Learning is....
Planting a seed in our brain... learning to water, nurture and grow it.... so we can live on the fruit of our learning and plant more seeds.

Showing posts with label #edchatNZ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #edchatNZ. Show all posts

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

#edchatNZ Conference 2016 Reflection of Day Two

Day Two brought new learning opportunities again at the #edchatNZ 2016 Conference at Rototuna Junior High School.  I was a bit late due to attending to a cat emergency, so when I arrived, I went straight into the first workshop.  I chose to attend the workshop about Elections 2017.

I chose this workshop as I have done a unit with students during elections in 2005 (Year 4/5 class), 2011 (Y5-8 class) and 2014 (Y3/4 class) and I believe the earlier we get students paying attention to politics and understanding how the right to vote works, the more likely they will be voters.  I will always remember our local MP, Jack Luxton, visiting my class when I was in Standard 4 in 1984 to talk to us about elections - it did help that four of his grandchildren were at my school!

And I am pleased I went to this workshop as I was the only primary school voice in this small group of people, so I was able to add a new dimension to the conversation and learn some new things myself from the secondary teachers in the room.  Hopefully what we came up with will make it into The Pond for many teachers to use.

My next workshop was with Jane Gilbert from AUT on Education's complex future - what does this mean for teachers?  The room just kept on filling up for this one and spilled out into the next.... which was ok because RJHS is made up of flexible learning spaces, so the big ranchsliders were left fully open.

I chose this workshop because I felt it was quite relevant to what I am currently doing with my Master of Education focusing on Global Education Policy.  I felt this question opens up a huge chasm of questions and quandaries that we as professional educators need to consider for not only ourselves, but also for our current and future students.

Below is a Storify of tweets just from this session.

Sadly, Storify has deleted itself from the Social Media scene, so all my Storify stories have gone.  ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­

Below are photos that I took of Jane Gilbert's slides during her rapid lecture.

Jane argued that education needs to make a rapid change as it was no longer appropriate to do a mass production line form of education (reminiscent of Yong Zhao's opinion of the sausage factory mode of education).

"We don't need another brick in the wall" industrialise education was how we were taught - but this is not appropriate for students of today or tomorrow.  What is the core role of a teacher?  How does that role relate to other teachers?

Mega trends in education:
* digital revolution
* globalisation

Mega trends in education:
* massive growth in new networked forms of knowledge
* Anthropocene

World events such as terrorist attacks,Brexit,Trump... these are upsetting world order... leads to chaos.  Chaos and disruption may provide potential alternatives.

Sardar says we're in a transitional age. A change phase:
* Complexity
* Chaos
* Contradiction

How does education policy fit here?
* "we need to get the system to perform better"
* digitisation
There is a focus on outcomes (measured in the 'old ways') & students - but the focus on teachers is yet to come.

Lots of investment in hardware (infrastructure, tools, vocab) but not on software (teachers).

The mega trends undermine the 20th Century education system. Need to look at these questions in photo.  There are all these things we are asked to do for students but haven't experienced them their selves.  The good news is no one knows the answers.

Why are they talking about things in picture?  If we don't understand human systems these'll be subverted.  Personally I believe the model in place for Communities of Learners currently is wrong with too much dictatorial influence by MOE.  This will subvert true collaboration. That's why I consider COLs as IES pig with lipstick.

System features to consider.
Also: closed & open systems.

The murmuration of starlings - modification in response to small change - interaction produces change.  Murmuration of starlings: no one is in charge. System has its own "collective intelligence" as a whole.

Dave Snowden's Cynefin Framework. See http://cognitive-edge.com 
Education is a complex system.  Things are difficult in education and therefore requires a different sort of methodology.

Great examples for simple, complicated & complex problems using the model.

What does this mean for teachers and schools and students? What is the future? Is collaboration enough?

Three things (in picture) matter to build collective intelligence.   Building collective intelligence depends on quality of elements, quality of interactions and degree of diversity

Hargreaves & Fullan - 2012, Professional Capital - Transforming Teaching in every School: what is "strong" collaboration?  Collaboration or innovation is not collecting others ideas.  Don't necessarily apply to your situation.  Strong collaboration needs collegial not congenial, critique and extension of existing ideas, push each other, thinking differently.  To achieve change we HAVE to challenge ideas, argue; conflict produces new deep thinking.   Avoid echo chambers.

Collegial collaboration - NOT congenila collaboration needed. R Evans 2012 - Building True collegiality in schools.  How do we get strong collaboration? See R. Evans (2012) bottom of picture.

