The meanderings of a church worker and her retired sailor, their lives as they enter the civilian world, their furbabies, and her new business venture.
I've started reading these two books. I'm enjoying both quite a bit. I am going a bit slower than I'd like to get through them because my work schedule is crazy but I'll get through them. When I do I'll post a full review of both.
The views and ideas expressed here are mine and mine alone they do not reflect my husband's views, the Navy's views, or my employer's views. Seeing as how they are mine I would appreciate it if you didn't take them as your own. If you like something share it with others by all means but please give me credit. I will do the same for you.
I'm a bit unusual but since all of are doesn't that make us usual? I am an Air Force brat born at the Air Force Academy. I was fortunate that I moved to some cool places but not too many...I now call sultry Southeast Virginia my home. I am with a great Navy guy but I understand the joys (and pains) of being single. I love children...but I love visiting with them and don't plan on having them. But I am a Mommy to four kitties and two beautiful Pit bulls. (although one is a baby boy so he is handsome not beautiful) I love my family with all its quirks. Like many people I have an issue with weight and food so I'm working on it.