Showing posts with label Helping the children of Investigators. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Helping the children of Investigators. Show all posts

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Gingerbread House Kit

Matt was working with a family during his first Christmas season in Seattle and was looking for ideas of things to help build their relationship with the little kids.  I had just stumbled upon some Gingerbread House kits while I was at IKEA (love that store!) and because I'm lazy busy during the holidays I had picked up a bunch for the kids to use.  Check THAT little tradition off my list of things to do!  They never eat the gingerbread anyway.  Actually, I think these are their Pepparkaka ginger cookie not gingerbread...even better.  They are delish!  Anyhow, I think they were $3 for each kit.  How could I NOT?  I thought this would be a great Family Home Evening activity for them to do with this cute little family.  Nothing better than bonding over FOOD, right?
I picked up a bunch of candy and some powdered meringue* to use for the Royal Icing so that it didn't need to be refrigerated because of the raw egg whites.  Mixed up a large batch and put it in a Ziploc bag.  Threw in a couple of frosting tips along with some instructions and a piece of foil covered cardboard and voilĂ !
*Note:  You can purchase meringue powder anywhere cake decorating supplies are sold.  The recipe is on the container.
click here to download the Gingerbread House package topper

Friday, December 23, 2011

A Little Something for the Investigators...

In my husband's words, "Nothing detracts from the Spirit more than dogs and kids."  As I cast my mind back on my own mission experiences I realize he is exactly right. 

This idea came from Linda, a fellow missionary mom on the Missionary Mom's of Columbus Ohio Facebook page.  Help your missionary be prepared for distractions by supplying him with a few coloring books and crayons for the little ones while the parents are receiving the lessons.  The coloring books only come out during a lesson and then are retired to the missionaries backpack until the next time they come over.  A travel soap container worked perfectly to hold a 24 count boz of crayons from being lost and broken in the deep, dark recesses of their bag and soiling precious scriptures and teaching materials.  Thanks for the brilliant idea, Linda!