Questions for us to consider in light of this workshop with Jane Gilbert - and for all teachers too.  Will reconfiguration of the role of teachers be enough? Do we need a complete rebuild?  Jane argues that some of the professional learning offered to teachers is quite basic! Need to rethink how teachers are educated.  Absolutely agree that teacher PLD must start with focus on individual cognitive growth.  And group cognitive capacity of teachers.  How might we think about "next practice" not just "best practice"?  For teachers to interact in new world order & support kids; need new PLD model that focuses on cognitive growth to create next practice.  But we have to achieve this change while keeping some aspects of the old system going.

"Historic change is like an avalanche."

As you can see there are a lot of things we need to consider about the future of our profession as educators for ourselves and our students.

After lunch (where I caught up with some  #kotuku tribe members), it was the Provocation session, where the keynote speakers provoked us.

The first speaker was Stanley Frielick and below is the blurb about Stanley from the #edchatNZ Conference website.

Dr Stanley Frielick is Director of Learning and Teaching at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) – a central role in a network of staff, students and enabling technologies that increases the capability of the university for educational development and innovation.

His diverse research interests include the ways in which ecological / biological understandings of thinking interrelate with social and digital media to create new modes of learning, and the implications of these for strategic planning and leadership. He has led several initiatives in academic development, digital media and mobile learning at AUT.

The second speaker was Kaila Colbin and her blurb from the #edchatNZ Conference website is below:

Kaila is an ambassador for SingularityU and involved in organising the first New Zealand summit. Kaila is also a curator for TEDxChristchurch, Ministry of Awesome co-founder.

​Kaila is an entrepreneur, a connector, and a person who loves to see ideas turned into action. She is a co-founder and trustee of the non-profit Ministry of Awesome, an organisation dedicated to watering the seeds of awesome in communities; and the founder and director of New Zealand social media consultancy Missing Link

These two speakers were rapid and thought provoking.

Kaila's keynote inspired these tweets:
  • Riding the exponential wave of change
  • Exponential technology is not just about the computing
  • In ED, are we just hanging out in the trough of disappointment? Waiting for the steep curve to amazement!
  • Self-drive cars are already twice as safe per mile as humans.
  • A single crash for a self-drive car immediately improves the whole fleet. Not the case with humans.
  • sci-fi is really sci-non-fi!
  • 35yrs of 3D printing and what do we get? Shitty models of Yoda's head
  • x times as fast, at x less cost. soooo awesome!!! Jet fusion printing from HP - electronics within the printed object
  • Highest prediction is 81% of jobs gone in 20 YEARS!!!
  • AI always starts with base knowledge of all other AIs, people do not
  • Loving "the dick factor" that @kcolbin talks about e.g. wearing technology such as Google cardboard.
  • Segways failed because of "dick factor" VR Goggles mean you can't see other's eye rolling at you
  • We used to teach kids to ski as the future was paved, now we have to teach kids to surf as the future is unknown
  • See @richardsusskind's 'The Future of the Professions:  http://goo.gl/faLAve
  • Find your Billion - book your students places to learn about exponential tech with @kcolbin  http://www.findyourbillion.co.nz/ 
Stanley's keynote inspired these tweets:
  • Kia whakatomuri te haere whakamua
  • Watching the Mother of all Demos from 1968 - the original YouTube How To video.
  • The Dynabook looks like the forerunner to a laptop & tablet - Alan Kay DynaBook 1968
  • Inspired by the history of these incredible people who gave us so many possibilities. Papert -my favourite. 
  • All day I have been reminded over and over that the technology I thought was recent... well... wasn't
  • Richard Brautigan poem - All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace
  • We have so much tech but what are we actually doing with it?
  • What wicked problems can we authentically engage our students with?
  • key word there... authentic. surely students need to have a say? how can WE dictate that?
  • The Inevitable by Kevin Kelly
  • highlighting disconnection. oooh, nice. are you "Whole in a connected world"? human touch - AGAIN, whanaungatanga.
  • "We also need a space where we are wholly ourselves, contingent upon no one else"

After the Provocations of the keynotes, we met back up with our tribes.  #kotuku tribe had come up with the idea of #minutechange to present to the Conference later that afternoon.  So we debated this.  The first thing we needed to do was define minute so that people knew what we were talking about.

Naturally I have a wee Storify of our thinking over #minutechange:

Sadly, Storify has deleted itself from the Social Media scene, so all my Storify stories have gone.  ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­

WIDD = What I did differently - which links into the whole idea of #minutechange.

After nutting it out, and making a new Twitter account called @minutechange to go with our hashtag #minutechange it was time to present our proposal to the Conference and hear what other tribes had come up with.

All in all, I enjoyed the two days at the #edchatNZ Conference.  It was almost a cross between a traditional conference and an Educamp, in that it was timetabled like a traditional conference but had the flexibility of choice that comes with an Educamp, with the bonus of time to network and build a tribe to collaborate on a new idea with.

