Learning is....
Planting a seed in our brain... learning to water, nurture and grow it.... so we can live on the fruit of our learning and plant more seeds.

Showing posts with label Pasi Sahlberg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pasi Sahlberg. Show all posts

Friday, 12 October 2012

A Fully Loaded Term Break!!

Woooaaaahhh!!! This has been one intense term break!

Last week I went to the NZEI Annual Meeting.

I was shocked at what an ignorant Minister of Eduation we have and how people can be blinded by her jingoism and pretty words.

I was rather annoyed (I would prefer a stronger term here) to find out how poor the MOE has been in our contract negotiations, the lack of respect they have for teachers and their conditions - the condidtions your children learn in.

I was scared by what is happening in Australia to teachers knowing that the National govt are following in their footsteps.

I was in despair with the predictions for the future as well as a commentary of what is happening by the Secretary of NZEI, Paul Goulter.

I was inspired by Pasi Sahlberg from Finland who spoke common sense.

For the last three days I've been having the most amazing PD - sorry - PLD (professional learning development) at ULearn in Auckland with 1500 other educators. 

The keynote speakers and breakout presenters were awesome, and I've come away very inspired for the coming term!!  Some just in time learning has occurred to help me with the exciting things I have planned.

In the next few days I will be refining my notes, referring back to my tweets and those of fellow tweeters, and reflecting on my learning so I can share it with you.  Hopefully you will find it helpful too.