About Me

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Retired, housewife, mother of three. Picking up the pieces after God decided the 145 year old farmhouse was no longer the house for us. Praise God for His mercy and love!

Friday, October 13, 2023

Happy Birthday

 in Heaven, Hun. I miss you so much. 🙏

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

For Odie

 August 2013. Wally Gator came to visit. I was mowing. He was not impressed with the tractor.

When pressed, he went around the oak tree.

Hubby decided to lasso him.

And we took him back across the street to his bayou home.

He was not thankful.. ;-)

We're glad he didn't show up for the reunion. No telling what the little kids would have thought. 

There you have it, Odie :)  Wally Gators have round noses. Crocs have pointed noses. :-D 

You all be safe and God bless.