The bonus for me was that this year it was in Hamilton... and I hope the next one will be at a school that I can get to easily.

Below is a Storify of the whole of Day Two of the Conference - there are a lot of tweets... like maybe 885 tweets.

Sadly, Storify has deleted itself from the Social Media scene, so all my Storify stories have gone.  ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­

Saturday, 3 September 2016

#edchatNZ Conference 2016 Reflection of Day One

One of the amazing things that has come out of the National led government killing off our former Advisory Service is how teachers started doing professional development for themselves - for teachers, by teachers.  Instead of having advisers who would run courses or possibly even visit you in your school to support a school wide PLD opportunity, we now have the online Science Hub and your school has to be in a contract to get any support for literacy or numeracy.

Into the vacuum came EduIgnites, Educamps and Twitter chats.  #edchatnz was started in 2012 by Danielle Myburgh aka @MissDtheTeacher as she felt isolated as a beginning teacher.  Danielle calls herself an introvert, and you can see her nerves as she stands in front of a large group of educators on a winter's morning in the brand new auditorium of the brand new Rototuna Junior High School, but she is also a passionate teacher who wanted to do the best for her students and so reached out to teachers across New Zealand and beyond.  She established #edchatnz, a fortnightly chat at 8:30pm on a Thursday for Kiwi teachers (and beyond). 

From that many other chats emerged for subject areas like English, Science and Maths... and a leaders' chat too.  At ULearn (a conference held in the first week of October by Core Education) there has been a Twitter dinner and this is a place where the #edchatnz participants often meet properly for the first time face to face, if they haven't already at an Educamp.  #edchatnz has also had two conferences, by teachers for teachers, in 2014 and this most recent one at Rototuna Junior High School in northern Hamilton on Friday 12th and Saturday 13th of August.  At $30 it will be the cheapest but possibly the most inspiring PLD you could do!!

There were so many people there from near and far.  Some of the participants came in large groups from their school, some in small groups and some were, as Danielle called us, Lone Nuts.  There were principals, teachers, support staff (two I knew already were a librarian and an IT technician), professional learning advisors, tertiary lecturers and some education industry personnel.

The conference was held at a school, starting on a Friday for a purpose.  Firstly, at the registration desk, after registering and being delegated a tribe (explained later), we were referred to some students from Rototuna Junior High School (aka RJHS) to be our tour guides and take photos on our phones of us in groups with an #edchatnz frame.  As I was registering I hear another person say her name, and I recognised it.  So I turned around and said hello.  What was even better was Melanie (yes, same name!) was also in my tribe.  Anyway, her is our selfie taken by one of the students.  (Is that still a selfie?)

So we gathered in the hall where Danielle did a welcome along with the principal of RJHS, Fraser Hill.  We heard some background from Danielle about how she established #edchatnz, her journey and the purpose of the conference: #possibilities.  We heard from Fraser about the ethos of his school and a bit of the journey in his welcome.

Afterwards we went to meet our tribe.  My tribe was #kotuku - they were all named after native New Zealand birds, which was cool.  Our tribe leader was Alex (@ariaporo22) who I have known for a couple of years though #edchatnz, Educamps, EduIgnites and ULearns, so it was lovely to have a friendly face.  Melanie, who I met at reception, @michaelteacher and @MSimmsNZ were people I had conversed with through #edchatnz on Twitter or through NZ Teachers on Facebook and were also in #kotuku.  There was also a high school English teacher who we didn't see much because she also had her school production in full swing and two teachers from a school north of Hamilton who were still getting to grips with Twitter, but soon recognised me from the NZ Teachers Facebook page (I'm on it far too much).

Soon it was time to head off to our first workshop.  There were also tours of RJHS, which would have been great to go on, because the place looked amazing, but I decided to get out of my comfort zone and go and learn more about Google Sites.  I have tried them once before a couple of years ago, but I found them rather frustrating.  And then I heard that Google was dumping the whole thing.

But now Google is revamping them.  Currently only certain schools have access to Google Sites, kind of as guinea pigs as they work out the bugs.  @steve_trotter was having a few technical difficulties with his laptop and the network, as I did too, but I brought a back up with me, so it was a slow start getting going.  We had a tu-tu with Google Sites under a username for a school he works at and that was interesting.  I thought it was an improvement over the previous Google Sites, but it still has a long way to go before I will be excited about using it.  There are still a few things that I did not find aesthetically pleasing, did not have enough choice or were fiddly to achieve.... but the bugs are still being worked out.

After lunch with the #kotuku tribe, there was a mix and mingle in the auditorium with a game of meet people Bingo.  This was how far I got in the time set.

