Occasionally, when I'm sending a letter I will include a quote card. Most of the time they go along with the theme or topic of my letter. I know. I'm strange. That's the way I fly. I try to always make them 4x6 inches so that they will fit nicely in a regular envelope. Just print them onto heavy card stock and cut them out. Occasionally, I send magnets (for their fridge) or a 4x6 inch frame with them when they leave on their mission. That way they can use it to decorate their apartment and just change it out when they receive a different quote card. Just pick up a frame at the thrift or Dollar Store. Laminated cards could be used as bookmarks.
This would also make a nice birthday gift...you could send a new quote card every month. Guess I better get busy and make some more!!
Click here to download the quote card.
Photo credit: yeah...I don't know. I always go to the free photo sites
and most of the time they don't tell you who took the photo. Sorry.