fit into the medium Flat Rate box from the post office.
Thanks Arave family!  (I have the best family EVER!)
Elder Brown is going to be happy, hapPY, HAPPY!!