We were also made aware of a set of challenges for us.  But to be honest, I was so busy meeting people, figuring out where I was and making sense of it all I forgot about these challenges... but some people did really well at them:


Are you ready to be an educational explorer? Complete these missions to open up the possibilities for yourself, your tribe and the others you interact with during the conference. Share your mission progress on #edchatNZ and check out what others have achieved so far as well.

New to Twitter Challenges

  • Help someone sign up to twitter and send their first tweet
  • Share a link that supports a presenter’s idea
  • Share something you were challenged by
Asking Questions
  • Tweet a question that made you think
  • Ask a question of a presenter
  • Write a question on a post it and place it on someone else’s property so they will find it later
  • Meet people from at least 10 different towns/cities
  • Chat to someone from Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and an Outside Provider
  • Get a Tribe Grelfie that shows something you all have in common
  • Get a Tribe Grelfie with the Rototuna eel
  • Make something with your tribe to represent yourselves to the rest of the conference (totem pole, secret handshake, sculpture, human pyramid…)
Have Fun
  • Make a sculpture with your food
  • Play a song loudly from your device that shows how you are feeling as you finish a workshop
  • Share one of your favourite edu quotes
  • Bust out your favourite dance move
  • Quote Star Wars in an educational discussion
Get Critical
  • Be the Devil’s Advocate: ask a question from a different perspective to make people think deeper and differently
  • Recommend a book that someone could read to learn more about a topic
  • Connect someone with a person who could help move their ideas forward
  • Give someone deep feedback about their idea/plans

Then it was off to the second session of workshops.  I went to a session run by the students of RJHS.  During this session the students explained the vision and expectations of the school.  They explained how the structure of their timetable worked, how they achieve credits and modules, and how they design their learning with a mentor teacher.  The students are expected to be aware of and track their own learning.  They also set us some tasks to do that they had done.  These tasks required us to use team work, think out of the box and communicate - and many more key competencies, which their programme revolves around.

The first task involved a set of nails.  We had to balance on one nail all the rest of the nails.  The first three photos below are our failed attempts in our group.

Below left is my attempt to sneak off another group what the finished product would look like.  Even then we couldn't do it and one of the students had to show us before we could do it ourselves, bottom right.  The student who showed us admitted their teacher had to give them lots of help.

There was also an activity with Lego.  Every group was given a box with Lego in it.  Every box had the same pieces, the same colour as each other.  Again we had to work in a group.  One person had to go to a table and look hard at the example made up and then come back to the group.  They had to tell the group what to do to make it, but they were not allowed to touch it.  After a couple of minutes, the students allowed a second group member to go up and look hard at the example and come back to tell us what to do.  This happened probably six more times, but even then a student felt the need to correct our group.  This was another great example on how to use the key competencies as a learning task.

So here we were getting all the pieces out and starting with the most memorable bits.  @ariaporo22 was telling us what to do first.

As you can see, we had to put on and take off a few times, as each new communicator picked up something the previous one had missed.  Also the students came and set us straight too when we were off tangent.

On the left is our final product, and on the right is the original model.  I think we did pretty well.  It was a fabulous oral language activity, not to dissimilar to barrier games for oral language.

Below are some photos of the things the students talked about in relation to their learning journey.

Next it was time for the students to go home and we headed for the auditorium where we were asked to put the chairs into groups of four and sit down for a face to face Twitter #edchatnz.  My group failed to hear some of the instructions, so stuffed it all up, but it was fun to move around and talk to different people on the questions set.

We had afternoon tea and then gathered in our tribes again with the goal to create something as a group to share with the conference the next day and to hopefully contribute to The Pond.

The day ended very late, and it was after 5pm when I really just had to go off to attempt to rescue a cat (that's another story elsewhere!)... and that is really all this blog post could possibly handle apart from me adding the Storify of pretty much every tweet about Day One of the #edchatnz 2016 Conference to the end of this post.  Day Two is another post in the writing....

Sadly, Storify has deleted itself from the Social Media scene, so all my Storify stories have gone.  ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­

Sunday, 17 April 2016

The essentials I reckon a Beginning Teacher needs to start their class.

Ever since the Facebook page NZ Teachers (Primary) started, I've seen multiple posts from beginning teachers asking what others suggest are essential for them as they set up their class.  In this post I will attempt to pull together some of what I consider essential to help a beginning teacher set up their first class.

You will read advice on storage, the walls, setting up your literacy programme, numeracy, and there are numerous links to blogs, downloads and websites and a whole lot of ramblings from a teacher who has been in the game for twenty-five years.

If you are on Twitter and have any questions, you can get me at @melulater.  Otherwise if you arrived here through Facebook, I am always on the NZ Teachers page, so you can hit me up there to with any questions.

