We were lucky enough to be taken on a tour by the principal, Ian Leckie, through all the teaching spaces. Ian discussed the differences between the two blocks and the learning achieved through teaching in these spaces - not only pedagogical, but the practicalities of what materials achieve the best sound control on the walls and the floors and the ceilings, where walls should and shouldn't be and furniture.
Before that though we had the Smackdown, which you can view slide by slide here:
@shonapoppe is passionate about the use of Kahoot in her class. It is all about quizzes which can be child made or teacher made. She uses it as part of her assessment tool kit. There is no social media so all good for students under 16. It can be curriculum based (because you choose the quiz topic) and is very versatile. https://getkahoot.com/
Connected Learning Advisory (Te Ara Whitiki)
Dave Merton explained that this is a free advisory service for all schools and “geek based” – it
really about helping teachers with the learning side of connectivity. Phone based
- 0800 700 400 – goes to
Wellington and then re-directed to more local people. Mostly dealing with Google apps, Microsoft 365
and Snup issues currently. Also
deployment of i-Pads. Behind these
people are others with even more knowledge.
They don’t tell you “how” to do it, but give you advice and options for
you to choose from. Could be over phone,
Skype, f2f, Google Doc….
Google Cardboard
The lovely @mrs_hyde has spent her leave playing with her new toy, Google Cardboard. It is a low cost virtual reality platform designed to be used with your mobile phone to explore other places and worlds. Annemarie saw this as an opportunity for students to create their own virtual worlds as part of their learning.
The lovely @mrs_hyde has spent her leave playing with her new toy, Google Cardboard. It is a low cost virtual reality platform designed to be used with your mobile phone to explore other places and worlds. Annemarie saw this as an opportunity for students to create their own virtual worlds as part of their learning.
Google Classroom
@kirbyme explained why she is using Google Classroom and the benefits her class has gotten using this for learning and organisation. It goes across platforms, so you can use it with I-pads and chrome books, etc. She explained it is similar to Harpara. Google logins are needed for each kid, but you can block the email part of it so you don't have to worry about them creating Facebook accounts and the like. The children are leading it and demanding more tasks. They are asking lots of questions and children are answering the questions in return, so that the teacher doesn't have to do all the work.
Explain Everything
@bekwhyte explained how she uses Explain Everything in her class. She says it is great for assessment as a teacher and it is up to the children how they present with it. You can use it as a teaching tool to help model a particular skill. You can attach videos, pictures, draw... This teacher uses it to teach one problem solving question a week. http://explaineverything.com/
Google Slides
@marykjam demonstrated how you can use Google Slides to make posters because it is way easier there than in Google Docs apparently. Good tip.
@TopKat76 shared Powtoon with us. She said that it has high engagement and is great for presentations. Powtoon is a Google App with a free Edu version. You can connect to it through your Google Drive (go to new, connect to apps and search it so you can access it).
Mystery Skype
@TopKat76 also talked about making your class a truly global class by using #MysterySkype. She said it was fine for time zones in the US Canada when it is daylight savings time, not so when it is not. Can access authors (but mostly US based). The "Mystery" part is not to say where you are from, but to get people to guess.
Google Educator Group NZ
@FionaGrant talked to us about another forum for NZ teachers. In other countries it is being done by city, but here in NZ it was decided to go nationwide (it was considered that it would be a bit snobby if they established it city by city here). Members communicate using Google Hangouts, Google+.... and they are looking to do local events for teachers f2f driven by local teachers.
Google Drawing
@FionaGrant also discussed how using Google Drawing is a great way to get kids (and teachers) to start in Google Apps.
Janette Murphy discussed how the teachers applying for ACET have had little to go on and their need for support. Through VLN there has been a group set up for those who are applying for ACET and those who have been through it already to support each other.
@TopKat76 has been set up by Barb Reid with three other classrooms (Bombay, Christchurch, other SI school) to do Quadblogging. Each child in @TopKat76's class has their own blog. They have developed relationships with other classes who comment on each other's blog. You do not have to be Blogger based either.
@jaminlietze shared about someone who inspires him: LeadershipFreak is a good guy to follow on leadership and change and a person who inspires others. I have to agree. I have read some of his stuff. He is 'real'.
Jo Brown shared about Padlet. She uses it to get children thinking and for assessment. It is great for brainstorming with a class or collecting ideas.
Later on in the day @FionaGrant also introduced a small group of us to Periscope, an app attached to Twitter, which allows you to do a mini video podcast of something. Apparently it does not stick around forever, so is for short term viewing. Well I hope that is right because I looked down right scary in our little video we created!! We also concluded this was more a tool for teacher communication than for students to use. https://www.periscope.tv/
Anne Robertson, a new Core Connected Advisor, came to her first Educamp and this blog post, Educamp BOP - a challenge to secondary school teachers!, is her reflection on the day and a challenge to her secondary colleagues. Anne also compiled the Storify below, which saved me from doing one, so cheers Anne!!
Sadly, Storify has deleted itself from the Social Media scene, so all my Storify stories have gone. ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Sadly, Storify has deleted itself from the Social Media scene, so all my Storify stories have gone. ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