Showing posts with label book reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book reviews. Show all posts

Monday, May 14, 2012

Book Review: The Happiness Project - Getting Started

After a recommendation from my sister-in-law I went to my nearest Barnes and Noble and bought it. I started reading it that night and I love it. Gretchen Rubin determined that she wasn't as happy as she could be so she went on a year long "journey" to find her happiness. I was going to wait to review it until I was at the end but I've decided there is so much insight that I will go chapter by chapter.

Getting Started
In her search to define happiness she came up with this as a possible definition "Defining happiness: that the opposite of happiness is unhappiness, not depression." (pg. 7, the Happiness Project) I thought this quote was so true because I wouldn't say I'm depressed but at times I'm unhappy and there is a big difference. Depression is a serious condition that should be treated by a doctor.

She also comes up with her 12 Commandments to guide her in this process and I love this concept. I'm working on a set of mine own. Some examples of her Commandments...

1. Be Gretchen
10. Do what ought to be done.
12. There is only love.

But what sold me on loving this book was her "Secrets of Adulthood" which included such insights as

People don't notice your mistakes as much as you think.
By doing a little bit each day, you can get a lot accomplished.
Happiness doesn't always make you feel happy.
If you're not failing, you're not trying hard enough.

I found my self going "wow she's right" to many of her "Secrets of Adulthood."

In her experience not everyone will be on board with your "happiness project" some people will assume you are happy enough. And she determined that "one of my goals for the happiness project was to prepare for adversity - to develop self-discipline and the mental habits to deal with a bad thing when it happened." (pg 15, The Happiness Project) And I like this concept because I think having a good foundation before something bad happens makes a world of difference. It makes things a bit easier to deal with.

I'll keep you up to date as I go along. I also recommend her website it has some great suggestions, tips, etc.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Book Review: I Got This by Jennifer Hudson

I read a lot, magazines, online, and books. Usually a book takes me about three to four days sometimes even up to a week. But last week I bought Jennifer Hudson's "I Got This" book and I finished it in a couple days. It was great! I loved reading about her journey to fame, her faith, her family, and her success at weight loss with Weight Watchers.

The way she wrote it felt more like a good conversation with a friend than a book. I felt like she just puts it out there and you can take or leave it. Throughout the book when someone would tell her something (mainly her Mom) she would respond "whatever" and of course the person was usually right.

Overall I thought it was a well written, enjoyable book that is definitely worth the read whether you're a Jennifer Hudson fan, a Weight Watchers fan, or just someone looking for a good book.

Whatcha been reading lately?

P.S. This book inspired me to watch Dreamgirls which happened to be on demand...that was a good movie too!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Book Review - Give God a Year

As I've mentioned I've started leading First Place 4 Heath at the church where I work. It is a four-sided approach to weight loss. It focuses on the mind (scripture memorization, keeping a "live it tracker"), strength (exercise, eat well), soul (prayer, Bible Study, Scripture reading), and heart (connect with other at meetings, offer intentional acts of encouragement) to get us more balanced in our lives. Their attitude is "give us a year." So I've committed to lead this class for a year. So far it has served me well I've lost 5lbs since January 6th. I'm pleased.

As part of this I decided to read Carole Lewis' book Give God a Year, Change Your Life Forever. If you are wrestling with parts of your life particularly your relationship with God I cannot recommend this book enough. It has chapter titles like "Accepting the Challenge," "God's Will for Us," "Attitude is everything," and "Emotional Healing." How would our lives be different if we gave God a year to change and work in us? I'm making a pledge to give First Place a year and to give God a year.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Book Review: Body Clutter

I've decided to start reading more and I figure if I'm reading something good I'll share it with you guys. So today's book...

Body Clutter by Marla Cilley and Leanne Ely is a must read if you have weight issues or body issues. I have gone to the Fly Lady to learn how to get my house in order using "baby steps" and the wonderful ladies who brought us advice on keeping our house clean now focus on getting our ultimate home in order. Interestingly enough their theory is that they are related. The clutter in your home and the clutter on your body are related to many of the same issues.

Throughout the book they have Body Clutter journal suggestions. I haven't done all the journal stuff but the information in the book is brilliant. They use word associations like FLY (Finally Loving Yourself) and HALT (Don't allow yourself to get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired). They tell you that you have control not the potato chips, the cookies, or the cake. They tell you to avoid "Stinking Thinking" the negative thoughts that we can so often fall victim to.