You can also now find me on Instagram at melulater_room7 (but that 7 will be changing to a 12 this year).

Firstly I recommend you get lots of boxes of various sizes for reading groups, fluency boxes and various resources.  Thankfully the Warehouse has some very cost effective options now, and they often have great sales with two for one deals or great percentage mark downs, so shop then if you can.  Prices possibly differ from when I first wrote this.  I've detailed below ones that I have found good and for what:
The front boxes are the guided reading boxes, and the back boxes are the boxes for fluency reading.
This box cost $3 and I use it for my reading groups, one per group.  I usually have two sets of books in here at a time.

This box cost $5 and I use it for my fluency boxes for each reading group.  It can hold more books than the box above and is more stable for the number of books I think kids need to browse through.

This is the box I use to put maths or language activities in to keep them mobile and intact (providing the kids put the stuff back in).  It costs about $6.
This box is great for keeping your modelling books in and any other books like ELP or Numeracy books as well as felts and pens and rulers....  I move it about the class to wherever I am working with my groups.  They are usually about $10 a box.
When I need to carry portfolios home or store them, or store a lot of stuff, these hobby boxes are my go to.  They can cost $7-10 depending on how the Warehouse is pricing them.
Trays like this are great for table groups to store stuff like pens, pencils, felts, colouring pencils, glue sticks, pencil sharpeners and rubbers.  They start from $3.
You can't go past boxes with lids like this for storage.  I have these in a variety of sizes to keep different things, and because they have lids, sticky little fingers are less likely to find their way into them.  There are different prices for different sizes.
This trolley is a great way to keep things at hand.  You can get metal ones and plastic ones in a variety of prices.
I use these wallets to store the photocopying in for each week.  Anything I know that I will have every week, like poem of the week or handwriting or a basic facts test or whatever, I photocopy off at the beginning of each term and I have a wallet for each week of the term with my photocopying organised in it ready to pull out and go.  I keep the wallets in a hobby box (best size) in order, the current week at the front.  I get these wallets at Warehouse Stationery and you can buy singly, but I find it more cost effective to buy the packs of 10.  K-Mart has wallets too.
I also use these wallets when planning for my reading, writing and maths.  I plan directly into my modelling books (see the link further down in the literacy section), but as I plan I will photocopy, print, create or whatever resources that I want the students to work with, manipulate or write on.  So I have a wallet for each reading group, each maths group and one for writing to keep the things for each group in an easy to grab way.  I will even put the reading books I am working on with a group next in there.  If I don't do this I tend to lose stuff and then kids are left waiting for me to shift through the mammoth piles on my desk.
The Walls
Now you need some of that nice teachery stuff that teachers love having up on the walls.

First of all you'll probably want a visual time table (they are all the rage but also really effective for children who like to know the routine for the day) and the best one I have found is from Sparklebox (see footnote at bottom of blog regarding Sparklebox) and this is the link here

If you are in juniors, you can have one of those calendar things from Sparklebox too.  The link is here.

If you want a birthday display, the link from Sparklebox is here.

If you want a display for classroom jobs, the link from Sparklebox is here.

If you want some numbers in te reo Maori to 20, the link from Sparklebox is here.

If you want the colours in te reo Maori, the link from Sparklebox is here.

If you want the days of the week in te reo Maori, the link from Sparklebox is here.

The link to more te reo Maori resources on Sparklebox is here.  Just click on the resource, and then click on the Te Rangatiratanga flag to access the te reo Maori version.

Also look for the "editable version" in Sparklebox to personalise certain resources.

If Sparklebox doesn't rock your world, expecially after you read the footnote, there are other options.

You may consider a Twinkl subscription (check to see if your school already has a subscription or not) as they have heaps of cool things for setting up a class.  I have really enjoyed updating my classroom with Twinkl resources last year as some of my stuff I've been using for 15-20 years and I've created heaps of new Te Reo resources to challenge the kids and me.

Green Grubs Garden Club is pure Kiwi resources and seen on TV3's Mean Mums comedy set in a real school.  There are some very affordable class start up resources, lots of Te Reo and Pasifika language resources too.

Don't be afraid to make your own resources for the wall.  Embrace using programs like publisher as well as the colour printer, coloured paper, glue sticks and a laminator.  Getting your own laminator for when you have a need/desire/necessity to laminate is advisable.  You can get a decent one for $50-$70 at Warehouse Stationery.

Also check out Files on NZ Teachers for more fabulous resources others have shared.

I like using this site, Instant Display, to create my own lettering that I print out for my walls (see the example above).  You can also buy ready to go lettering from catalogues you will find in your staff room, as seen in the picture below.

