Showing posts with label Spanish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spanish. Show all posts

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Happiness - Get luckier in 2018... to boost your good fortune and happiness this year.  I recently read an article in January's issue of Good Housekeeping magazine entitled, Get Luckier in 2014 by Betsy Rapoport (pg. 90-91) which really intrigued me and I've spent a lot of time pondering the idea of 'luck' since then.  Can we really bring ourselves more luck...and happiness?  I came up with ten ways that you can bring more luck and happiness into your life honor of lucky St. Patrick's Day, I thought I'd share my research with my missionary and his companion...and all of YOU!  Enjoy!

Print onto white card stock.  
Cut out around the outside of each card and tie with string or ribbon.


Now in Spanish!!
Spanish version:  page 1, page 2, page 3
English version:  page 1, page 2, page 3

Thanks Lisa Jeppson for the request and to Taylor Ward 
for translating the whole thing into comprehend-able Spanish...
I thought I could just cut and paste from

Click here to see the finished package...