Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Yoga Update

Hot Yoga is not for me but I love yoga. Hot Yoga is specifically Bikram Yoga which is a version of yoga that has been synthesized from  Hatha yoga by Bikram Choudhury. It is traditionally done in a room that is 105 degrees with 40% humidity. I tried it three times and I determined the following...(for myself only some people may take to it quickly)

  • The poses are very advanced for a beginner.
  • The poses are done at a very high transition rate that does not lend itself well to beginners.
  • The temperature of the room does help you get more flexible but it can also aggravate other health issues. So you have to be careful and very in tune with your body.
  • The way it was taught the instructor did not interact too much with the students so at times I felt like I was unsure of what I was doing without any guidance to fix it. And that I was in danger of getting into poses incorrectly and possibly injuring myself.
 I need a slower, cooler, more hands on instruction to start out. I signed up at another yoga studio for a Yoga 101 class that is a very slow, hands-on class led by a delightful instructor who encourages contemplative movement and intentional flow. I LOVE it!! It is a 6-week series so I'm enjoying the gradual increase. It is much more relaxing for me.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November Goals

I've been inspired by The Life and Lessons of Rachel Wilkerson and Beth's Journey and their lists of November goals. So I decided I would share my November goals.

  • Clean up my of the dangers of your spouse being deployed is that it is easy to ignore things because it is just you and you are the only one who has to deal with it. My kitchen counter is slightly buried in mail, my bedroom has piles of laundry (clean and dirty), my carpet needs a vacuum desperately, and I'm tired of it so I am going to get it back under control.
  • Weekly Yoga Class...I have purchased some passes for local yoga places on Groupon and Living Social so I've been using them to take a weekly yoga class. I'm really enjoying it and I feel much more relaxed and energized following the class. Sadly Tidewater Hot Yoga Studio is closing at the end of the month but I'm hoping my experience at Zenya will be as good.
  • Weekly Weight Lifting...for both the yoga and my dance classes I need to work on my core strength as well as my upper body strength. Also I know that muscle is important in losing weight. And I feel good after I do it. My ultimate goal is two to three times a week but baby steps first.
  • Walking Two-Three Times a Week...both the dogs and I benefit from this. I am a person who cannot lose weight just on eating healthy alone I have to have exercise of some sort even if it is only 30 minutes three times a week. My dogs are high energy creatures who need to burn off their energy. If I take them for a walk I get two birds with one stone. (but don't mention birds in front of the dogs).
  • Fix and Eat More Meals at Home...I like to cook and further I like my cooking. I also find that when I cook I save money and calories. My goal is to make dinners that I can then bring for lunch. I have a crazy obsession with found many recipes online that I want to try including a pumpkin pasta recipe from Rachel Ray. 
  • Daily Bible Study...I saved the best/most important for last. I lead a Bible Study at work called Balanced Living by First Place 4 Health and it has daily Bible study lessons which I usually do in the two days before the Bible study class. I want to get back in the habit of doing them daily.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hot Yoga
I have practiced Yoga on and off since I was about 10 years old. I've always done basic poses in a class or as part of a warm up/cool-down at the gym. It has been a while since I've been in a class and on Tuesday I used my Living Social coupon to try Tidewater Hot Yoga.

I went to an hour long hot yoga class. I thought it was an interesting concept that the heat would allow you to stretch more. I was able to keep up with most of the class and really enjoyed it. I was dripping in sweat when I was done but I felt great! My favorite part was at the end when we were doing the closing she placed a cold peppermint oil cloth on our foreheads. It felt divine and it helped my sinuses greatly. Over all I loved the experience!

I have actually bought a 10 class pass at another studio to try them out. Then I may look to buy a punch card from one of them to do yoga on a regular basis. In the past when Mom did it regularly it helped in her weight loss and her emotional well being so that would be a nice bonus for me too.