Setting up your Literacy programme
Personally, I have a modelling book for each group and I run the Reading Tumble as I teach guided reading.  To find out more about various parts of teaching Literacy, see:
Twinkl has got a heap of literacy resources, everything from sight words to reading comprehension to.... well, the world is your oyster on Twinkl.  Looking for a distinctly Kiwi literacy resource?  Look no further than Top Teaching Tasks with a range of literacy resources for a fee and some are free!  Sparklebox has a lot of literacy resources you can download and make, you can get some phonics activities here, and these websites will also help you out with your literacy programme, but last time I used these links I th:

The books I definitely recommend that the school should have on hand for you are these:

Effective Literacy Practice - there are two books, one aimed at Years 1-4 and one aimed at Years 5-8.  This really should be already in the classroom ready for you to use (you should not have to buy your own copy - thanks Dawn for reminding me to put this in), but I included the digital link above for when your book is not where you are.  Teachers in the know call it ELP for short.  I've still got the original copy I got when it first came out.  I highlighted and scribbled in it enough that I wanted to keep it, so when I left the school, I replaced the one in my class and kept this one.

Teaching Handwriting  -  It might be from when I was still at primary school, but it has the style of handwriting that is mandated for New Zealand.  There is a digital link to this book in my blog I linked above about Handwriting.

Junior Handwriting and Senior Handwriting from Start Right  -  I use these books because they are brilliant with teaching kids correct formation, from learning to write through printing, flicking and linking.  You can get them at your local bookstore or order from the publisher.  I explain how I use them in my Handwriting blog post up above.

Sheena Cameron's books are gold.  Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies has lots of fabulous resources that will support your guided reading programme, which makes it, along with your ELP, a companion book to planning.  Check that it is in your school first before you run out and buy it for yourself.  Use The Reading Activity Handbook along side it.

The Publishing and Display Handbook and The Writing Book are also must haves for teachers today with lots of ideas for writing lessons, displays, techniques, indicators, etc.

I also recommend the Alison Davis book Building Reading Comprehension....

....and Jill Eggleton's Lighting the Literacy Fire.

I also really love Gail Loane and Sally Muir's book I've Got Something to Say:

I also recommend these books for supporting word family work:

I picked these four resources up through the Teacher's Scholastic Book Club - it's a cost effective way of getting great teaching resources.

Definitely make sure that you have all the pinkish Numeracy Project books in your class to have at hand for planning and teaching - at worst you can download the PDFs at NZ Maths (link is below in my essential website list).  Ensure that your classroom has been kitted out by the school with the full box of resources for teaching the Numeracy Project.  Check out the NZ Teachers page for heaps of really awesome maths resources.

This is my post on how you could run a Maths Tumble.  Check it out and take what works for you from that.

Here are some essential websites that I use regularly when planning my maths time:
I've also collected a number of my own books over the years.  The Teacher's Bookclub has provided a lot, but also watch out for books at $2 Shops for the younger kids or the struggling older kids.
A few more helpful websites and blog posts and ramblings
  • As I've said above, I've become a big fan of Rosie over at the Green Grubs Garden Club blog and resource page.  If you want a really awesome source of great Kiwi resources, especially for Maori kupu, and typical NZ topics like Waitangi Day, Anzac Day and Matariki... this is a great place to go.
You will never be able to walk through a $2 Shop, bookshop, the Warehouse or a supermarket without wanting to buy the shop out.  Resist everything except what you truly need.  Set yourself a limit each pay period if you feel you must indulge.  Keep receipts for anything you can get reimbursed for and fill out that paper work and hand it in.

A number of $2 Shops now have magnetic te reo Maori resources that are worth getting.  I get my map posters and the like from $2 Shops and a lot of crafty stuff like pom poms, feathers, googly eyes, and the like.  They are also fabulous for stickers and stamps.

David's Emporium in Hamilton is a great place to get resources too.  Someone pointed out that they got 25m of velcro for $40 which is way more cost effective than $27 for 10m at Warehouse Stationery!  And there are so many other useful things in an emporium too!  If your classroom is super ugly, you can make it over with brightly coloured eco cloth (similar to, but nicer than, weed mat) to brighten up the space.

Get sauce bottles with wide necks to use as glue bottles for PVA.  The wide necks make it easier to fill up the bottles with PVA when you are time poor with 50,000 kids wanting your attention at once.  With the narrow nozzle it allows the glue to be easily manipulated.  Use a folded out paper clip to unblock it, but teach the kids to put the bottle upright and give it a wee squeeze after use to make a bubble blow out and keep the bottle tip unblocked.

