Matt was working with a family during his first Christmas season in Seattle and was looking for ideas of things to help build their relationship with the little kids. I had just stumbled upon some Gingerbread House kits while I was at IKEA (love that store!) and because I'm lazy busy during the holidays I had picked up a bunch for the kids to use. Check THAT little tradition off my list of things to do! They never eat the gingerbread anyway. Actually, I think these are their Pepparkaka ginger cookie not gingerbread...even better. They are delish! Anyhow, I think they were $3 for each kit. How could I NOT? I thought this would be a great Family Home Evening activity for them to do with this cute little family. Nothing better than bonding over FOOD, right?
I picked up a bunch of candy and some powdered meringue* to use for the Royal Icing so that it didn't need to be refrigerated because of the raw egg whites. Mixed up a large batch and put it in a Ziploc bag. Threw in a couple of frosting tips along with some instructions and a piece of foil covered cardboard and voilĂ !
*Note: You can purchase meringue powder anywhere cake decorating supplies are sold. The recipe is on the container.
click here to download the Gingerbread House package topper