About Me

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Retired, housewife, mother of three. Picking up the pieces after God decided the 145 year old farmhouse was no longer the house for us. Praise God for His mercy and love!

Thursday, June 8, 2023

So the year is almost half over.

 Not posting much.  Still try to read blogs. Comment when I feel I have something to say. 

So, a few pictures.

I have never seen ducks perch. Sorry for the quality but as you can see it was early morning and I spotted them as we were leaving the house. 

Not sure why; but I never knew that potatoes bloomed.

For me, potatoes are the easiest things to grow. Even if you can't take care of them properly, they will give you a harvest. Thank you, Lord. :)

We have a cat that adopted us. Not sure what happened to her tail. It was like that when she said she needed to live with us. Hubby named her Punkin. She LOVES to run. Her nickname is Punkin McQueen. She also likes to climb. Yes, that is a hand truck that she likes to climb on to see where else she might be able to get to. :)

If I did it right, this link will open in a new window to show her speed...

Just wait... :)

Crawfish season is almost over. May try to get one more meal if we can. :)

Hard to believe it has been two months now. There many times when it is definitely believable. 

You all be safe and God bless.