NEVER EVER use a paint brush in PVA.  You'll never have any paint brushes for painting if you let the kids use paint brushes in PVA.  They will all end up with the bristles glued together.  Have dishwashing liquid in the class and use warm water to wash brushes regularly.  That would be a good monitor job.

Teach your kids to glue in, either with PVA or a glue stick, by going around the outside edge and then doing a diagonal cross from corner to corner as a quick and efficient method of gluing that will minimise the risk of the work falling out.

When it comes to hot glue guns, I prefer to purchase the smaller ones.  I find the big ones hard to use, so imagine how tricky they are for children!!  But I always supervise the use of the glue gun.  I burn myself all the time after all.  Make it a rule that when it is not in use that it is unplugged and if it's not needed at all that it is put safely away from sticky little fingers.

I personally prefer A4 sized books for my classwork.  It means we usually only have to trim two sides of an A4 paper before gluing in worksheets.  Teaching skills like this are essential at the beginning of the year to getting tidy books and preventing loss of work. 

I also teach the kids to cut using scissors by holding the big side of the paper and then cut off the little side and then rotate the paper.  I can't stand seeing kids turning their arms in Twister fashion to cut something out and then seeing them cut off a part that was essential!  (I know!!  I'm a control freak!!).  Teach the children to hold the blade of the scissors rather than the handle when moving around the classroom for safety.

Teach kids to only use felts for outlining and colouring small titles, so the felts last a long time.  Have a lot of colouring pencils and Jovis for doing the colouring in with.  Choose sharpeners that have containers to catch shavings.  You don't want shavings all over the floor.  I make the kids pick them all up with they do that.

I usually have trays for each table group with the felts, colouring pencils and Jovis they need in there.  I wrap different coloured insulation tape (see below) around each pencil and pen so that if someone finds a random pencil on the floor, they can put it straight back in the right tray.  You can get the tape at the Warehouse usually and sometimes at $2 Shops.  Occasionally I've had to go to Mitre 10.  It means that every group will have equitable access to equipment and then one group can not hog everything.  I also make sure I have a PVA glue bottle and sellotape holder for each group.  It helps with time management when we are all gluing or taping something in our books at the same time.  I also have enough staplers per group for the same reason.  Students usually have their own glue sticks.

Personally, I believe bookwork should be done in pen, and that pencil is for maths, drawing and drafting.  I really can not be bothered with the "My pencil is broken" chant which is why I prefer pens, but you need to abide by the school expectations if they have them.  I also can't stand bendy rulers.  Within a month you can't rule a straight line with them.  I encourage parents to buy rulers with cm and mm on them rather than inches to save the confusion when learning measurement.
Teacher Wellbeing
Remember to take time out to enjoy your family and friends.  Don't be a hero and keep going without asking for help - you'll burn yourself out and be no good to anyone.  Ask lots of questions of your colleagues, be aware of deadlines and plan for them (ironic of me to say!), and check in with those in the know to make sure you are on the right track. Make sure that at least once a week (minimum) you go home with no extra work at 4:00pm and have some "Me Time".  Eat sensibly, exercise.  Try to keep a store of healthy snacks at school and eat breakfast every day.  Eat your veges! 

Vital to your mental health as a BT:  Read this article, Advice to grad teachers: 'I made one big mistake you should avoid.'  It is written by Tegan Morgan, a young Australian teacher who burnt herself out before she even got through her first year of teaching.  Don't repeat her mistake.

Start taking vitamins and immune boosters early on, because you will get every bug going during your first year - so also keep a healthy supply of Panadol, cold & flu medicine, cough mixture, throat lozenges and tissues at home.  If you get sick, stay home and get better faster - don't give it to your colleagues or students.  If it persists, go to the doctor - save some money for going to the doctors, because you will need to go more often than ever before.  Most classes are fitted with soap for hand washing - do it regularly, particularly before eating and if the school doesn't provide it, get yourself some of that gel that disinfects your hands.  Teach the kids how to sneeze and cough into their elbows to stop them spreading germs from their hands around the class.

It would pay to put together a reliever's kit with a class roll, time table, outline of routines and a few go to ideas for a reliever so they don't obliterate your plans you have going on with the students.  Thankfully, in these days of email, you can always email a plan into your principal or senior leader to give to the reliever if you are as much of a control freak as I am as a classroom teacher.  But, having been a reliever in the past, they are paid the big bucks to step in at the last moment and if they are worth the big bucks, they should be able to whip up a great day of learning without bothering you on your sick bed.

It would pay to be familiar with the life of a reliever, so check out my recent post Tips for Relievers.  

Being Organised for the Term:
At the beginning of every term, during the term break, photocopy everything you know you will use during the term with the students, organise it into the groups and which week and store it in folders or wallets ready to go.  I can not stress how much time this saves me during the term knowing that my handwriting or poetry or homework is ready to roll.

