Showing posts with label Quote Cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quote Cards. Show all posts

Saturday, August 20, 2016

"You Can't Stop the Waves" - Quote Card

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf." 
How appropriate is that for missionaries?  It explains their life in a nutshell...
or at least in a single sentence, right?
Print out onto heavy, white card stock.  Laminate, frame or just include with your letter.
Click here to download the Quote Card.

Friday, August 19, 2016

"Love Your Companion" - Quote Card

This quote is a favorite of mine from President Eyring.  He's not specifically speaking about mission companions though.  He's talking about your eternal companion, but the quote still fits.  Getting along with your companion is super important.  If you don't get along with your companion, the work will suffer...a lot.  This I know from experience.  You can learn to love your companion by serving them.  Sometimes it's the only way.  Praying for them is invaluable as well.
That said...the time that I didn't get along with my companion was the time that I grew the closest to the Lord.  Funny how He can turn all things around and use them to bring you to your knees before Him.
To find a few ways to use Quote Cards click here.
Click here to download the quote card.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

"Bloom Where You're Planted" - Quote Card

Occasionally, when I'm sending a letter I will include a quote card.  Most of the time they go along with the theme or topic of my letter.  I know.  I'm strange.  That's the way I fly.  I try to always make them 4x6 inches so that they will fit nicely in a regular envelope.  Just print them onto heavy card stock and cut them out.  Occasionally, I send magnets (for their fridge) or a 4x6 inch frame with them when they leave on their mission.  That way they can use it to decorate their apartment and just change it out when they receive a different quote card. Just pick up a frame at the thrift or Dollar Store.   Laminated cards could be used as bookmarks. 
This would also make a nice birthday could send a new quote card every month.  Guess I better get busy and make some more!!
Click here to download the quote card.
Photo credit:  yeah...I don't know.  I always go to the free photo sites
and most of the time they don't tell you who took the photo.  Sorry.