This is the Smackdown for #educampthetron 2017.
I decided to go to the breakouts for Sketchnoting and Seesaw as these items have become more popular.
Sylvia Duckworth has published a book called Sketchnotes for Educators which is a great resource and a wonderful example of what you can Sketchnote about.
Jan Maree recommended Paper53 (starter level and has a free app) and ProCreate (which is next level and a paid app) and are in the Sylvia Duckworth presentation.
It was discussed that it is best done on a tablet, and even better with a stylus. It would be very frustrating on a computer with a mouse. A low tech solution is to begin with pencil and paper. OneNote and GoogleDraw are other options for learning too.
My second breakout was learning about Seesaw. Seesaw is an online portfolio to showcase the learning journey of each students. There is a free and a paid version. It is student driven and each child has their own log on to add to their portfolio.
There is a teacher app so teachers can have an overview of all actions. There is a parent app where they will only see their own child. Teachers send parents an invitation, parents accept and click on their child and the teacher approves it (so privacy issues are covered).
Children can access their portfolio via their email account or a QR code.
This link may help you understand some processes with Seesaw: How do I add posts to Seesaw?
You can put up a post and have parents respond fairly quickly. Ideal for the parent of a NE child who leaves them crying at the beginning of a school day and then receive a photo of the child happily engaged fifteen minutes later.
- 21 July - ConnectED at Southwell School in Hamilton
- 29 July - Educamp Auckland at Papakura High School in South Auckland
- 5 August - EducampBOP at Tahatai Coast School in Papamoa
- 11-13 October - ULearn17 in Hamilton