Homework is going to be a huge bugbear during your teaching career.  You will never have all the parents happy at the same time, so KISS - Keep It Simply Simple.  But for some inspiration, here is my post on homework: Homework - the eternal can of worms for teachers, students and families: "To give or not to give?  That is the question!"

Take the time to set the routines for sitting on the mat, lining up, moving around the school, getting equipment and activities out and putting them away, setting up art activities and cleaning up, listening to instructions, pack up at the end of the day, coming in after breaks, how you listen to stories, class discussions, group work, guided teaching sessions, how to do literacy and numeracy activities independently.... you name it, be thorough.  It will pay off in the long run if you take that time and you are consistent with enforcing the routines.  If you are coming in part way through the year, you may need to adopt some of the previous teacher's routines, but the students need to fit with how you teach, they need to learn to adapt.

You will always need more blutack, Velcro dots, sellotape and glue sticks than you are given.  Make the admin staff in charge of this stuff in your group of closest friends as soon as possible.  Learn what you can get on your classroom budget as much as possible and guard it from small sticky fingers jealously.  You will spend a lot of your own money.  But try very hard to resist this for the basics that schools should provide.  And if you do, supply the receipts to the school so they see how much you are subsidising them.

Get to know the caretaking staff and the cleaners well.  Please respect your cleaners by getting the kids to tidy up properly.  The caretaking staff always know where extra furniture is and can often work miracles with existing furniture.  Make sure the kids respect the furniture.

Make sure you know the routines for when kids feel sick, especially a child who feels like they are going to vomit.  One school I was at had the sacred sick bowl and if someone felt ill, a child was sent down to the sick bay to get it and the ill child sat with the bowl in class until they went home or they felt the time had passed.  Find out who is responsible for cleaning up any vomit.  Some schools have specific staff to do that, and in others (usually a small school) it will be you, so you need to know where to get the stuff to clean it up with.

Most importantly, take the time to learn about your students.  You will only learn so much from their portfolio.  You need to take the time to talk to your students before and after school, during duty, at random times like during a running record.... talk to their mums and dads or significant caregivers who are full of very important tid bits about their child.  Talk to the teachers who had the students before you - they have a lot of important tid bits too.

Don't forget to share who you are with the children.  Think about what is appropriate before sharing with the students.  But I've found that the kids love to hear about my pets or funny stories from when I was a kid.  They love knowing what I did in the holidays (within reason).  Share those experiences that demonstrate that you are a learner and the life of being a teacher too.  (This part is a late addition due to feedback - thanks Marama).

And remember to laugh and have fun.  You can cry too - certain Anzac Day books always bring me to tears when I read them to the class.  Sing to them during spelling tests, put on a crazy voice during marking sessions, dress up for house events or for a special day (one time I dressed for Melbourne Cup Day and we made fascinators and ties).  Every now and again do something nice for the kids for a treat, like letting them choose the sport for the afternoon, or having a bring a boardgame day, or popcorn and a DVD.  Learn to love the children in your class.  Even the most "interesting child" will have something special about them that you can cherish.  

Do something nice for your fellow staff members too every now and again.  A morning tea shout, a sneaky bite sized chocolate bar with a message attached, offering to do a duty or take their class into yours for a shared story or some singing... these things are always appreciated.

This applies to beginning teachers, teachers who are returning to the profession after a break in service and those whose fixed term positions were short so their holiday pay will not carry you through until the 27 January:  YOU SHOULD BE PAID TO ATTEND ANY TEACHER ONLY DAYS AND MEETINGS PRIOR TO 28th JANUARY.  It says so in the Primary Teacher Collective Agreement.  Make sure you and your principal are on the same page on this because it is in the Collective.

Good Luck and Best Wishes
As I think of more things, I will update this post, and if you have any further suggestions, please put them in the comments.  This is not an exhaustive list, but these are the things I have found useful each and every time I set up my class.

Best wishes to you as you begin in the journey of being a teaching professional.

I did wrestle with including the links to Sparklebox in this post.  Most people are aware that the founder of the site was a teacher and was arrested, convicted and jailed for having child pornography on his computer and all that entails.  I believe the founder has changed his first name and remains a director of Sparklebox from what I have gleaned.

But I did include the links because most Beginning Teachers are financially poor, setting up their classrooms weeks in advance of being paid.  Sparklebox has free resources, resources that were created by a teacher for teachers.

So I believe it is a personal choice as to whether or not you choose to use the resources.  Personally, I have.  I just tend to cut the Sparklebox logo off what I can before laminating.  It makes it fit into the pouch better and stick together (pro tip there).

LAST EDIT: 12/1/22