Learning is....
Planting a seed in our brain... learning to water, nurture and grow it.... so we can live on the fruit of our learning and plant more seeds.

Showing posts with label study. Show all posts
Showing posts with label study. Show all posts

Monday, 2 May 2016

#edsketch16 - Days One and Two

Last year @GeoMouldey, one of the amazing people I've connected with through Twitter and #edchatNZ, began #edsketch15.... and now it is back for 2016 as #edsketch16!

The idea behind it is this, as Steve explains in his May 2015 post Sketch a Day in May:

This May, I would like to encourage everyone to take part in a challenge. The challenge is to share a sketch every day in May. We can all track each other by using #edsketch15 on our shares (whether it be on twitter, Google+, instagram or whatever social media you utilise).

Inspired by Austin Kleon‘s Show Your Work, I would like to encourage everyone to sketch something they have been reading, thinking about, trying out, observing, questioning, exploring, reflecting on, working on that day.

Sketches are great for this purpose – they don’t take an hour to write (although you are absolutely welcome to craft it for as long as you want). The quality of the sketch doesn’t matter – it’s not our drawing talent we are sharing, it’s our ideas and thoughts.

I had wondered if it would be a goer for 2016, and as I cruised through my Twitter feed this afternoon I discovered it was back on.  So tonight I've played catch up and I present Day One and Two of my #edsketch16 contributions.

This is my first pic for #edsketch16.  Yesterday was May Day.  May the 1st is the day we celebrate international worker's rights and unionism.  I am proud to be an NZEI member who is active.  In every branch I've been in I have held a position at some stage as either the chair, secretary or treasurer (who is too scared to write cheques).  I've been active at regional level too as an executive committee member, secretary and I currently hold the Lobby and CTU Rep positions.  I am Union Proud.

This is my Day Two picture.  I am doing my Masters of Education currently and I have my second assignment due this Friday night at 11pm.  This is how my week could possibly play out as I see it currently....

And for those of you who think drawing is a challenge, you may use apps and devices to help you.  I love how Stephanie of the blog Train the Teacher is approaching #edsketch16 this year.  Read about what she is doing at #edsketch16 - a learning goal.

I challenge you to take part.  Remember to tag your pictures with the #edsketch16 hashtag.  You can tweet, you can blog, or you can post on NZ Teachers Facebook page.  Are you up for the challenge?